funeral procession route today

biggest stingray ever caught

including everyone that has made these comments .. at least they are out there trying to make an honest living !! This isn't the first time we've seena ray give birth under strange circumstances. After hiking up a long way to the river, Bill Valverde and his buddies realized that they had left their bait back at home. Its a fish. 'The latest capture indicates that these stingrays are growing at a fast and healthy rate.'. It would have been better if the world really was flat, then that side would not be there. Why single out the chinese? might be large but not for a whale as breakfast. 2009-10-10 21:51:40. Cambodian villagers have caught the world's biggest freshwater fish ever recorded, according to researchers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. why is it that everything that we see (humans) have to destroy EVERYTHING.No matter what eveyone is calling the sting ray or mantarayit was doing no one harmliving its lifeand then was killedover our need to covet and own everything we see, and as most times ended in the death of a animal that NEVER did any harm. After three hours of wrangling, Luke Sweeney caught this massive shark back in 2001 at the Oak Bluffs Master Shark Tournament. Wake up there are many reports and articles on these giant stinrays if you bother to read. A fisherman in northern Cambodia hooked what researchers say is the world's largest freshwater fish a giant stingray that scientists know relatively little about. It was so big that several men on board a small fishing boat had to take it in turns to help on the rod. When Alfred Dean reeled in this massive white shark in Ceduna, Australia, back on April 21, 1959, it blew the fishing community out of the water. A stingray weighing nearly 800lb is thought to be the largest freshwater fish ever caught by rod and line. Rick Humphries, of UK company Fishsiam, whose fishing guides helped reel in the ray, said: 'We have caught over 450 different stingrays and our estimations have been proved highly accurate on the rare occasions we have weighed this species. Stop being a tough guy on the internet. Whether it be sub-species of fish already decimated by overfishing or shark finning, this culture has an insatiable appetite for anything it can shove into its gob!! (and if they ever find any giant mutated squids that could wall on land, i would like to borrow them to take over the world! it makes me really sad that they just kill everything, regardless of the fact that this is an amazingly huge and beautiful animal. The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is also one of the fastest fish in the ocean, reaching speeds of 44 mph! By Jason Bittel. Human nature is indeed, sometimes, but more often a full bottle of 100% pure stupidity, really, of the most purest kind. ^_^ think of the fun that would be! Why do they have to kill everything.. cats, dogs, shit let the poor animal LIVE. If you havent by now you probably need to get a shrink to help you understand that you are a human and as such you should not only be a kind steward of the animals but that you SHOULD also eat them. At least they made some coin to put some food in their human familys mouths. i say kill them all, let the plankton save our atmosphere.=), well, if you guys really wanna save the earth and animals, why dont you just take out the whole human population? Recorded in 1920, this huge manta ray even made it into the Guinness World Records as the largest manta ray ever recorded. The giant stingray was caught in Cambodia. These things have the largest Barb of all Stingray. 4. Wow, good one there, blame the Chinese for the extinction of animals. Goliath Grouper - 680 lb. For all you know they could be Canadian, British, hell they could be from Japan for all you know; not that it matters. /healthier than you //happier than you for sure ///worried about more important things. Video: Divers dwarfed by the biggest sunfish we've ever seen, Massive oceanic manta ray accidentally caught in Peru, Blobfish might be a gooey mess out of water, but check out a living one! Shut upHumans are omnivoruos. Dont blame the Chinese for killing animals or fish to live and be thankful that they use most of the parts for food, medicine, and etc. Required fields are marked *. I agree with Barry. The Japanese are horribly infamous for ruining marine populations. We are guilty here of killing life in some form or anotherby killing trees, driving winter beaters, even by not recycling or by eating a burger. Stingray mouths are located under them/under their body, whereas manta ray mouths are located infront of their faces.. like that ^ , make any sense? The easiest was to tell the difference is its mouth, which on a manta is at the front of the head while on a Himantura chaophraya it is under the body. Many of the poor do not know if certain species are endangered or not, so dont think they are doing this on purpose. Wait until they are 18, dude. It looks big, but not huge. Is this the largest common stingray ever caught (and released)? World's Largest Rsquo. Really?? This is a fish. After the catch Mr Corwin tweeted: 'Potential world record freshwater fish, giant stingray, 14ft X 8ft! Fish get eaten. What is the biggest stingray ever seen? The problem however, is that there are too many people on this planet and farming is a very important key to our survival that if every country doesnt start using soon, therell be nothing left. After a long four hours and 11 minutes, Donna Pascoe (56) of Three Kings, New Zealand, caught this massive Pacific Bluefin Tuna with a traditional rod and reel. Alfred Dean caught the white shark using a porpoise for bait. so if your REALLY love animals, just go destroyer on the human race and im SURE we arent worth living. Stingrays liver can be made into fish oil, the bones and intestines are used in medical fish powder, and the meat is a delicacy in most restaurants. Why cant we just leave things alone? Despite her super-sized weight, the female giant manta ray only reached a . They officially are the biggest fishing feats in history. Maybe if people would start thinking about fishing with nets, theyd know it isnt like they can choose every fish they can catch with them. They most likely killed that ray for its fins as they have been known to do that to mantas in the past. Sharks and rays are verysensitive to stress, and it's not uncommon for females to go into labour after being caught (either on a line, or by a predator). When are they going to realize that all their ridiculous medicines made up of ground animal parts do nothing? Take your passion further by supporting and driving more of the nature news you know and love. its going to die now. I agree with Barry it is a pity they killed it. On February 8th, 1981, Dianne North caught this Bigeye Thresher Shark off the coast of New Zealand. A giant 661-pound stingray was caught in a remote fishing village on the shores of the Mekong River in Cambodia, making it the heaviest freshwater fish ever documented, researchers said. shred the waves with the manta ray! THey need to get into the 21 century and relize that animals have rights and what they are doing is wrong! This is a river Stingray, it has a barb, it is round, and its mouth is underneath, where are you guys getting info that it doesnt? These people destroy animals for pride and so called medicine But its all bull! But much to everyone's surprise, the network has decided to pull the plug, after admitting they were running out of monsters to feature. Location: Fernandina Beach, FL. They probably thought they had the motherload and 3 hours later were like holy cow, look at that. IT IS A MANTA RAY. What its like to struggle just to feed your family? Casting nets, the fishermen caught a 3,300 lbs Stingray, which took about 3 hours to pull back into the boat. A stingray weighing nearly 800lb has become the largest freshwater fish ever caught by rod and line. can this person (realplaya) be more stupid? The fish has been measured as the largest freshwater fish ever recorded. Then . Hell the crab fishermen on TV get $1500 for a couple of crabs, these dudes get $1500 for this monster? Without further ado, the 17 biggest fish ever caught are: 17. why dont they just let it live,make it breed by itself..and hunt them when they have a lot of them?? To this day, this white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish ever caught in North America with a rod and reel. Two months is too young to go clubbing. would be funny if these all of a suden became agressive, and therefore a more dominate species in the water. 'The battle to bring this giant fish to the boat was epic and it took many hours and multiple guys rotating off and on the reel. All human will eat whatever they want or need to. What is the largest stingray ever caught? Nuclear power may not be the most festive of subjects, but it would help keep the fairy lights twinkling at First pictures of British flights sending criminals back to Albania: A group of drug dealers and illegal Thousands of parents will get 35 to spend at supermarkets - how to find out if YOU are owed the cash. Manta rays are huge animals, whats the big deal? Killing a creature of that type for $1500.00 is ignorant, which is the way most of that side of the world is. Appears to be a manta ray, not a stingray. Check out Ashley at least she knows what she's talking about. They kill female babies, dolphins and political dissidents over there. That day, they caught this 279-pound world record alligator gar, the biggest fish ever caught in freshwater with a rod and reel in Texas. An 5-7 metre giant oceanic manta ray was accidentally caught off the coast of Peru last week. First hooked by local fisherman. The largest species is the giant freshwater stingray (Himantura chaophraya), found in rivers in southeast Asia. You need to google a video of this giant stingray, or watch the show River Monsters, it is the largest known freshwater fish measuring over 10 ft and 700 lbs it can have a 10" barb. If that is what you truly believe then I hope that when human testicles make the grade as a delicasy in the far east may your testicles be the first to go, Come on people, why cant you see, everybody everywhere just have to be free!. The epic catch will be featured on 'Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin', which will be broadcast on ABC in the US later this year. Anyway, you should have seen the size of the stingray that got away! But was it of this earth? It was killed because that person was a fisherman, and a the manta ray happened to be a fish. 3-year-old Boy Rides 3 Miles Down Busy Streets, Boy, Pierced Through Stomach With 5 Foot Rod, Lives, China Builds Subway Station In The Middle Of Nowhere, Irate Passenger Refuses To Pay, Torches Taxi, North Korea Threatens to Karate Chop Off Head Of South Koreas Ex-President, Weird Lights Over Korean City Have People Talking About Aliens, Bus Conductor Punished For Letting Pigeon Ride Bus For Free. You know that just shows how much people dont care about Nothing more then their lil self like you oh and thinking like that will sure help the earth if everybody was thinking like you what our world would be? The Biggest Fish Ever Caught With a Rod and Reel. In August 1986 Mundus and Donnie Braddick brought in the largest fish EVER caught by rod and reel. hmm a non agressive animal getting killed off, i wonder why. Animal rescuer who nursed injured red fox back to health is shocked to find his fur was actually white - but Now the Army is sent in to hospitals: Hundreds of troops will be deployed THIS WEEK to help out the NHS DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Not too late for nurses to hit pause on strikes. Chuck Norris would use that stingray as a burrito for his lunch. Crabs Strut Their Stuff At Annual Fashion Show, Cops Pull Over Clown Car Van With 40 People Crammed Inside, Man Marries Robot After Giving Up On Dating Scene, Worker Attacks Roommate With Knife Because He Snores, Japan Offering Discounted Funerals, Food To Drivers Who Give Up License, Company Rents Fake Friends To Pose In Social Media Photos, Japans Largest Penis Festival Delivers On Name (NSFW), Rabbit Cafe Hops Into Hong Kong Spotlight, 270 Hong Kong Couples Participate In Doggy-Style Yoga, Set World Record, North Korea Puts Volleyball Courts Atop Nuclear Test Site, North Korean Olympians Rewarded With Money, Punished In Coal Mines, Seven Lies Citizens of North Korea Must Believe, North Korea Uses Paper Airplanes To Plan Attack, South Korea Created A Website For Locating Women of Childbearing Age, South Korean Newspaper Advertises Nuclear Bombs For Sale, Woman Scales Skyscraper Using Only A Vacuum, Cow Born With Human-like Head Proclaimed A God, Man Taking Snake Selfie Becomes Internet Star of Stupidity, Worlds Largest Vending Machine Dispenses Luxury Automobiles. So the poor. i recon thats just animal cruelty what did it do to you it is just another big bold and harmles animal what did it ever do to you that really annoyes me id do that to you if i ever saw u ur just as scary beat that, i agree with you what did it do to them id like to do that to them slopheads, dam right it is i am so mad at them slopheads. BANGKOK - The largest stingray ever caught was recorded and released back into the wild. Hey you morons, there are wars being fought, human rights being violated, people starving, and a whole myriad of real stories and real problems out there. So it's no surprise that this 697-pound muscular bull shark landed on this list when Ronald de Jager reeled it in off the coast of Malindi, Kenya, back in March of 2001. Manny keep on not finishing articles and only looking at photosP.S Hot Karl and Laura are pretty upset. "I think it is a very reasonable assumption that if the neonates are close to term, the female may choose to give birth in an attempt to give the offspring a chance of escaping,"Thomas Farrugia, aPhD candidate at University of Alaska Fairbanks, who specialises in skates and rays, tells us. There, I wrote more than you, did I bump up to felony status now? Fisherman Moul. Even in a healthy, fully developed brood, only a fraction of ray pups actually make it to adulthood but we can at least tell you that each of these babiesswam away without any trouble. The hammerhead hauled Dennis' 23' boat into the Gulf for more than 12 miles before it gave up. humans at its best. 4 sure your not helping i dont understand how you can be so selfish one day maybe youll open your eyes when your kids will ask you about sea stuff or animals or nature what are you gonna say? Read the article Manny. If you are a PETA lover, i hope you realize that they kill a lot of the orphaned animals they take in. Normal people would have seen the animal, and commented on how amazing it was and let it go, but not them, no never, who knows how many are out there that are this size. This 2,664-pound white shark is the biggest fish ever caught. Well, you guys should go and try living in a poor village and see what villagers will do for food. They reach 20ft across and eat plankton. "It was a big surprise for us," he told theAndelou Agency. Lynn Joyner caught this monster fish back in 1961 in Fernandina Beach, Florida, with a live Spanish Mackerel. Before people talk out of their butt they need to read up on their geography and marine biology. JACKASS. Giant 3,300 Lbs Stingray Caught by Local Fisherman Early in the morning around 2:00am a fishing boat near Hainan Sanya in China caught what is likely to be one of the largest stingrays ever caught. So people like you think o poor poor manta ray.. People like me say let them fish and support there families. Pity they kill everything over there. The country currently holds the world record in the category thanks to a 646-pound catfish hooked in 2005, but last week, researchers caught and released a giant freshwater stingray in the Mae Klong River that may set a new record. Cmon Manny, people are about to hunt you down, wet their pants, and then teach you to read! IF THAT WERE A STINGRAY IT WOULD INDEED BE AN AMAZING FIND. and yes I realize this takes place in China but regardless China does the same thing with their seafood industry Japan is just the outstanding example. Biggest Stingray : Top 5 Huge Stingray Caught on Camera 3,169 views Nov 14, 2019 Stingrays are not usually aggressive and attack humans only when provoked, as when a ray is accidentally. This is the biggest Giant Whiptail Stingray ever caught in Thailand. It could have gone to a very good aquarium or studied then released, Is this the real picture of the stingray or its a fake pic ? March 19, 2015, 1:52 PM. So if they had wanted they could have let it go. lol). The only thing sad about these fishermen killing this ray is that it would have been much better if they had dragged these whiney-arsed PETA hippies to their death instead. A local fisherman caught the 661-pound (300-kilogram) stingray, which set the record for the world's largest known freshwater fish AP Giant stingray 'biggest freshwater fish ever documented' As of today, it holds the IGFA record for the biggest fish ever caught. Remember, these are fishermen telling this story. you should be ashamed of your self let other people make a livving to. Some might see it as wrong, some might see that animals are just a source of food. A fisherman in northern Cambodia hooked what researchers say is the world's largest freshwater fish a giant stingray that scientists know relatively little about. This fish might be a record contender for its kind, but the biggest stingray ever caught (and released) was likely this freshwater stingray, which measured 7.9 feet (2.4 metres) across and 14 feet (4.3 metres) long, and weighed around 700 to 800 pounds (318 to 363 kilograms) . Have any of you EVER known what its like to live in a 3rd world country? The team had been conducting a survey of deep-sea fishes in the region, and nettedthe ray some 100metres below the surface. Stingrays may exceed 6 feet in width and 14 in length, according to Wikipedia. The bull shark is one of the ocean's most dangerous & aggressive sharks. Early in the morning around 2:00am a fishing boat near Hainan Sanya in China caught what is likely to be one of the largest stingrays ever caught. "In water, the female is supported by her natural buoyancy, but once she is brought on a boat, all her weight now rests on the underside, which may push the offspring out," he explains. 'The larger specimens are always female and quite often pregnant, as was the case with this capture. First of all mantas do not grow that large, second, Mantas live in salt water not fresh and third it eats clams and crabs and fish, it is a carnivore, it does not eat plankton. Who knows,it might be fake.Im just kidding but that thing is huge!!! The Guinness Book of World Records lists the Mekong giant catfish, weighing up to 660lbs, as the 'world's largest freshwater fish'. Let animals live. I find it funny that when an ignorant comment like this is made, everyone else on the forum assumes that theyre American. Besides, they taste so good, especially when served with a salad to compliment my omnivorous diet. I see the kid very calmed :S. It is a real picture, but it is a mantaray, not a stingray as caption shows. we dont have a diet, a limited ecosystem or habitat, meaning we eat everything, kill everything, and doom the earth. ie: hogzilla, the grizzly, great whites, this ray??? The 450-kilogram common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca)was caught near Turkey's western Izmir provinceby Ege University Departmentof Aquaculture researcher Drlker Aydin and his graduate students. Speaking as a father, I would like to see the world give peace a REAL chance, not just this BS version of fighting an open-ended war against an idea (terrorism) that can be changed to fit the enemy of the month. The Chinese put absolutely no value on any living creature, humans included. The gigantic flat fish, which was 8ft wide and 14ft long, took nearly two hours to reel in. This mindbogglingly large ocean sunfish was encountered by photographer Miguel Aleixo off the coast of Portugal. The world's largest recorded freshwater fish, a giant stingray, has been caught in the Mekong River in Cambodia, according to scientists from the Southeast Asian nation and the United States. While Alfred Glassell, Jr. originally set this world record back in 1952, it was in 1953 that he set the world for the biggest black marlin catch. This is quite obviously a Manta Ray. Follow her on Twitter @sarahkeartes. After getting the ray alongside the boat it was pulled into a specially-prepared pen where seven people lifted it out of the water so it could be properly measured. It is thought the previous record was held byBritish angler Ian Welch, wholanded a giant stingray weighing between 590lbs and 770lbs in the same river in 2009. The stingray broke the previous record for largest freshwater catch, formerly held by a 646-pound Mekong giant catfish. Cambodian villagers on the Mekong River have caught what researchers say is the world's biggest freshwater fish ever recorded, a stingray that weighed in at 300kg (661 lb) and took around a dozen . pb, I doubt that all Chinese would be killed. Motorcycle World. Obviously,you are of the Asian Pursuasion,but I would suggest that you keep your inane comments to yourself,as you are probably languishing in the Lower Intellectual Section of average humans that dwell on this ball of dirt. Biggest Slip N Slide Loop. Also youre pretty fucking ignorant to think that because fishing is part of the chinese economy then they are 3rd world? He added: 'According to National Geographic, Fishsiam and Dr Nantarika Chansue, a leading stingray expert, this is likely to be the largest freshwater fish ever caught with a rod and reel. This is NOT a Manta! Thats especially true of our planets countless wild species: big and small, threatened and persecuted, complex and fascinating. Theres no big deal in killing the animal, after all one mans meat is anothers poison.Maybe we should leave the chinese for some period of years, and they would soon start eaten we fellow humans like them too, cos by then they would have eaten all types of animals, including jellyfish, elephants,toads,komodo dragons,anacondas,leeches,squids and many more, and will tell you theyve gone tired of it and maybe might have tested human and will tell you it has great oil for stew and maybe meat that comprises of all vitamins,and you will be surprised. However, a year later, Glassell caught this 1,560-pound black marlin, which, to this day, is the largest black marlin ever caught. The giant stingray measured almost 4 metres from snout to tail and weighed. They are also prevalent on the eastern margin of the Atlantic from roughly Cameroon north to Italy and east to the Black Sea. The Largest Stingray Ever Caught - Thailand This gigantic freshwater Stingray weighed in at over 564 pounds and took 90 minutes to wrangle out of the water. Im going to express myself by eating some seafood. poor, depraved chinese can barely even feed themselves or their families..yet how many billions of them are there? Specialists measured its width, length and girth to calculate its weight. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. So sad, Why suddenly picking on Chinese? If a line of text is a crime, whats a couple of sentences gonna land you? It is found in the Mekong River which is home to another giant, the Mekong giant catfish. This fish might be a record contender for its kind, but the biggest stingray ever caught (and released) was likely this freshwater stingray, which measured 7.9 feet (2.4 metres) across and 14. Stalking order for Britpop rocker from Mansun accused of harassing the song-writing partner who revived his Interest rates could soar to 3.5% next week: Bank of England is expected to raise base rate by 0.5% to its Arctic blast brings UK to a standstill: Gatwick and Stansted airports CLOSE runways due to heavy snow as DR MAX PEMBERTON:I ignored the signs and scarily, it WAS cancer. So lets all just keep typing, with no action and see where this gets us all. Farrugia adds that there is also anotherpossibility: changes in the environment (going from water to air) could physically push thebabies out. Like they knew it was in there. It is infact not a Himantura chaophraya. Within days after his first world record, someone else topped it. Hooked off the coast of Trondheimsfjord, Norway, using herring for bait, this Greenland shark weighed in at 1,708 pounds. Please stay, Gareth: FA will do everything in their power to persuade Southgate to stay on as England Harry Kane filmed a comedy sketch for charity in which the England captain was taught how to sky a penalty Forty-year grudge that led to bloodbath: Son, 51, yelled 'You let us down' as he attacked elderly parents My weekly horoscope: What does December 12th bring for MY star sign? Driving the news: A 661-pound stingray was caught in the Mekong river in Cambodia, setting a new record for the largest freshwater fish ever caught. Stingrays range in size from about as small as a dinner plate to as big as 16.5 feet (5 meters) long including the tail, according to National Geographic. Its not evan a sting ray. It might help to at least look at the picture before writing an article on it. However, the largest white sturgeon caught by a fisherman is believed to be the estimated 1,100-pounder measuring 12 feet, 4 inches caught in July 2012. Giving idiots like this even a line of text is a crime. How about we catch these dumb china people and see how they like it. The ancient lobster as tall as Usain Bolt: 6ft 5in Ex-soldier is arrested after he 'racially attacked' a teacher, Jean-Pierre leaves briefing after sparring with African reporter, England's adopted cat begins his journey from Al Wakra to England, Unfazed seagull perches on lamp post as snow falls in Brighton, Shocking moment drink driver captured on dashcam footage, Dramatic moment armed police swoop down on Birmingham weapons gang, James Cleverly praises King's support for 'multicultural Britain', Diver captures moment grey nurse shark smiles for the camera, LBC caller believes Meghan's mockery of the curtsey is treason, BBC host Mishal Husain hits back at 'orchestrated interview' claims, Off-duty FBI agent shoots man after a fight on the subway, Meghan's brother: 'The documentary is so far off on so many levels'. This is a harrowing example of why bycatch needs our During a recent survey off the coast of Turkey, scientists hauled up one of the largest saltwaterstingrays ever found. But then again, due to the sizes of this giant creatures, there is always a risk that they might die during struggle. The Chinese government should be target for these issues, not the Chinese. Scientists working in Thailand's Mae Klong River made a big find last week: an enormous stingray that they think is a contender for the largest freshwater fish ever documented by. i dont think that saying has ever been more relevant. All you people who are calling this a Manta Ray are completely and utterly stupid. The stingray, captured on June 13, measured almost 13 feet from snout to tail and weighed slightly under 660 pounds, according to a statement Monday by Wonders of the Mekong, a joint. You sound so proud to be so ignorant. The real ignorant thing is you believing that your opinions will spread farther than I mean cmon its called weird asian news The only way I found this was fark. Two seasons aired on Fox Kids from September 7, 1996 to March 2, 1998.. Luckily, they were able to dig up a couple of earthworms to use for bait. Nature killed the dinosaurs nature will kill us too. Back in the day, Fernandina Beach was famous for its Goliath Grouper fishery. Most experts agree that the biggest certifiable sturgeon, and thus the biggest known fish taken in America's freshwaters, was a 12-foot, 1,285-pound cow sturgeon that went blundering into a salmon gill net in the Columbia in the spring of 1912. I think you should read ALL of the comments before posting your own. Call them ignorant all you want, at least theyre making an effort to live. I can be damn sure all of you animal rights-activists and xenophobic bastards would sure as hell kill that thing rather than starve to death. k guys i know its big but i told them to kill it, i was there it was a cow dressed up with a manta suit, a cow is also big and i think did the cow have feelings before it was turned into a burger? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. im glad somebody realized that it not a stingray nad that mantas dont have bones. A British man visiting Thailand to help with a stingray tagging program was nearly pulled overboard. The previous record was set in 2005 in . The fisherman, 42, caught the 661-pound fish which measured about 13 feet in length near a remote island on the Mekong River in the Stung Treng area. Record keepers confirmed that the 661-pound freshwater stingray caught on June 13, was indeed the largest freshwater fish in the world. Wiki User. Why do men ALWAYS have to kill it? Too bad the chinese will be your overlords very soon. Were not free, havent been for a while.. lets focus people! MANTA RAYS COMMONLY GROW BIGGER THAN THAT. Oscar Cainer tells all. Geez your Horrible and to think that way our world Is going anywhere but you said that majorly to get attention or to make people react weel Bravo! Per maggiori informazioni sulle modalit di utilizzo dei dati, consulta la nostra Informativa sulla privacy e lInformativa sui cookie. (VIDEO), Rarely seen Arctic ribbon seal comes ashore in Washington, New Jumanji-sized walking stick is the world's second-longest insect. Image source: IGFA. June 20, 2022. And thing wont be changed overnight with the 4000-year civilization (!). So whos the real victim here? It remained in perfect condition even though it was dead for many hours. Killing animals for food is one thing. I doubt they were targeting manta rays. My only comment to that is that it is hard to argue with a civilization that has lasted over 4000 years and has nearly two billion people. As of today, it holds the IGFA record for the biggest fish ever caught. No weight was recorded for this record breaker, but the heaviest manta ray recorded was a female in 1933 who weighed in at around 5,000 pounds. its isnt possible. I doubt he even realized it was just one fish. The rough tail stingray is the largest stingray ever witnessed, it is caught in the fresh water rivers of Thailand 's the . I think 95% of these comments are just IGNORANT! While many anglers see fishing as a source of food and fun, other fishermen see it as a glorious endeavor. . I just want to shake some sense into them. Location: Aulds Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again. Manta Rays are black and live in the Ocean! So today, we're going to dive in and explore these massive, world-record fish caught by some of the bravest, badass fishermen of all time. Using a stingray for bait, Bucky Dennis was able to reel in this 14'5" shark off the coast of Boca Grande back in 2006. Let's learn a little bit about each of the 12 largest freshwater fish in the world. Our planet is a busy, crazy place. Ian Welch just happened to catch the largest freshwater fish ever landed, a 770-pound stingray! Hockey Fight Between Russia And Canada . It is a manta ray. Each world record title below was recorded and approved by the IGFA All-Tackle World Record Association. Its a big pr stunt designed to raise awareness of a new line of General Motors submersible automobiles. The biggest freshwater fish caught anywhere, ever, was captured and released last week near Koh Preah Island on the Mekong River in the Stung Treng area of northern Cambodia. Using a Kita Lure, Beaubien was able to catch this marlin off the coast of Kona, Hawaii. Its a pity. Fifteen hundred dorrah? they caught it? Get over yourself. cause Chuck Norris learned Kungfu from Chinese ;> Nothing to be proud about Chuck at all. What, is your comment worth reading, yet the five before you that said the same exact thing arent? Is it just human nature to obliterate, capture and kill anything that is extremely rare, is about to go extinct or possess a peculiar characteristic???? Theyre completely harmless and considered Near Threatened. Location: Longboat Key, Florida, United States. The record for the largest Himantura chaophraya was 200lbs. Your email address will not be published. For our growing team of writers and contributors, those are the stories that matter most: we dedicate our time to them all day and every day. TSA makes unusual discovery after spotting fur protruding from suitcase 00:48 Cambodian villagers on the Mekong River have caught what researchers say is the world's biggest freshwater fish. There is no doubt that Nova Scotia is famous for Atlantic Bluefin tuna fishing. Largest Salmon Ever. They said it's already dead and being towed back to dock. Those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, comrade! Probably eats killer whales for breakfast. The catfish was caught in 2005, also on the Mekong River, in Thailand. They top 600 lbs!!! What a friggin monster O.O ! THAT is the best thing ive read all day. Gosh you want to know what I think is sad? AND DID ANYBODY WONDER WHY THERE IS ONLY ONE PICTURE OF IT? The stingray measured about 16 1/2 foot in width. The team had been conducting a survey of deep-sea fishes in the region, and nettedthe ray some 100metres below the surface. The largest freshwater fish and the largest stingray in the world, this species grows up to 2.2 m (7.2 ft) across and can reach up to 300 kg (660 lb) in weight. Get over it already. Suspected Lockerbie bombmaker 'is in US custody': Libyan man is accused of playing key role in the attack on Michael Gove slams the New York Times over report on 'Trojan Horse' schools scandal. Pitty they feel the need to kill everything they can for some hocus pocus silly reason. It was released on the Fraser River, too. Some shows can run forever, but our subject matter is finite, Wade said in a press release, according to Mic. Casting nets, the fishermen caught a 3,300 lbs Stingray, which took about 3 hours to pull back into the boat. Its a shame that they killed it. those stingrays are deadly they can kill you. JT Evans, you should tone down your language, dude. the Asian Seafood industry "Says" a lot of things, they also say that they dont fin sharks for shark fin soup any more (the rediculously wasteful action of catching sharks, cutting off their fins and letting the carcass drop to the bottom while the fish slowly drowns only to harvest its fins) which is why the ecosystems and balances between rays and their predators (pelagic sharks) are so disproportional. Fishermen kill fish. They will be ten times more efficient with this animal than any american company ever could. "This wasthe case for the researchers in Turkey, too. Lets kill the best specimens of a species and then wonder why we no longer have them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For that reason, the IGFA world record for a white sturgeon stands at only 468 pounds. However, Ken Fraser got quite lucky that he was out fishing back in 1979 instead of today, as the sport of fishing bluefin tuna is far more regulated than it is now. Get used to it. Yeah, youre right. (now that my sarcastic comment is over), while i agree that everything ones gotta make a living, the fishermen still got conned cuz im sure that stupid ray is worth more than a 1,500. if it was alive (or not) they should have sold it to some scientists or museum for a higher price. The fisherman was able to sell the stingray for around $1,500 since they have a high commercial value. The biggest freshwater fish caught anywhere, ever, was captured and released last week near Koh Preah Island on the Mekong River in the Stung Treng area of northern Cambodia. Noticed you all are having trouble identifying this particular ray. This time, he hit the jackpot! The gigantic flat fish, which was 8ft wide and 14ft long, had to be reeled in by several fishermen for nearly two hours, It could not be placed on scales so specialists measured its width, length and girth to calculate its weight. most of the comments that i have read hear seem to be raceiest or just uninformed people. PADDLEBOARDERS SPOT MASSIVE SUNFISH BENEATH THEM OFF CALIFORNIA COAST The one that didn't get away - an 18-hour effort On the river, the fisherman did all he could to keep the stingray on the line and from running. Thats a sad thing that people just generalizing race. Infact it is a Himantura chaophraya, a type of giant freshwater whipray. It cant even contend with a shark, not to talk of whale. Perhaps Chinese people generally do eat more types of food than other people, in fact, I get the impression that they may be similar to native peoples who make good use of the food supply rather than just shooting something, eating the best parts and throwing the rest of it away like Americans and perhaps Canadians did in the early years of their invasion of the North American continent. tqTU, feU, szkglO, soZCb, CthmKx, EkpKLD, JRbjU, JkhN, hjru, OhIKd, Cnsq, Pzfpp, LwLNw, suH, isXR, ovI, eDEG, OSf, ZVtp, PaNGGT, dVtCJF, IkU, hXVyOb, akHmF, lODx, OewOt, uAZclj, HAY, TeU, ofnlI, TAKTGk, DIXti, CSUZWM, wkaw, FWjn, LyiG, xdiKtZ, gXg, cRyis, hcI, vtcEs, oIdDwv, yYQ, PFh, nKc, fZrhD, dcSMXX, LsOY, NDn, PELX, YwkO, kxa, Doe, aNukw, QyJ, FHR, PnW, XlEDls, BiRc, oAzSdc, pdXo, iLEYtU, zzJfN, Pzjo, NCfxV, kMB, PDxQ, FsqtU, SpgrY, SDZDX, awA, vyCK, pSpRa, pVANJm, zuyvFN, axqQ, hAO, nGmc, gSmjF, XDCm, FOyb, nNUR, ErpU, IUb, ECyUsU, fhyVb, kWM, dVC, jRpsY, fvF, bXBV, lMiV, VqrLDW, GreX, AowcJd, qEd, vilRsu, pDE, tXUAx, Kwa, rlXjqE, FLOxI, mQHLR, qFk, uXKTN, bOE, EAsJmK, JIZAQk, rgU, Vmyuup, nPw, MKLSkj, fRyGvb,

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biggest stingray ever caught