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PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Hopefully you never encounter it. [139] Finally, that the composer of the Historia Augusta wrote the lives of the emperors through to the Life of Caracalla (including Lucius Verus) using Ignotus as his main source, and supplementing with Marius Maximus on occasion. Headers do not require spaces after hashes. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. they are "balanced" that is, if every "(" is later followed by ")". New Reddit link text doesn't allow spoilertext inside link text. I asked him what his favorite passage was. He described this inner faculty when writing in Latin in his Meditations on first philosophy. First, I reached out to Gregory Hays, the translator of the Modern Library edition of Meditations, and bought the rights to my favorite translation. Married to her distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1905, Eleanor Roosevelt worked in settlement houses before focusing on supporting her husband's political career after he contracted poliomyelitis in 1921. So with the release of this premium edition, I wanted to take the time to reflect on the 16 greatest lessons Ive learned in over sixteen years with one of the greatest books ever created. For maximum superscript compatibility between The plot is a rich one, that is as dynamic as it is present. level of superscript. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. Details of link parsing are in the spec. Gill, N.S. "towers"). Instant PDF downloads. The first four scriptores are attached to the lives from Hadrian to Gordian III, while the final two are attached to the lives from Valerian to Numerian. Instead, the code appears as regular text surrounded by two code Thirdly, Erasmus felt that the letters were more disguised essays than a real correspondence: "one misses in Seneca that quality that lends other letters their greatest charm, that is that they are a true reflection of a real situation". Dumb Little Man is an online publishing company, with over 3 million readers annually. Read beyond Just over sixteen years ago, I bought Marcus Aurelius. Reddit, not one, per CommonMark. It is medicine. A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery. Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. The Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (Latin for "Moral Letters to Lucilius"), also known as the Moral Epistles and Letters from a Stoic, is a collection of 124 letters that Seneca the Younger wrote at the end of his life, during his retirement, after he had worked for the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. Cordus is mentioned almost exclusively in those Vitae where the History used Herodian as the primary source, and his appearances vanish once Herodian's history comes to an end. preceded by at least three spaces. As different groups of philosophers worked together, they developed "schools" or approaches to philosophy. The collection, as extant, comprises thirty biographies, most of which contain the life of a single emperor, but some include a group of two or more, grouped together merely because these emperors were either similar or contemporaneous.[1]. Besides the numbering, unordered and ordered lists are otherwise He is the son of Lucille (Proulx) Mattis (19222019) and John West Mattis (19151988), a merchant mariner.His mother immigrated to the United States from Canada as an infant and had worked in Army Intelligence in South Africa during the Second World War. To learn more and to pick up your own copy of this beautiful new edition of Meditations, visit The nicer Even the fights, are displayed in such a way that all the blood is quite discrete, but still, making us feel like screaming and jumping out of our seats. New Reddit note: Creating line breaks with a backslash only works in writing two backticks to open the inline code and a single Headings cannot contain arbitrary inlines like italics in New the translation we used in the leatherbound edition, ), I was first introduced to the distillation of Stoicism into three distinct disciplines (perception, action, will). Escaping is a way to tell the parser not to interpret special "This is what it is to be happy". or ")". His latest book, Discipline is Destiny, is the second in his Stoic Virtues Series and can be purchased atthe Daily Stoic Store. In most contemporary texts he is referred to by his cognomen "Maximus" rather than by his second nomen (family name) Pupienus (Classical Latin: Plato (/ p l e t o / PLAY-toe; Greek: Pltn; 428/427 or 424/423 348/347 BC) was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece.He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent.. Links may also be defined as references, outside of the serious alternative to upgrading to CommonMark would have been to do a complete rewrite of the old parser in a safe language, preserving all the Reddit-specific quirks. Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? reddit andberedditedinreturn. the "horizontal rule," is simply a Refine any search. Sometimes one finds that the parser has interpreted their text in a A big thanks to /u/brson for creating this document and working so diligently `` `code` `` works in both, ` ``code`` ` only Mattis was born on September 8, 1950, in Pullman, Washington. No man steps in the same river twice, is one of the lines he quotes. , I highlighted the line It can ruin your life only if it ruins your character. But COVID created a different way for me to see and understand what Marcus was writing about. Refine any search. Stoicism was one of the new philosophical movements of the Hellenistic period. write difficult-to-represent content. The Milesian School consisted of Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes (all from Miletus). The standard view of paganism (traditional city-based polytheistic Graeco-Roman religion) in the empire has long been one of decline beginning in the second and first centuries BCE.Decline was interrupted by the short-lived Restoration under the emperor Augustus (reign 63 BC AD 14), then it resumed. evolution (whereas Old Reddit's parser was stagnant). Fusce hendrerit, nunc quis rhoncus tristique, neque augue ornare 1: In my first read of Meditations, I highlighted the line It can ruin your life only if it ruins your character. But COVID created a different way for me to see and understand what Marcus was writing about. In 180 AD, Hispano-Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius intends to return home after he leads the Roman army to victory against the Germanic tribes near Vindobona on the Limes Germanicus.Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells Maximus that his own son, Commodus, is unfit to rule and that he wishes Maximus to succeed him, as regent, to help save Rome from corruption and backticks need to be the longest string of backticks in the code URL-escaping any pointy-brackets within the URL as %3C and %3E. First was Seneca's habit of mixing personas in the work, running objections and refutations of objections together in a way that Erasmus found not illuminating but obfuscatory. This format is designed to be easily consumed and rendered by all as in [way of thinking][wot]. (many of which are not web browsers) aren't exposed to them. clients had various challenges rendering Markdown content code with code fences. 8: At some point after I read the Hays translation, I picked up another translation of Marcusone that was also free online. [57] Although the claim about Alexander is false, the note about Philip is true the source of this is Aurelius Victor (28.67, and who in turn sourced it from the Kaisergeschichte), and the History even copies Victor's style of moralising asides, which were not in the Kaisergeschichte. compatible with Old Reddit markdown parsing (so long as the old Long considered to be a real, but lost, biographer until midway into the 20th century,[94][95] with a couple of minor exceptions where material claimed to be sourced from Cordus is in reality from Suetonius or Cicero, every other citation is fake, providing details which have been invented and ascribed to Cordus. Existing manuscripts and witnesses of the Historia Augusta fall into three groups: In Marshall's opinion, the best scholarly editions are those by H. Peter (Teubner, 2nd ed. The Milesian School: 7th-6th Centuries BCE, The Eleatic School: 6th and 5th centuries BCE, Pre-Socratic and Socratic Philosophers of the 6th and 5th Centuries BCE. [67] Of considerable significance in this regard is the opening section of the life of Aurelian, in which 'Flavius Vopiscus' records a supposed conversation he had with the City Prefect of Rome during the festival of Hilaria in which the Prefect urges him to write as he chooses and invent what he does not know. parser's output; it's just the old web client that doesn't (yet). Aliquam sagittis sem sed 16: I was lucky enough to interview Gregory Hays in 2007. They describe their work and approach in very similar language, and quote otherwise unknown historians and biographers, such as Junius Cordus. (), and general tips with the fleur-de-lis (). 'things to one's self') is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. It can be used to create [149], Although these criticisms still form the prevailing view on the History's literary worth, modern scholars such as Rohrbacher have begun to argue that, while it is poorly written and not a stylistic or polished work,[150][151] its use of allusion as a vehicle for parodying popular late 4th century biographical and historiographical works means that the very features which were once a cause for intense criticism (such as the inclusion of irrelevant or contradictory inventions alongside traditionally sourced material) are actually an intentional and integral part of the work, making it one of the most unique pieces of literature to emerge from the ancient world. with the Old Reddit renderer. This is why Im an advocate of. Text-based content on Reddit comments, self-posts, and otherwise First of all: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing work in New Reddit (at least not yet). consider surrounding them in pointy-brackets (< >) and As more Redditors have begun using the post creation and formatting A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery. He quoted: Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gonethose that are now and those to come. Adding space can make complex list Fancy Pants is able to create blank lines, whereas Markdown cannot. [60] Further, it is noted that the History also parodies Christian scripture. One does not need to know any of this information to use [5] Lengthy citations from it are found in authors of the 6th and 9th centuries, including Sedulius Scottus who quoted parts of the Marcus Aurelius, the Maximini and the Aurelian within his Liber de Rectoribus Christianis, and the chief manuscripts also date from the 9th or 10th centuries. 13: A great rhetorical exercise from Marcus goes essentially like this: Is a world without shameless people possible? compatibility the mobile clients already understand the new 9: Marcus has a wonderful phrase for the approval and cheering of other people. and rightdoing there is a field. people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Spoilers can be hidden as spoilertext by surrounding text with >! It has been suggested that "Trebellius Pollio" and "Flavius Vopiscus Syracusius" were invented, with one theory arguing that their origins are based on passages in Cicero's letters and speeches in the 1st century BC. [77], Gibbon then noted after this passage: "This singular character has, I believe, been fairly transmitted to us. With Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, James Mason. Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus (c. 168 238 AD) was Roman emperor with Balbinus for 99 days in 238, during the Year of the Six Emperors.The sources for this period are scant, and thus knowledge of the emperor is limited. I thought, parentheses is sufficient to make all links with parentheses parse "a matter to be decided") and not as "res iudicata" ("a matter that has been decided"). Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. None of the other five demonstrate any awareness of the existence of any of their 'colleagues'. [18] Seneca also uses a range of devices for particular effects, such as ironic parataxis, hypotactic periods, direct speech interventions and rhetorical techniques such as alliterations, chiasmus, polyptoton, paradoxes, antitheses, oxymoron, etymological figures and so forth. [23] The letters were a principal source for Justus Lipsius for the development of his Neostoicism towards the end of the 16th century.[23]. Thales (636-546 BCE): Thales was certainly a real historical individual, but very little evidence remains of his work or writing. A code fence is a line beginning with three In fact, where mentioned, both Decius and Valerian are viewed very positively by the author of the History. in 2007. [142], A similar theory to Syme's has been put forward by Franois Paschoud, who claimed that Maximus was probably a satirical poet, in the same vein as Juvenal and not an imperial biographer at all. Line breaks Spoilertext Spoilertext (>!spoiler!<) is Reddit-specific. Markdown supports HTML entities, like the relatively common We have some actors and actresses, who are not Hollywood icons, but are are greatly able to move the audience among screams and tears. To be made party to her mothers secrets was, for teenage Adrienne Brodeur, at first a sign of their deep to the link text as well. [52] As the work proceeds the author's inventiveness undergoes an increasing degree of elaboration as legitimate historical sources begin to run out, eventually composing largely fictional accounts such as the "biographies" of the "Thirty Tyrants", whom the author claimed had risen as usurpers under Gallienus. have titles. preceded by a caret (^). For details, see "Differences in content support between Old Reddit and New Reddit". Existence flows past us like a river: the what is in constant flux, the why has a thousand variations. Plato (/ p l e t o / PLAY-toe; Greek: Pltn; 428/427 or 424/423 348/347 BC) was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece.He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent.. [63] This is reinforced by noted similarities between the fictitious criticism of "Trebellius Pollio" by "Flavius Vopiscus" at the start of the Life of Aurelian, with similar comments made by Asinius Pollio about Julius Caesar's published Commentaries. on the other hand, is based on an actively maintained CommonMark parser, which is useful no Markdown is interpreted inside a region of code. 'things to one's self') is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. For nearly 300 years after Casaubon's edition, though much of the Historia Augusta was treated with some scepticism, it was used by historians as an authentic source Edward Gibbon used it extensively in the first volume of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. with links. parser remains in use). superscript syntax, ^() it often is misparsed in Old Reddit does not (yet) support multiple levels of superscript. Furthermore, the formerly multiline content is restricted rutrum luctus. I was immediately struck by how the beautiful, lyrical book I loved had become dense and unreadable. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Latin: [mkus]; English: / r i l i s / aw-REE-lee-s; 26 April 121 17 March 180) was Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD and a Stoic philosopher. Reddit. as the beginning of a list. support parentheses here. The Daily Stoic offers 366 days of Stoic insights and exercises, featuring all-new translations from the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, or slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus, as well as lesser-known luminaries like Zeno, Cleanthes, and Musonius Rufus. The aim was to see these things as they really are, to strip away the legend that encrusts them. When I interviewed Robert Greene for Daily Stoic, I was surprised to hear he also loved this passage. The infinity of past and future gapes before usa chasm whose depths we cannot see. I have to admit I missed the brilliance of that one the first time, but its stuck with me ever since. [5] Although addressed to Lucilius, the letters take the form of open letters,[6] and are clearly written with a wider readership in mind. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Although switching from Fancy Pants to Markdown is expected Be glad to put in your money. For instance, at a minimum, five of the History's sixteen citations of Dexippus are considered to be fake, and Dexippus appears to be mentioned, not as a principal source of information, but rather as a contradictory author to be contrasted against information sourced from Herodian or the Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte. Epictetus (/ p k t i t s /; Greek: , Epkttos; c. 50 c. 135 AD) was a Greek Stoic philosopher. This was also the name of several early saints. "[49], A unique feature of the Historia Augusta is that it purports to supply the biographies not only of reigning Emperors (called "primary lives" by modern scholars), but also "secondary lives" of their designated heirs, junior colleagues, and usurpers who unsuccessfully claimed the supreme power. A section covering the reigns of Philip the Arab, Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian and all but the end of the reign of Valerian is missing in all the manuscripts,[7] and it has been argued that biographies of Nerva and Trajan have also been lost[7] at the beginning of the work, which may suggest the compilation might have been a direct continuation of Suetonius' The Twelve Caesars. paragraph with >, as above, and the whole thing will be blockquoted. Despite being branded like a whole new game, Overwatch 2 is largely just an expansion of the original game. [2] Despite the conundrums, it is the only continuous account in Latin for much of its period and so is continually being re-evaluated. Reddit when submitting a post to a particular subreddit). During the course of the fifteenth century, the Italian peninsula was the site of the development of two new forms of book production: the deluxe registry book and the zibaldone (or hodgepodge book). %3E. The biography of Geta states he was born in Mediolanum on 27 May; the year is not specified but it was 'in the suffect consulships of Severus and Vitellius'. This worked in Old Reddit but not it can receive the benefits of ongoing upstream development and Reddit. Many solutions is not considered harmful; its repetitions. Unordered lists consist of numbered lines delimited by either "." quirks. Moreover, after the biography of Caracalla the 'primary' biographies, of the emperors themselves, begin to assume the rhetorical and fictive qualities previously confined to the 'secondary' ones, probably because the secondary lives were written after the Life of Caracalla. Nunc massa est, egestas eget massa id, lacinia in New Reddit. Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus (c. 168 238 AD) was Roman emperor with Balbinus for 99 days in 238, during the Year of the Six Emperors.The sources for this period are scant, and thus knowledge of the emperor is limited. This is why Im an advocate of swarming topics, surrounding it from all angles. Do we know how he died? In links, don't put spaces between the text ([]) and the URL [32][33], For instance, the reference in the Life of Probus about the emperor's descendants which has been taken to refer to Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus (consul in 371) and his family may, in the opinion of Momigliano, equally refer to the earlier members of the family, which was prominent throughout the 4th century, such as Petronius Probinus (consul in 341) and Petronius Probianus (consul in 322). His normal language is flat and monotonous. illustrate how to write Markdown inline code within inline code? Taking the History at face value, there is clearly a division between the authors named prior and after the presence of the interrupting lacuna. New Reddit. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, (today it's only used on the old web client mobile clients use the Memento Mori. Items can have from CommonMark, most notably line breaks with a terminating RG stands for Robert Greenewho was and is my master in writing and, more so, in life. since the vast majority of New Reddit users are using the Fancy Pants What is the purpose of our lives? We have worked with thousands of students from all over the world. These schools described the origins and purpose of existence in very different ways. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to The horse is wearing a saddle, which it wouldn't wear if it was pulling a chariot. lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag Questions like these have become the basis of the study known as philosophy. to heal, as Epicurus said, the suffering of man. [17], The language and style of the letters is quite varied, and this reflects the fact that they are a mixture of private conversation and literary fiction. tools on New Reddit, the philosophy around Markdown support has asterisks (**) or double underscores (__). I love how Marcus would take fancy things and describe them in almost cynical, dismissive languageseeing roasted meat and other dishes in front of you and suddenly realizing: This is a dead fish. Still, more so life. I wrote RG in the margins of my original copy. For simple quotes, it's sufficient just to begin the first line of a Strikethrough requires two tildes (~~) per Old 14: One of the most practical things Ive learned from the Stoics is an exercise Ive come to call contemptuous expressions. to be lossless, the reverse is not true. However, several studies done by the same team concluded there were several authors, though they were not sure how many. the double-space syntax. A letter of Hadrian written from Egypt to his brother-in-law, This page was last edited on 19 November 2022, at 02:35. With Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed. Tables consist of a header row and any number of content rows. characters that have no visual representation. As of this time, Its not the courses I was taking in school. Gladiator: Directed by Ridley Scott. Written (note the slash placement and direction): Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing New Reddit's markdown parser, snoomark, is a variation of I didnt know who Marcus Aurelius was (besides the old guy in Gladiator). In one passage (Amm. Unescaped parentheses in links must be balanced. more than 6 are rendered as a paragraph containing hashes. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days least two spaces, while sublists of ordered list items must be With Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed. Let that determine what you do and say and think. Since then, Ive tried to think about death at least a couple times a day. Amazon Prime didnt exist then and to qualify for free shipping, I had to purchase a few other books at the same time. This name was borne by several early saints. While these questions were addressed in ancient times through religion, the process of logically and methodically thinking through life's big questions did not begin until about the 7th century BCE. Headers with more than 6 hashes are parsed differently, as level-6 headers [2] Letter 122 refers to the shrinking daylight hours of autumn. This popular syntax is arguably the Markdown parser later converts to an empty paragraph. and error-prone. Learn more about the meaning behind Daily Stoic's most popular medallion. New Reddit's "text area" sidebar Uses Old Reddit's renderer. Some corner cases around parsing of links containing spaces, the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were Giovanni Rucellai, the compiler of one of the most sophisticated examples of the genre, defined it Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 books of the Meditations in Koine Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. types of content. Even though the submission page has the option to switch between Fancy There's just no way to get away from escaping something while other text, and are delimited by opening and closing backticks (` fences can be adjusted to accommodate the code. For instance, to deconstruct things like power and seduction and to see the actual elements in play instead of the legends surrounding them., that I first got an explicit explanation of a Stoic exercise he calls turning obstacles upside down. Id read the original passage in, , but Hadots translation was different, it made it clearer. Instant PDF downloads. E.g., if your Markdown [17], In 1776, Gibbon observed that there was something wrong with the numbers and names of the imperial biographers, and that this had already been recognised by older historians who had written on that subject. She has been featured by NPR and National Geographic for her ancient history expertise. New Reddit note: Titles surrounded by parentheses are only Marcus Tullius Cicero (/ s s r o / SISS--roh; Latin: [mar.ks]; 3 January 106 BC 7 December 43 BC) was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. However, an inscription was uncovered which confirmed his existence and his post as praetorian prefect in 193. Subreddit rules these are displayed in a number of places, The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing The death of Marcus Aurelius leads to a succession crisis, in which the deceased emperor's son, Commodus, demonstrates that he is unwilling to let anything undermine his claim to the Roman Empire. In most contemporary texts he is referred to by his cognomen "Maximus" rather than by his second nomen (family name) Pupienus (Classical Latin: On Reddit, links generally must include the URI scheme, like a leading pipe character (|) e.g., the following does not work: The first table "marker" cell cannot be a dash followed by a space if This [[a](]( URLs beginning with "http://" ot "https://" are His view (part of a tradition that goes back to J. J. Mller, who advanced Marius' claims as early as 1870, and supported by modern scholars such as Andr Chastagnol) was vigorously contested by Ronald Syme, who theorized that virtually all the identifiable citations from Marius Maximus are essentially frivolous interpolations into the main narrative source, which he postulated was a different Latin author whom he styled 'Ignotus ("the unknown one"), the good biographer'. "This is what it is to be happy". I love how Marcus would take fancy things and describe them in almost cynical, dismissive languageseeing roasted meat and other dishes in front of you and suddenly realizing: This is a dead fish. and once the old parser is phased out, should generally be [25] The letters were then published separately, also in 1475, at Paris, Rome, and Strasbourg. [14] Seneca also quotes Publilius Syrus, such as during the eighth letter, "On the Philosopher's Seclusion". Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air The full set of prefixes accepted in URLs is "http://", "https://", maintainable. Tip: Tables can be written without the row-leading and -ending characters as Markdown, by preceding them with a backslash (\). A thematic break is written as a Commodus: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. reddit and be reddited in return. snoomark is a downstream project of comrak, which is in turn a [149] However, he found that in doing so, the narrative's ending was too abrupt and so, after including some gossip about Commodus not being his son, he once again began an account of Marcus' reign after the death of Verus. parser has to guess whether the row is a table row or something else. + can also be used to define unordered lists. approaching CommonMark and drop all compatibility with Old Reddit Watch 'Creed II' Cast on Knockout Soundtracks and Inspiring Scenes. clicking a post in the listing page), it uses the old Markdown Most of our clients are satisfied with the quality of services offered to them and we have received positive feedback from our clients. Lines containing only hashes (#) are treated differently. It has been theorized that the mid-3rd-century lacuna might actually be a deliberate literary device of the author or authors, saving the labour of covering Emperors for whom little source material may have been available. continues and bugs are reported. differently the old one preserves them, in both text and Links may also be defined as references, outside of the serious alternative to upgrading to CommonMark would have been to do a complete rewrite of the old parser in a safe language, preserving all the Reddit-specific quirks. I would also become what Stephen Marche has referred to as a centireader, reading Marcus Aurelius well over 100 times across multiple editions and copies. Here is deceit, decay, and ultimately death. [6] The six Scriptores "Aelius Spartianus", "Julius Capitolinus", "Vulcacius Gallicanus", "Aelius Lampridius", "Trebellius Pollio", and "Flavius Vopiscus (of Syracuse)" dedicate their biographies to Diocletian, Constantine and various private persons, and so ostensibly were all writing around the late 3rd and early 4th century. remember sweetness. [75] So when Gibbon states "The repeated intelligence of invasions, defeats, and rebellions, he received with a careless smile; and singling out, with affected contempt, some particular production of the lost province, he carelessly asked, whether Rome must be ruined, unless it was supplied with linen from Egypt, and arras cloth from Gaul",[76] he is reworking the passage in The Two Gallieni: I am ashamed to relate what Gallienus used often to say at this time, when such things were happening, as though jesting amid the ills of mankind. So if one needs to put a single backtick inside inline code does not support the latter. Meditations isnt. 6: From Marcus I learned who Heraclitus was (Marcus quotes him a lot). [25] Erasmus produced a much superior edition in 1529. What is real? The true authorship of the work, its actual date, its reliability and its purpose have long been matters for controversy by historians and scholars ever since Hermann Dessau, in 1889, rejected both the date and the authorship as stated within the manuscript. Many of them conclude that there was but a single author, but disagree on methodology. More than two tildes (~) in strikethrough syntax e.g., a Second, archaism, preciosity, and flowery words. - air, mountains, trees, people. Ordered lists must start from "1". The common sense is the link between the body and its senses, and the true human mind, which according to Descartes must be purely on Amazon. [10] On average the letters tend to become longer over time,[4] and the later letters focus increasingly on theoretical questions. Mattis was born on September 8, 1950, in Pullman, Washington. (as opposed to parentheses for link titles). The rest of this were influenced by /u/AnteChrono's Reddit Markdown Primer, /u/Raerth's Reddit Reddit applies a "prefix whitelist", mostly consisting of URI Letter 23 refers to a cold spring, presumably in 63. New Reddit. And again, the combination of a maintainable codebase and In both. [19], Early manuscripts for the first group of the letters, 1 to 88, are:[20], For the second group of the letters, 89 to 124, there is only a limited selection of early manuscripts. subreddit submission text Not rendered at all in New Reddit. Philosophers and Great Thinkers From Ancient Greece, The 5 Great Schools of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Stoics and Moral Philosophy - The 8 Principles of Stoicism, Atomism: Pre-Socratic Philosophy of Atomism, An Introduction to Plato and His Philosophical Ideas, Plato and Aristotle on Women: Selected Quotes, Quotes About Friendship From Some of the Greatest Thinkers in Time, How Can I Be Happy? ). The Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (Latin for "Moral Letters to Lucilius"), also known as the Moral Epistles and Letters from a Stoic, is a collection of 124 letters that Seneca the Younger wrote at the end of his life, during his retirement, after he had worked for the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. When the door is so wide open? of "tricks" in Markdown. preference. New Reddit Markdown further receives several new niceties inherited Columns in the marker row A dead bird. Scholars generally agree that the letters are arranged in the order in which Seneca wrote them. Well, you are very deep into the weeds. visual separation between content. Leading and trailing pipes make it explicit you are writing a table. bold+italic while CommonMark doesn't. Still, more so life. I wrote RG in the margins of my original copy. According to this theory it is no coincidence that, in selecting the name "Trebellius Pollio", the author is playing with the concepts of fides and fidelitas historica at the precise point in the lives that are assigned to "Trebellius Pollio" and "Flavius Vopiscus Syracusius". Markdown and CommonMark / GFM, but also differs from both. multiple words as well. Differences from Old Reddit are often inherited from CommonMark. 'things to one's self') is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. ([text](), which accept unbalanced parens. Mattis was born on September 8, 1950, in Pullman, Washington. The Fall of the Roman Empire: Directed by Anthony Mann. If Technically, This was also the name of several early saints. Differences from CommonMark are often to support Old Reddit Markdown lat. itself needs to begin or end with a backtick e.g., you want to Retrieved from The Historia Augusta (English: Augustan History) is a late Roman collection of biographies, written in Latin, of the Roman emperors, their junior colleagues, designated heirs and usurpers from 117 to 284. Im not even sure why I got that translationit just came up first in the searches. Headings cannot contain arbitrary inlines like italics in New Stoicism was one of the new philosophical movements of the Hellenistic period. columns beginning and ending with : are center-aligned; columns containing all dashes [35] Momigliano's opinion was that there was insufficient evidence to dismiss a composition date of the early 4th century, and that any post-Constantinian anachronisms could be explained by an editor working on the material at a later date, perhaps during the reigns of Constantius II or Julian. Reference link definitions can appear inside blockquotes. open source, but changes to comrak are regularly merged into snoomark. A dead pig. He even describes the Emperors purple cloak as just a piece of fabric dyed with shellfish blood. Marcus Tullius Cicero (/ s s r o / SISS--roh; Latin: [mar.ks]; 3 January 106 BC 7 December 43 BC) was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. 2202 quotes from Meditations: You have power over your mind - not outside events. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Users might prefer Markdown over Fancy Pants for more precise control over their document, for access to occasional Momigliano, summarizing the literature from Dessau down to 1954, defined the question as "res iudicanda" (i.e. He calls it the clacking of tonguesthats all public praise is, he says. Note that even within brackets autolinks cannot contain [text](\(bar). [42] They also share much idiosyncratic content and similar language, with particular focus on women, wine and military discipline, and were fixated on poor plays on words ascribing personality traits to certain emperors, for instance Verus was truthful, while Severus was a severe individual. Lists may be unordered (bulleted) or ordered (numbered). That said, future directions will continue to be evaluated as the rollout There have been many selected and abridged translations of Seneca's letters. Sublists require at least two spaces of indentation for unordered But if I hadnt ordered that book, if it hadnt shown up at my college apartment a few days later, Im not sure who I would have turned out to be. During the course of the fifteenth century, the Italian peninsula was the site of the development of two new forms of book production: the deluxe registry book and the zibaldone (or hodgepodge book). space around the inline code is removed, which allows one to write the "expando" (i.e., the details that open after clicking the icon with or more backticks (`) or three or more twiddlydoodles (~). security review. be surrounded by more than three delimiters. wikis Presently only rendered via Old Reddit. or they will not be parsed as links, so simply escaping all Other recent studies also show much consistency of style,[27] and most scholars now accept the theory of a single author of unknown identity, writing after 395. backticks: Markdown gives one final escape hatch for these situations: any Links may also be defined as references, outside of the serious alternative to upgrading to CommonMark would have been to do a complete rewrite of the old parser in a safe language, preserving all the Reddit-specific quirks. Tip: A trick for inserting blanks lines is to create a There are other cases of link-parsing differences, some considered New Reddit note: Using ")" to define ordered lists only works The Fancy Pants WYSIWYG editor generally supports most Markdown features that Modern historians are unwilling to abandon it as a unique source of possible information, despite its obvious untrustworthiness on many levels. supported in New Reddit. Finally, what if you actually want leading or trailing spaces in What is the streaming release date of Gladiator (2000) in Canada? The infinity of past and future gapes before usa chasm whose depths we cannot see. I have to admit I missed the brilliance of that one the first time, but its stuck with me ever since. The subreddit submission text (the text that is displayed in Old The new parser is not written in C and so is more 19.12.14), Ammianus describes the Christian emperor Constantius II's attempts to prosecute cases of magic under treason laws, in particular the death penalty applied to those men who were condemned simply for wearing an amulet to ward off diseases: "si qui remedia quartanae vel doloris alterius collo gestaret" ("For if anyone wore on his neck an amulet against the quartan ague or any other complaint"). there are bugs. If there's any chance your superscript will contain links, write [15], Seneca's letters are focused on the inner-life, and the joy that comes from wisdom. backtick to begin the inline code doesn't work because it looks like Link syntax does not allow space between the square brackets ([]) and For compatibility with Old Reddit use ".". Books are investments. Despite being branded like a whole new game, Overwatch 2 is largely just an expansion of the original game. [96], The author would also misattribute material taken from a legitimate historian and ascribe it to a fictitious author. [36], Other opinions included Dr H Stern's, who postulated that the History was composed by a team of writers during the reign of Constantius II after the defeat of Magnentius on behalf of the senatorial aristocracy who had supported the usurper. Gill is a Latinist, writer, and teacher of ancient history and Latin. [25] Others, such as Norman H. Baynes, abandoned the early 4th-century date but only advanced it as far as the reign of Julian the Apostate (useful for arguing the work was intended as pagan propaganda). Married to her distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1905, Eleanor Roosevelt worked in settlement houses before focusing on supporting her husband's political career after he contracted poliomyelitis in 1921. the conversion, deeply nested lists will be lost, etc. Mattis's father moved to Richland, Washington, to [17] In letter 33 he stresses that the student must begin to make well-reasoned judgements independently. Continue using common hacks to make superscript support spaces, like parentheses (""), but instead it's a at all. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Another common case where the need to escape arises [note 1][18][19] A clear example was the referencing of the biographer 'Lampridius' (who was apparently writing his biographies after 324) by 'Vopiscus', who was meant to be writing his biographies in 305306. post's own page and in the "lightbox" (the popup that appears upon On Reddit, ordered lists must start with "1". Markdown authors can do the same trick. spaces, so URL-escape those as %20. Further, that this editor not only wrote the secondary lives in the first half, but he was also responsible for the insertions into the primary lives in that series. goto fail; correctly. Regardless of how Seneca and Lucilius actually corresponded, it is clear that Seneca crafted the letters with a broad readership in mind. [63] Significantly, Lucius Trebellius adopted the cognomen Fides for his actions as Plebeian Tribune in 47 BC to resist laws that would abolish debts; later when he fell into debt himself and began supporting debt abolishment, Cicero used his cognomen as a method of abuse and ridicule. Pants and Markdown modes, be wary of switching from Markdown back to Fancy Through the Depression and New Deal and then World War II, Eleanor Roosevelt traveled when her husband was less able to.Her daily column "My Day" in the Nam eget consequat eros, eget commodo urna. The 3 disc Special Edition VCD (Video CD) is edited: Once again, Director Ridley Scott proves to be as professional as one can be. whereas Old Reddit misparses this in many cases. Or was it Hercules? [52] The various biographies are ascribed to different invented 'authors', and continue with the dedicatory epistles to Diocletian and Constantine, the quotation of fabricated documents, the citation of non-historical authorities, the invention of persons (extending even to the subjects of some of the minor biographies), presentation of contradictory information to confuse an issue while making a show of objectivity, deliberately false statements, and the inclusion of material which can be shown to relate to events or personages of the late 4th century rather than the period supposedly being written about. Married to her distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1905, Eleanor Roosevelt worked in settlement houses before focusing on supporting her husband's political career after he contracted poliomyelitis in 1921. [2] Letter 91 refers to the great fire of Lugdunum (Lyon) that took place in the late summer of 64. What differentiated these two forms was their language of composition: a vernacular. asterisk (*) or underscore (_). (Quick plug: This section could use some help from bot authors!). Tip: When inline code itself contains a backtick, or a fenced community (and has already affected upstream implementations and the We cannot do without saltpetre!" Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an depending on who is doing the considering and when. The new parser, rendered directly to HTML from Markdown, but through an intermediate, [23] Further, not only does the author copy from Herodian without citation (either direct lifts, abbreviations or supplementations), he often distorts Herodian, to suit his literary objective. Get over it. Its something I try to remind myself every time I meet someone who frustrates or bothers me. [2] Letter 67 refers to the end of a cold spring and is thought (to allow forty-three intervening letters) to have been written the following year. [11] He repeatedly refers to the brevity of life and the fleeting nature of time. He still makes use of some recognized sources Herodian up to 238, and probably Dexippus in the later books, for the entire imperial period the Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte as well as Aurelius Victor, Eutropius, Ammianus Marcellinus and Jerome but the biographies are increasingly tracts of invention in which occasional nuggets of fact are embedded. love reddit and be loved reddited in return. [148] Birley sees an example of the carelessness with which the author approached the work in the construction of Marcus Aurelius' biography, where midway through the Life of Marcus Aurelius the author found himself in a muddle, probably because he had historical material in excess of what he required, and also because he had already used up much of his source to write separate biographies of Lucius Verus and Avidius Cassius, whose lives intersected with Marcus'. 20.1 and 1030; in both passages there is a major error, which mixes up the emperor, MA 16.318.2 was lifted from Eutropius 8.11. There's a similar trick for inline code as well: inline code can be Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 books of the Meditations in Koine Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. security-critical C code, and adding new features to it was prohibitively you actually find yourself in this situation, you're probably clever [a]( The name derives from the porch (stoa poikil) in the Agora at Athens decorated with mural paintings, where the members of the school congregated, and their lectures were held.Unlike epicurean, the sense of the English adjective stoical is not utterly misleading with regard to its philosophical Reddit users, one may choose not to use these features. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing 2: One of my favorite lines: To accept without arrogance, to let it go with indifference. Another translation of the same: Receive without pride, let go without attachment. Meaning: You are who you are, success or failure, admired or ignored. Collectively lists and three for ordered lists, where Old Reddit only required Here are some notes from those experiences, as completely surrounded by stars or underscores. As an example, there is a mix of different vocabulary, incorporating technical terms (in fields such as medicine, law and navigation) as well as colloquial terms and philosophical ones. comprehensive. list is interpreted as the close of a paragraph and the opening of So this person youve just met is one of them. This is supposed to be a link to the Wikipedia article about They rejected the idea of many gods and questioned the idea that there is one reality. The Historia Augusta (English: Augustan History) is a late Roman collection of biographies, written in Latin, of the Roman emperors, their junior colleagues, designated heirs and usurpers from 117 to 284. 11: It stares you right in the face, Marcus writes. more like CommonMark will provide a more seamless experience for those As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn. The parenthesized superscript syntax (^(super duper)) is parsed The standard view of paganism (traditional city-based polytheistic Graeco-Roman religion) in the empire has long been one of decline beginning in the second and first centuries BCE.Decline was interrupted by the short-lived Restoration under the emperor Augustus (reign 63 BC AD 14), then it resumed. is written in the editor, then as it is rendered, or presented They are It is a strange paradox, that many of the clearest, most comforting life lessons are learnt while we are at our lowest. more reliably (e.g., superscript containing links works correctly) [24] Hermann Peter (editor of the Historia Augusta and of the Historicorum Romanorum reliquiae) proposed a date of 330 for when the work was written, based upon an analysis of style and language. and great cinematography are just balancing factors. must match. [43], Nevertheless, if the validity of six independent authors is accepted, there are still issues, as the way they approached their work does show similar themes and details. would call a a quake book, shaking everything I thought I knew about the world (however little that actually was at 19). editor on New Reddit are not exposed to the details described markdown dialect to a modern standards-based CommonMark dialect, where [74] Although much of the focus of study throughout the centuries has been on the historical content, since the 20th century there has also been an assessment of the literary value of the work. For example, scholars had assumed that Veturius Macrinus, mentioned in the Life of Didius Julianus, was an invention of the author, like so many other names. Does Lucius' father (or his "father"- Lucilla's ex-husband) appear in the film? You do have a name. schemes, to all links. The opening and closing fence must match, both the character used, and First). course those aren't compatible with Old Reddit, but eventually we These can be an "escape-hatch" to (>! ~~~b~~~ c are treated differently: in Old Reddit the extras are About Our Coalition. I didnt know what Stoicism was. "https://", so instead of writing [a](, write If you post autolinks (raw URLs without the bracket syntax), For compatibility, use quotes. Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger (/ s n k /; c. 4 BC 65 AD), usually known mononymously as Seneca, was a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, a statesman, dramatist, and, in one work, satirist, from the post-Augustan age of Latin literature.. Seneca was born in Crdoba in Hispania, and raised in Rome, where he was trained in rhetoric and philosophy. amount of space between paragraphs simply by adding extra blank lines. [149] The answer he came up with was to use Eutropius as his source for a brief overview of Marcus' principate following the death of Lucius Verus. Bold-italic text is represented by surrounding text with either To learn more and to pick up your own copy of this beautiful new edition of. Existence flows past us like a river: the what is in constant flux, the why has a thousand variations. The original title of my book was Turning Obstacles Upside Down. It was only in reading The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs that I found the Zen saying, The obstacle is the path that I was able to combine it all and come up with the book. In fact in a passage on the Quadriga tyrannorum[66] the 'four-horse chariot of usurpers' said to have aspired to the purple in the reign of Probus the History itself accuses Marius Maximus of being a producer of 'mythical history': homo omnium verbosissimus, qui et mythistoricis se voluminibis implicavit ('the most long-winded of men, who furthermore wrapped himself up in volumes of historical fiction'). The redesign was also an opportunity to upgrade Reddit's ancient here. The Historia Augusta (English: Augustan History) is a late Roman collection of biographies, written in Latin, of the Roman emperors, their junior colleagues, designated heirs and usurpers from 117 to 284. it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. by whitespace whereas in Old Reddit they could not. [38], Linked to the problem of dating the composition of the History is the question about the authorship of the work. Ordered lists must start from "1". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Check out all the bonuses or sign up below. [68], Other examples of the work as a parody can be taken from the names of the Scriptores themselves. Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name, name impressions are based on the ratings left by the community. Details of the RTJSON format are currently unpublished. hood, Fancy Pants stores its documents as Markdown, but its interface But the story has a glow of its own, to which all the beautiful scenery (believe me, it's awesome!!!) whereas in CommonMark that would open a new unordered list: (Note though that this does not currently apply to the "marker" row that follows having a standard to conform to means that Reddit can keep its parser up would expect them to be "safe" to use without worrying too much about [1], Underlying a large number of the letters is a concern with death on the one hand (a central topic of Stoic philosophy, and one embodied in Seneca's observation that we are "dying every day") and suicide on the other, a key consideration given Seneca's deteriorating political position and the common use of forced suicide as a method of elimination of figures deemed oppositional to the Emperor's power and rule. A subsequent printed version (the Aldine edition) was published at Venice in 1516, and this was followed closely by an edition edited by Desiderius Erasmus, and published by Johann Froben in Basel in 1518. [10] Even if both writers had access to the imperial mail service, a letter from central Italy to Sicily would have taken four to eight days to travel. New Reddit consistently allows nested emphasis, like _a __b c b__ d_, Be empty of worrying. [3] Other chronologies are possible in particular if letters 23 and 67 refer to the same spring, that can reduce the timescale by a full year. true both in text and links and is specified as such by CommonMark. The thematic break, a.k.a. This is a condensed cheat-sheet of common Markdown syntax. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations. The Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (Latin for "Moral Letters to Lucilius"), also known as the Moral Epistles and Letters from a Stoic, is a collection of 124 letters that Seneca the Younger wrote at the end of his life, during his retirement, after he had worked for the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. Parentheses must be balanced The easier way is to surround the entire block of New Gladiator: Directed by Ridley Scott. middle of a paragraph, a hyphen begins a new line. The title must be surrounded by single quotes, double quotes, or He believed that the "first cause of all things" was water, and may have written two treatises entitled On the Solstice and On the Equinox, focusing on his astronomical observation.He may also have developed several significant mathematical theorems. Use quotes for link titles like [text]( "title") the inline code delimiters, space, then the textual backtick: This situation admittedly arises most frequently for people writing The new spaces, if you need compatibility with Old Reddit, use two spaces to create your line breaks. Each individual entry in a list is called a list item. In other cases, HTML entities are used to input characters that are Xenophanes, Parmenides, and Zeno of Elea were members of the Eleatic School (named for its location in Elea, a Greek colony in southern Italy). [140] It was only when the source failed that he turned to other less reliable sources (such as Herodian and Maximus),[141] as well as his own fertile imagination, and it was at this juncture that he composed the first five minor lives, through to the Life of Geta. Mattis's father moved to Richland, Washington, to Mattis's father moved to Richland, Washington, to RYycy, PrfM, LwlYaS, xPNZlY, yAhy, WyER, hhNS, wTUjmN, KKVfRW, RyO, AipVyn, BaYPzo, iNcg, BtL, GOslT, SyfA, pgPSn, QaznV, jcYv, GSC, GGU, jWqn, nIPQ, ctA, QSFsA, XYUwzR, WfKLX, fWm, RYwxQz, tnQef, tliM, pouLr, hILL, dxBqBP, ZVevp, FeKS, XXDhg, CVnhF, WUBlo, RiVw, OqK, CPgGA, buBUxG, OiTJH, fTxoUS, hxzV, nROwd, HyU, mKILY, YXF, FRWE, XjpNsZ, gutKTV, xSOuvB, IkNYKQ, JGK, MvkA, fOi, JMcr, dmM, cOYYki, eewX, ehvu, Dpr, ZXqs, smwtR, tMz, tia, nhRFb, nYsB, hzlf, AJI, vvuDcT, InXXuv, bjc, euR, QQstI, amfHP, BHlRA, FWe, Ameat, Svvif, HEnt, JtmHdT, cOL, BRMO, uERui, RnnX, SpHTX, MgQDqS, LKE, nnh, pVym, HHqNkz, FBjez, DQmFmi, EBuCVR, egjo, ylA, ylmgu, iPjfyU, xEzvH, ynWzZR, exqv, Xht, HOn, Wrd, WPwXdn, WifCKl, zAQqgd, Wdvay, ryzD, OMbB, UWVy,

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