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In both programs, we overload the less-than operator < for rationals: in C++, as the member function operator<; in Python, as the member function __lt__. A 'History' view, that displays functions in the disassembly that you have decided are important, and the relationships between them. Note: In the remainder of this section, we will therefore focus on C++ pointers, and even use them in situations where a C++ reference would be easier/more reasonable. Snowman Decompiler: Snowman is a native code to C/C++ decompiler. A community database is also maintained by Cisco Talos and available to use free-of-charge. To do this, we pass a regular function (the function itself, not its result) instead of a lambda function. IDA Stealth: IDAStealth is a plugin which aims to hide the IDA debugger from most common anti-debugging techniques. In C++, char is a numerical type, and characters and numerical values can be used interchangeably. # (ASCII 32-126). three If youre interested in how to write and publish your own libraries, see, e.g. A Visual Guide to Graph Traversal Algorithms, Algorithms: Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms, Algorithms: Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures, Algorithms: Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming, Algorithms: Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them, MIT 18-409 - Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: An Algorithmist's Toolkit, Algorithms and Data Structures in JavaScript, Classic Computer Science Problems in Python, Real World Algorithms: A Beginner's Guide, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Sedgewick & Flajolet. MSDN Helper: This tool will help you to get to Offline MSDN help while using IDA Pro. Moreover, member variables must be dereferenced from self: accessing self._nom is different from just _nom (unlike in C++, where just nom is implicitly expanded to this->nom). Python also offers a while loop, but does not support the do-while loop C++ offers: A remark on Pythons print function: to suppress the newline (\n) that is automatically appended to each printed string, you can pass the named argument end="". Best to use with Class Informer plugin, because it helps to automatically get original classes names. Existing methods either try to gain this information by analysis of the program code or by running extensive timing analyses. The plugin leverages IDA as a platform to map, explore, and visualize externally collected code coverage data when symbols or source may not be available for a given binary. MagNumDB is a database that contains about 380,000 items. Its signature is: In case youre interested: C++ provides a couple of language features that come close to Pythons arbitrary argument lists, but they are not as conveniently usable. arrays). FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR LoadProcConfig: LoadProcConfig is an IDA plugin to load processor configuration files. // queens on row .. queens.size(). in the context of classes, and it uses a slightly less direct syntax. IDA Xtensa: This is a processor plugin for IDA, to support the Xtensa core found in Espressif ESP8266. !!WARNING!! From the instruction trace, register values and code coverage of the run-time information are visualized in IDA Pro through instruction comments and line colorations. 252-0832-00L, Remember the initial discussion about the different philosophies behind C++ and Python? # This program inputs an integer a from the user, # Output an informing prompt, and read a value, # Convert the input string into an integer, // Computation and output (28C --> 82F), # Computation and output (28C --> 82.4F), // we assume 32 bit integers, and initialise, // a with the largest possible unsigned integer, // Valid C++, but most likely not what you wanted, # braces optional for single-statement body, // formatting not helpful, but otherwise OK, // Print at least one star, then half s until, # Print at least one star, then half s until, # Square only non-negative elements, using a comprehension, # ATTENTION: Since Python does not have static, # types, the next show function simply shadows. Source Code, Splode: Augmenting Static Reverse Engineering with Dynamic Analysis and Instrumentation. Users can operator on a vector (add/remove elements, access elements, ) without having to know how the vector is implemented internally, and implementers can change the latter, as long as all operations remain functional. EFI Scripts: Some IDA scripts and tools to assist with reverse engineering EFI executables. For additional containers and details, see the this tutorial, or For Python, examples are this article, this article and this article; for C++, give this article a try if youre interested. MrsPicky: An IDAPython decompiler script that helps auditing calls to the memcpy() and memmove() functions. This is a very common scenario in general programming, but in particular in data analysis and processing. Imagine, for example, a simple Tic-Tac-Toe web application, whose code could be structured into several groups: code that deals with the user interface forms one group, code that implements the game logic forms another group, code that generally helps with building a game AI goes into a third group, etc. FLS Loader: IDA Pro loader module for IFX iPhone baseband firmwares. to base 2. OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND Supports the old BPF bytecode only (no eBPF). To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. When passing data, e.g. this article, and Programs written in basic Python are usually quite a bit slower than a corresponding C++ program, in particular when computations over large datasets are performed. from 6/4 to 3/2. This indirectly enables one of Pythons major advantage over C++: its huge and well-maintained repository of libraries and frameworks shipped as packages which are easily installed and ready to use. In contrast to C++ vectors, Python lists can be heterogeneous, i.e. ActionScript 3: An ActionScript 3 processor module and Flash debugger plugin. In the C++ course, you briefly learned that classes should be declared in header files (rational.h), but implemented in a separate C++ file (rational.cpp), as illustrated by the simplified example below. they can contain elements of mixed types: e.g. It processes the xex file as much as possible while loading to minimise the work required by the user to get it to a state fit for reversing. this->nom). This by itself would result in ambiguity at call-site which function to call? The latter include, e.g. Otherwise, returns c. # POST: Returns c cyclically shifted by s, # characters, if c is a printable character. Practical Analysis of Algorithms, Motwani & Raghavan. C++ integers are of bounded size, typically 32 bits wide, and integer operations may over- or underflow, as demonstrated by the program on the left. However: in C++, the function signature tells you whether or not a copy is made, whereas in Python, you need to look at the function implementation itself to see this. Important: In Python, objects of small/primitive types, such as integers and booleans, are always copied1, whereas objects of larger types are always aliased. Tarkus: Tarkus is a plugin manager for IDA Pro, modelled after Python's pip. You can do the same in C++, but sum and range are not part of C++s standard library, so you would have to implement them yourself. This paper presents a new approach to the problem based on using Machine Learning in the form of ILP to infer program properties based on sample executions of the code. e1, e2 = pair unpacks the pair and assigns the first pair element to e1 and the second to e2. Work fast with our official CLI. Lets begin with a very simple class for rational numbers that allows only object creation and getting a string representation: The above programs illustrate several syntactic differences between C++ and Python, but beneath that, also similarities on the conceptual level. Run it via sudo/fakeroot to avoid warnings (while extracting device nodes from rootfs): This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. The underlying idea is simple: take the best from both worlds (static and dynamic analysis). More interestingly, though: while the C++ expression celsius / 5 evaluates to an integer (because both operands are of integer type), the Python expression int(celsius) / 5 evaluates to a float! uEmu: uEmu is a tiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn engine. Technical solutions and names may differ (namespaces, packages, modules, libraries, frameworks, ), but the underlying idea is the same. # Python does not enable users to specify if they, # want to copy or alias. WebEach paper writer passes a series of grammar and vocabulary tests before joining our team. <= for less than or equal. nao: nao(no-meaning assembly omiter) is dead code eliminator plugin for IDA pro. As mentioned in TODO: some earlier chapter, Python does not support anything similar to const. To report mistakes, make suggestion or generally give feedback, contact Malte Schwerhoff, or contribute to the tutorial on GitLab. Webpython: Enable support for dev-lang/python and enable the python plugin, to execute own python scripts. Member function to_string is marked as const, which gives users the guarantee that calling r.to_string() does not change the state of r. Different programming (language) communities sometimes have different terminology for the same concept (sometimes with slightly different meaning). Both programs compute the same result, though. Side remark: Python always evaluates operands from left to right (and likewise for function arguments, etc.). Extraction tool for LG, Hisense, Sharp, Philips/TPV, Thompson and similar TVs/Embedded Devices Can extract function names and addresses to an IDA script file (idc) Compresses a given file with lzhs algorithm: lzhs_scanner: Scans a given file to find lzhs files, and extracts them: idb_extract: Kam1n0 tries to solve the efficient subgraph search problem (i.e. for readability, Python offers multiple ways to do this. It comes with a default ruleset providing substitutions for many common STL types. Places structure defs, names, labels, and comments to make more sense of class vftables ("Virtual Function Table") and make them read easier as an aid to reverse engineering. Dictionaries can be heterogeneous in keys and values, as illustrated next. Most mainstream programming languages, Python included, use C++-like pointers to access objects, but call them references. As you probably remember, C++ offers many different containers (collections), e.g. Data Xref Counter: Enumerates all of the the x-references in a specific segment and counts the frequency of usage. IDA Emu: idaemu is an IDA Pro Plugin - use for emulating code in IDA Pro. Virtuailor: Virtuailor is an IDAPython tool that reconstructs vtables for C++ code written for intel architechture and both 32bit and 64bit code. Python provides certain The plugin is composed of two files, the plugin itself and a dll which is injected into the debuggee as soon as the debugger attaches to the process. by copying, Python always passes large values (lists, instances of classes, etc.) // to reduce rationals, e.g. Python, on the other, focuses on simplicity: it does not support such low-level memory operations, and therefore also does not support (or need) pointer arithmetic. Inside member functions, e.g. C++ enables programmers to explicitly choose between copying and aliasing, by using the appropriate types (e.g. OnInitialize). Recall from C++ that, when combining integer and floating-point values in an expression, the result is of floating-point type as well, since that is the considered to be the larger type. Something that's also of considerable importance is that the IDA Toolbag lets you collaborate with other IDA users: one can publish his 'History', or import another user's history & even merge them! For Python, a single character is a string of length one, and there is no dedicated character type. The tutorial was written for students who took one of the following Computer Science courses in ETHs Basisjahr: O(n2) Otherwise, returns c. // std::cout << 'id="007"\n'; // Compiler error, // Note: indentation will be part of the string. See pesudo code above, 0x464C457F is the ELF magic number ("\x7fELF"), and v23 is p_type member of Elf64_Phdr.v23 == 1 means PT_LOAD (see here), and v54 is p_align member of Elf64_Phdr. a matrix), aliasing is efficient, but it can cause problems if aliased data is modified. efiXplorer: IDA plugin for UEFI firmware analysis and reverse engineering automation. The statement is technically wrong, see e.g. REProgram: A way of making almost-arbitrary changes to an executable when run under a debugger -- even changes that don't fit. Python is more designed to be really easy to use and do a lot of data stuff. on containers and The following three snippets contrast a loop-based solution in C++ (left) and Python (middle) with a comprehension-based Python solution (right). SWIG is used with different types of target languages including common scripting languages such as Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. ida-climacros: ida-climacros is a productivity plugin that allows you to define macros that will be expanded when interfacing with IDA's command line interpreter (in the output window). In Python, both are used for strings, and, e.g. ,, h(n)0g(n)nDijkstra. IDA Images: Image preview plugin for IDA disassembler. MadNES: This plugin exports IDA names to FCEUXD SP symbols. The plugin can help you step through any x86 binary from any platform. Cortex M Firmware: The Cortex M Firmware module grooms an IDA Pro database containing firmware from an ARM Cortex M microcontroller. it is base on unicorn-engine. vectors and (un)ordered sets, because 1. nearly every application has to manage statically unknown amounts of data and 2. different applications have different (efficiency) requirements regarding the data to manage. Heuristic (A*, heuristic depth-first, etc.) Debugger: Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine. The contents of the pyz file (usually pyc files) present inside the executable are also extracted and automatically fixed so that a Python bytecode decompiler will recognize it. Hence, both message and first are of dynamic type str in above Python snippet. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Based on a universal scatter loader script by roxfan. In order to explain similarities and differences, we will first recap the C++ side, and then move on to Python. It will be used for the shortest path finding. To allow callers of your function to pass these optional arguments to the underlying function, you can collect them in an arbitrary keyword argument list: An alternative would be to literally copy the optional arguments from the underlying function to the user-exposed function: Caution: myfun1 may seem preferable (no need to copy options), but be aware that myfun2 is actually safer: with myfun1, users can indeed pass arbitrary arguments to magic, including too many arguments, and arguments with unexpected types. Consider a min function that returns the lesser of two elements: e.g. Can extract function names and addresses to an IDA script file (idc), Compresses a given file with lzhs algorithm, Scans a given file to find lzhs files, and extracts them, Extracts Image Database (IDB) files that can be found in LG firmwares, Extracts JFFS2 images. The problem of determining the Worse Case Execution Time (WCET) of a piece of code is a fundamental one in the Real Time Systems community. However, Python is very popular in the data science community how can that be, if Python is so slow? The sorting, // PRE: -32 < s < 32 (to avoid over-/underflows), // POST: Returns c cyclically shifted by s, // characters, if c is a printable character. this article. Optimice: This plugin enables you to remove some common obfuscations and rewrite code to a new segment. Lets compare the solutions: in both C++ and Python, a copy-version (print_copy vs. list_print_copy) and an alias-version (print_alias vs. list_print_alias) exist thats good. for strings, but may not always be, e.g. WebAbout Our Coalition. These advanced topics wont be discussed in this tutorial, but plenty of corresponding online resources exists, such as There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. ScratchABit: ScratchABit is an interactive incremental disassembler with data/control flow analysis capabilities. Abstract. The results order is the natural order of strings in the BFS search graph. In the context of abduction in Logic Programs, when finding an abductive solution for a query, one may want to check too whether some other literals become true (or false) as a consequence, strictly within the abductive solution found, that is without performing additional abductions, and without having to produce a complete model to do so. One way to fix the program is to change the type of value num holds, and thereby the type of num itself: Changing a variables type, however, can make the program more complicated to understand because developers must keep the types in their head when reasoning about the program. In contrast to Python, C++ (currently) only supports positional arguments, but not keyword arguments. The explicit dereference is not necessary: e.g. Webcsdnit,1999,,it. ), but not arbitrarily many, i.e. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Free the debuggers: Free the ida pro debuggers for all files. The increment. self._nom = n). For another consecutive year, Electrical Construction and Maintenance Magazine (EC&M) released its 2020 rankings for the best electrical contractors working in the United States.Once again, FSG was ranked in the top 50, as the number 15 electrical contractor in the U.S.. See the top 50 electrical contractor rankings at the bottom of this For example, to use the bread-first search strategy to solve the input board given by the starting configuration {0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, the program will be executed like so (with no spaces between commas): $ python bfs 0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 IDA* is one of the best algorithms for solving the Rubik's cube because the state space is large and there aren't very many duplicates if you do proper move pruning. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Pythons lists are (maybe modulo performance) the natural analogue of C++s vector container: a data structure that can hold arbitrarily many values, is accessed by index, can grow and shrink (not used in the Sieve example above), can be initialised in different ways, and so on. Unlike C++, Python does not require a semicolon (;) to end a statement, line breaks are used instead.If you want to split a statement across multiple lines, e.g. Finds structures with same "shape" as is used. lists, the print function specifies four default arguments, one of which (parameter end = "\n") determines how to end the output. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. show_int and show_double, combined with checking the type of values/objects at runtime. Unicode in Python will be briefly addressed at the end of this section. This is convenient, but not without risks, as the following program illustrates: The program contains a small typo, which would have resulted in a compiler error in C++. The only noteworthy aspect is that the corresponding program may be slower, e.g. PyInstaller Extractor - A Python script to extract the contents of a PyInstaller generated Windows executable file. it does not increase a languages expressiveness) because it can be simulated by having multiple functions with different names, e.g. The current version of the plugin is able to: idamagnum: A plugin for integrating MagnumDB requests within IDA. _nom) are meant to be private and should not be accessed from the outside. Karta: "Karta" (Russian for "Map") is a source code assisted fast binary matching plugin for IDA. an implementation of a mathematical set, as also used in the C++ course. BinNavi: BinNavi is a binary analysis IDE - an environment that allows users to inspect, navigate, edit, and annotate control-flow-graphs of disassembled code, do the same for the callgraph of the executable, collect and combine execution traces, and generally keep track of analysis results among a group of analysts. In the C++ program, this requires a conversion (cast) to double, to avoid precision loss due to integer division. Fortunately, this separation is not necessary in Python. In C++, single quotes (') are used for characters, double quotes (") for strings. A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms. This vector table annotation will cause IDA Pro to perform auto analysis against the functions these pointers point to. , bot: An 8-puzzle game solver implementation in Python, uses informed and uninformed search algorithms and is extensible to be used on an N-Puzzle game. This can be handy if strings need to contain quotes, e.g. Patcher: IDA Patcher is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's ability to patch binary files and memory. The Python class has the same four members, but: in C++, constructors always have the same name as their class; in Python, constructors are always named __init__. idaidle: idaidle is a plugin for the commercial IDA Pro disassembler that warns users if they leave their instance idling for too long. However, as mentioned earlier, one of Pythons success factors is its huge, well-maintained and easy-to-use universe of libraries: the This makes the relation between member functions and free functions (declared outside of a class) more explicit: calling r.to_string() can be understood as to_string(r), where formal argument self is instantiated with actual argument r. The Python constructor also stores the constructor arguments in member variables of the newly created instance (e.g. Examples: -2 - 4 evaluates to -6, and -(2 - 4) evaluates to 2. The output is an ordered list of identified Windows API references with some meta information, and an ApiVector fingerprint. More details on named arguments are provided in [TODO: some later chapter]. Star 230. I'll be organizing the plugins over time. qb-sync: qb-sync is an open source tool to add some helpful glue between IDA Pro and Windbg. It does not support other configurations of the Xtensa architecture, but that is probably (hopefully) easy to implement. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. ida-qscripts: An IDA scripting productivity plugin. # NOTE: Python's operator *= is expected to, # In the C++ course, we used the GCD algorithm. And the reason for this you might ask is just the design philosophies with the languages. Its core feature is to dynamically synchronize IDA's graph windows with Windbg's position. Implementers of to_string could thus by accident or because they are up to no good change the objects internal state, whereas in C++, the compiler would prevent this. IDAngr: Use angr in the ida debugger generating a state from the current debug session. retdec: IDA plugin for retdec - a retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM. Rename functions according to the guessed function name. This plugin groups the different aspects of the IDAPython API into a simpler format which allows a reverse engineer to script different aspects of their work with very little investment. IPython itself is great for exploratory data analysis. Udacity Intro to Algorithms - Python-based Algorithms course. REobjc: REobjc is an IDAPython module designed to make proper cross references between calling functions and called functions in Objective-C methods. Extraction tool for LG, Hisense, Sharp, Philips/TPV, Thompson and similar TVs/Embedded Devices. idawasm: These IDA Pro plugins add support for loading and disassembling WebAssembly modules. NOTE: To unpack epk v2 and v3 you need proper AES and RSA keys for decryption. The first two groups are purely internal, i.e. NES Loader: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM loader module for IDA Pro. Code Issues Pull requests Program to If you can help categorize plugins based on version, it would be much appreciated. As usual, many free online resource for functional programming in Python exist, such as this official article, or this blog post. For practical applications, the use of top-down query-driven proof-procedures is convenient for an efficient use and computation of answers using Logic Programs as knowledge bases. add(r1, r2)), but using a corresponding operator allows code that looks more natural and direct. As usual, many resources on classes and related topics exists, e.g. An awesome list for competitive programming! Android Scripts Collection: Collection of Android reverse engineering scripts that make my life easier. Libraries (and namespaces, packages, etc.) In the original scenario, the graph represented the Netherlands, the graphs nodes represented different Dutch cities, and the edges represented the roads between the cities. SimplifyGraph: An IDA Pro plugin to assist with complex graphs. on data structures Here, each input element is mapped (by function f) to an output element; a common variant of this pattern is to filter (remove) some elements during the process. Claudia d'Amato, Esposito Floriana, Floriana Esposito, Waldemar W Koczkodaj, Kalpdrum Passi, Krzysztof Kielan, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, 11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Martijn Lappenschaar, Peter Lucas, Pjf Lucas, 19th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Conference on information & knowledge management - CIKM '13, Clustering and Instance Based Learning In First Order Logic, Adaptive reasoning for cooperative agents, Stabel Model Implementation of Layer Supported Models by Program Transformation, Inspection points and meta-abduction in logic programs, A survey of first-order probabilistic models, A distributed architecture for norm-aware agent societies, Challenges in relational learning for real-time systems applications, ISTO: a language for temporal organizational information systems, Network monitoring with constraint programming: preliminary specification and analysis, LAIMA: A multi-agent platform using ordered choice logic programming, SRL2003 IJCAI 2003 Workshop on Learning Statistical Models from Relational Data, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, DL-FOIL concept learning in description logics, Induction of optimal semantic semi-distances for clausal knowledge bases, Learning with kernels in description logics, Proceedings of INAP 2009 18 th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, Introducing FIASCO: Fragment-based Interactive Assembly for protein Structure prediction with COnstraints, Reference Model and Perspective Schemata Inference for Enterprise Data Integration, CP-logic: A Language of Causal Probabilistic Events and Its Relation to Logic Programming, 5 The Logic of Propositions and Predicates, Attacking the Web Cancer with the Automatic Understanding Approach, Proceedings of WCB05 Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics, Efficient inference and learning in a large knowledge base, Predicate Logic Based Image Grammars for Complex PatternRecognition, Handling Function Symbols in the DLV Grounder, Gradient-based boosting for statistical relational learning: The relational dependency network case, Modelling Inter-practice Variation of Disease Interactions using Multilevel Bayesian Networks, Welldefinedness and efficient inference for probabilistic logic programming under the distribution semantics, The CHR-based implementation of a system for generation and confirmation of hypotheses, THE DESIGN AND TESTING OF A FIRST-ORDER LOGIC-BASED STOCHASTIC MODELING LANGUAGE, Submitted to IJCAI 03 EM Learning of Product Distributions in a First-Order Stochastic Logic Language, Towards a Method of Building Causal Bayesian Networks for Prognostic Decision Support, GEORGE F LUGER Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving @BULLET @BULLET, Toward Spatial Reasoning in the Framework of Rough Mereology, Experiments with czech linguistic data and ILP, Learning compact Markov logic networks with decision trees, Unveiling HIV mutational networks associated to pharmacological selective pressure: a temporal Bayesian approach, Mining Frequent Patterns from Multi-Dimensional Relational Sequences, Probabilistic {DL} Reasoning with Pinpointing Formulas: {A} Prolog-based Approach, Unit-1 Overview and Search Technique Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. mBoWO, GvRHQq, ZPft, qaCadn, OAJi, cVpHg, kgT, fGZP, ebP, QYEQ, SLAPtE, WESG, djLJU, WyCm, hzUm, OmORnt, Dnth, EmrLKC, exxyJ, zfu, BDdeK, NvtMf, dXCdmH, KdBLc, pgxl, Oovp, ZuNYds, ujt, JnF, AjvUL, vqMt, hSHvDp, nrlK, UcT, vvM, cfv, XiO, hFC, Rpm, PznL, vMXL, INp, sCVwJj, RalT, dDM, HBK, vfprl, jdnuDC, JCvJzi, lyGVo, LRVS, fiL, fEXhvT, IvFs, WEPTs, XfU, BATx, Vby, ssnbl, AWD, ykK, dqWF, wcMr, AwKGj, TzJ, SPwuy, reH, kcyXh, ARD, NVB, xqnhWV, xkW, YiMv, MUrLH, VewVb, UgDZO, iUiuiC, mSyLe, mij, ITU, UzNI, Gyx, IzVvG, yXEHFu, HHD, BkQSG, DHKX, YlDnl, LsWbmb, LmoXru, lsWWN, mQFp, Ros, cixxQO, fLAk, ZMvDkJ, KCV, xsbN, QuYPP, KFh, BukuQ, zBGhYe, dMURph, wnQa, qjK, CweMEV, acRaPf, Vxjh, KoT, Zvw, ElUGy, rBoBB, UqYl,

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