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notion in sentence examples

In the Treatise of Human Nature, which is in every respect the most complete exposition of Hume's philosophical conception, we have the first thorough-going attempt to apply the fundamental principles of Locke's empirical psychology to the construction of a theory of knowledge, and, as a natural consequence, the first systematic criticism of the chief metaphysical notions from this point of view. (375) This notion was formalized in the model proposed by Mackintosh in 197. (1802) A hundred years ago, guess what? Sense and understanding, real connexion of facts and analysis of notions, are not, therefore, distinct in kind, but differ only in degree. (1785) The German philosopher Walter Benjamin had the curious notion that we could change the past. Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility. (1025) Look, the whole notion of judging quarterbacks by their won-loss record is flawed at best, asinine at worst. (1428) The notion seems to be that the mere look, the urbanity, the smirking of blue staters appalls the skittish people of the heartland. (1783) In the meantime, they offer a correct direction for the carryout of the scientific notion of development and the building of a socialist harmonious society. (1699) By God, Lainna, have you truly no notion how badly I want you, then? (1987) The notion that public shaming will work goes against research about the relative effectiveness or rather ineffectiveness of punishment as a means of changing behavior. (63) He has a notion that I'm cheating him. (425) But the notion of an instrument turns out to be as empty as his posturing. (1741) The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers US citizenship is an absurdity , he argued. (541) Fishman gives short shrift to any sentimental notion of a unified Jewish community. (332) You have no notion of the powers of a captain of a man-of-war. (2072) And the thought is we can pull down the nebulous notion of beauty and make it exact and precise when we tie it to the notion of function; but in fact this doesn't work very well. (373) Id never labored under the false notion that my mom was infallible . (664) The notion of top-flight sides enticing contracted performers began to appear anachronistic. (2107) What is the best definition of "notion"? (1012) Furthermore, Das Kapital implies the notion of exchange values in the western mainstream of economic theory. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. (1808) A phenomenal concept is the concept of a particular type of sensory or perceptual experience, where the notion of experience is understood phenomenologically. (920) Maduro frequently invokes the possibility of a U.S. invasion in the South American nation, a notion U.S. (921) Many of today's youth bristle at the silly notion that they are spoiled, irresponsible little emperors. But in such effort there are no notions to be employed other than the categories, and these, as has already been seen, have validity only in reference to objects of possible experience. (489) The notion of noblesse oblige was part of the ethic of the country gentleman. (680) The espousal of a notion of public good, drawing people beyond the personal and consumerist . (1726) Ergo the notion, evidenced by Microsoft's shift to fully authored devices like the Surface line, that the company is finally heeding that Jobs-ian fiat. (1214) Contractual obligations are distinguished from other legal obligations because of this fundamental notion of agreement. (1286) There is something almost shocking in the notion of so chaste a function carrying this Kantian hurlyburly in her womb. (1587) He effectively dispels any myth of a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor and any notion that the United States was caught totally unprepared for war. (1175) This finding challenges the notion that carbohydrate malabsorption is uncommon in patients with chronic pancreatitis. (1635) Jack Warshaws song with the preposterous notion of its title about the universal knock-on-the-door, the arrival of the police, the soldiers. (604) The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy. (570) Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood. (1063) With so much at stake, too, the tendency is always to launch into pell-mell play, all motion and little notion. (1665) But by giving in to the impulse to analyze immediately, journalists and pundits feed the notion that the election should be over on election night. (1913) A political norm and notion relatively popular in the Sp ring autumn Period was that the power of the monarch and overlord should be conditioned to a certain degree. Notion works in much the same way, but it gives you a lot more control over your databases. An antique armoire can be the perfect place to store fabric, notions, and other materials if you don't have closet space. (1579) In a world where everything is given and nothing is explained, the fecundity of a value or of a metaphysic is a notion devoid of meaning. (161) of the false notion that human nature cannot change. (1309) Chamber and the notion of chamber has to do with salons and small-scale performances. (2076) This theory is necessary because Rawls's account of deontology and the notion of priority of the right over the good do not really deal with the problem of motivational priority. (381) Florin dismissed any notion of martial law-like conditions prevailing. (1685) How can schools reflect cultural differences without reinforcing the notion that those differences are unchanging and inherent in particular groups. (1236) 2Karen is well aware that the notion of sacrificing animals in a religious ritual strikes many people as unconscionable. (1551) Many intransigent southerners never yielded the notion that the war itself was of no importance if the slave system was not maintained. (1016) 1This paper tries to account for some of the mistakes by employing valency and the notion of semantic roles. (1318) The notion that life is transient , that the material is impermanent, is common to many religious and philosophical systems. (193) and if we take that notion of a global innovation fund. Denoting the value of T at any velocity v by T (v), then (8) T (v) = sum of all the preceding values of AT plus an arbitrary constant, expressed by the notation (9) T (v) =Z (Av)/gp+ a constant, or fdv/gp+ a constant, in which p is supposed known as a function of v. 0 0 Advertisement This method of notation has various disadvantages. (922) This cathartic outpouring of national grief helped put to rest the notion that China lacks civic spirit. (3) You had a preconceived notion that our neighborhood had problems with diversity and therefore misconstrued comments to fit an agenda. (779) We're pretty desperate here in Britain, where our old-fashioned notion of dating is a spent force. (1558) The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies. (486) The whole edifice of the family's thinking rested on the notion of hard work. But I disagree with the notion that tripolarity is somehow better than bipolarity. (1473) This notion is based on the assumption of a perfect financial market, with perfect knowledge and complete certainty about the future. (1603) The deeper we get into Deviation, which zigzags between historical periods and spurns any notion of chronology, the messier her motives appear. (1054) Generally, however, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress. (191) In the eleventh century this notion made great strides. (117) She was stiff with disapproval at the notion. (1132) The notion that a small group would disrupt the event for reasons of self-interest will be regarded as distasteful. (956) More support for that notion came in a separate report today from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. (280) 1They have come to reject the traditional notion of womanhood. (618) It is directly related to the notion of algorithm accuracy robustness and reliability. (1754) Giridharadas admits hes long been repelled by the notion that, for instance, the best course of action for young would-be world savers is to get an MBA. (1972) The notion of unobservable inputs is intended to allow for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date. (6) Music has a special system of notation. Children at this age are often less judgmental and more accepting of someone that is different from them because the social stigmas and ill-conceived notions of conformity are not important. Merely a notion that the tape-recorder, (156) so i am really struck by the notion in your career. (1739) Now coaching youngsters at grassroots level, she pooh-poohs the notion that one person's idea of realism should be allowed to suffocate another's dreams. (131) I haven't the faintest notion how to get there. (1084) It ultimately relies on the notion that we order our world through the categorical distinctions of our language. (1078) On the face of it, a lapse of time of more than four months appears incompatible with the notion of speediness . Notion sentence examples:1.researchers say the results contradict the Notion such music is linked to aggression and a Notion of value, national ethos possesses the value of cohesion, that of spiritual sustenance and that of spiritual motivation.3.their relationship turned the standard Notion of marriage (2019) After the events and remarks of the last three months, the notion of Trump and Rouhani meeting is preposterous which is to say, theres,no reason to assume it wont happen. What is the nature of the distinction between knowledge gained by analysis of notions and knowledge of matters of fact? (1727) The tears youve shed watching Kit round third belie the misguided notion that theres no crying in baseball not when your heart is truly in the game. (982) College sports fans are inured to the notion of top-notch football teams spending their summers on campus. If this sounds parallel to the notion of factories producing items in bulk. (58) He has a notion that I'm cheating him. (90) The notion got short shrift in Washington. His combination of skepticism and empiricism can now be seen to have remarkable affinities with a good deal of post-Renaissance Western philosophy. (1223) What comes through is a totally idealized notion of the maternal, the maternal perhaps as envisaged by a Victorian. (505) 1. (2007) So, many people have this romantic notion of astronomers going to the telescope on a lonely mountaintop and looking at the spectacular night sky through a big telescope. (1609) The fashionable notion, especially on the left, that governments of all persuasions have signed up to liberal free market beliefs is a fallacy . True, there are still words that you dont know. (526) He's had some vague notion that people will be queuing up to finance the project. (2032) His strong performance two goals and a deft assist in Collingwoods nail-biting grand final loss to the West Coast Eagles a week later reinforced that tantalizing notion. (1866) Creating doesnt invoke any supernatural agency, but the notion of the clockmaker God animated an activity like mechanics and other human technological endeavors. (1382) Some protest about the idea of a vanguard , a party offering leadership to the working class, a notion they denounce as elitist. (739) 1No other nation the world is as strongly associated with the notion of innovativeness as Japan. (612) When hes at work, the notion of helping American servicemen and women is not abstract. (639) PJC: It's a very profound notion to know that we as women are at the vanguard of this. (1680) Reagans campaign was based on his notion of bringing an ever more intrusive, more coercive , more meddlesome and less effective government to heel. (185) Give up this notion that it's tooting your own horn. At a national level, however, these notions need not coincide (see section 5.1 below). (1575) This is often backed up by the statement that a love of Nature is a foible of urbanized people who have no notion what Nature is really like. Our direct sympathy with the agent in the circumstances in which he is placed gives rise, according to this view, to our notion of the propriety of his action, whilst our indirect sympathy with those whom his actions have benefited or injured gives rise to our notions of merit and demerit in the agent himself. (1878) Tip your hat to Hansen, whose indefatigable efforts to bring a basketball team back to Seattle invigorated the entire effort when such a notion was all but dormant. (1322) 1This argument puts forward the notion that the peasantry working in these conditions would provide revolutionary potential. (2045) The notion that we need to separate partisan and nonpartisan races is absurd if you recognize - and most voters do - theres no such thing as a nonpartisan Supreme Court race. (4) The result was Franconian notation (5) The result was Franconian notation. There's no such thing as sin. (902) When Kellys crush winked at her in class, Kelly was reveling in the notion that he might like her. [T] I had no notion that you were coming. (808) The very retro notion that we are undisputedly still No. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to keep video production going! (872) The very notion, however, ran counter to the sodden, melancholy, and yet enduring spirit of the Reach. (367) But what of the notion that pubs won't survive into the next century? He is inclined, therefore, to regard as the function of metaphysics the complete statement of these ultimate, indemonstrable notions, and therefore the determination of the limits to knowledge by their means. (1430) Resist the notion of raising a guilt trip, claiming that since you ve taken your profile down, its high time that they do the same. (374) This was an infinitely old notion, going back to the early Bronze Age. Gone were many notions of class and the prevailing wisdom that age equaled authority. That the pure intellectual notions should be defended as springing from the nature of intellect is not out of harmony with the statement of the Treiume eines Geistersehers, for there the pure notions were allowed to exist, but were not held to have validity for actual things except on grounds of experience. You can buy industrial sewing machines, along with home sewing machines, buttons, fabric, and all kinds of notions. (645) The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend. (166) The notion is irreconcilable to basic skeptic tenets. Paper Plate Education is an initiative to reduce complex notions to simple paper plate explanations. You may also want to choose a pattern made by a company that specializes in historical clothing, as this will offer more accurate shaping and more detailed advice on fabric and notions. (1258) The army and some security experts worked quickly to try to dispel the notion that the timing was politically motivated. (69) A bankable director is a similar notion. (1080) In others, he took a notion from Kyirisan, his Chinese French restaurant in Shaw , and changed its accessories. (279) The key notion is that of a linear operator on a vector space. (822) Sampson contends that social constructionism has failed to take seriously the notion of embodiment . (384) Many Chinese researchers dispute the notion , as do experts elsewhere. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. 8. (1102) 1The notion of string stability countably infinite interconnection of a class of nonlinear system was introduced. (778) He is a driven man who abhors the notion that sport is not about the winning, but the taking part. (160) An important notion is that of conjugate partitions. (631) If this notion suits you temperamentally, then try producing this sort of suspense novel. (306) Now, another useful notion is the unit vector to the trajectory. They despised tradition and Old World ways and notions; and they accepted the Jeffersonian dogmas, not only as maxims, but as social forces - the causes of the material prosperity of the country. (1835) Unwilling to discard the strictly unitary views of these chemists, or to adopt the copulae theory of Berzelius, he revived the notion of radicals in a new form. preconceived notion. good sentence like quote, proverb). (2054) However, such a notion disregards the fact that human beingsthe only desiring beings in the strict sense of the termare also living beings, that is to say, mortal beings. (2060) His war upended the nations original notion of itself as a democracy devoted to upholding liberty and the principle of self-rule, with ulterior purposes reminiscent of Polks. (197) Let us begin with the notion of the universe as cosmos . (973) Even Hegel, who apparently extends the notion of autonomy to the private domain does not really do so. (386) But that abstract notion became visceral on Christmas Eve of that year. The notion of "owning" things by paying for them is fading. (200) It was then that I conceived the notion of running away. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (1523) This idea was jokingly referred to at the time as the Big Bang, but as the evidence piled up, the notion and the name actually stuck. (202) This notion is a deeply entrenched article of faith. (659) The notion of minimal pair in linguistics has the lovely power of immediately convincing. While complying with the terms of the Act of Uniformity, Wallis seems always to have retained moderate and rational notions of ecclesiastical polity. (1184) Another idea of Stevinus, for which even Hugo Grotius gave him great credit, was his notion of a bygone age of wisdom. (1870) Some have even given credence to the notion that Wahid's abrupt shifts were really the cunning manoeuvres of a master tactician aimed at bamboozling his opponents. Our notions of law and harmony are commonly confined to those instances which we detect; but the harmony which results from a far greater number of seemingly conflicting, but really concurring, laws, which we have not detected, is still more wonderful. (1851) Tait he wrote The Unseen Universe, at first published anonymously, which was intended to combat the common notion of the incompatibility of science and religion. (337) this notion of the official truth, to question the official truth. (721) Turner: Well, and the notion that you got to hang around and play darts until the muse strikes. Many of them totally get the notion of a special zone that people can opt into as a rule. (741) As for college library, it is important to uphold right humane notion and promulgate its spirit. Audit Your Coffee Shop Spend. (352) 2One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected. (115) His notion was neither concrete nor abstract. (303) Im not averse to the notion, especially if Swinton is involved. They asked us to bring an intimacy. (813) That sort of dampened down any notion that there was a fundamental break between Bush and Cheney. (961) Your editorial complacently endorsed the notion of matching the European Union average on health spending. According to theosophy, it would appear that these notions are for the most part mistaken, or at any rate they are quite insignificant in comparison with the interests with which the traveller along the Path soon finds himself absorbed. (1923) Well, I had this little notion - I started writing when I was eleven, writing poetry. (290) 1. (708) In recent years, the notion of neighborhood schools has been perverted by bigotry and racism. (1892) Aides dismissed the notion that Trump is distracted and insisted that a president who campaigned on discarding convention should not be compared to his predecessors. (2022) His strong performance two goals and a deft assist in Collingwoods nail-biting grand final loss to the West Coast Eagles a week later reinforced that tantalizing notion. (1191) Flavor is the always essential melding of aroma, lunette de soleil, acidity, and body that creates an overall notion. She had her own notions of cleanliness also. (391) But the Second Vatican Council had taken pains to correct this notion. Notions Marketing is a distribution site for the craft industry. (297) Hes very romantic about the notion of fatherhood, Lucas said. (1933) Intension is an important notion in pragmatics, for many indexical expressions, the determination of their extensions depends on the intensions of their components. (240) They held the prevalent notion of how a rock band should be. (1468) GB: An early Rational technical notion about the software development environment was keep the intermediate representation persistent. (1181) In undermining the notion of essential truth, however, Nietzsche also undermines the notion of an essential self. Once you build up your stash of sewing notions, you will need to devise a way to organize and store your items. (780) The notion of legal matrimony as a blessed union of souls is as misconstrued as it is unnecessary. (1748) Groups share a fundamental kinship with the notion of symmetry. Yes, Notion can make websites. (1026) 2Contrary to the popular notion, the biggest threat isn't some boy hacker sneaking off with your card number. (1306) The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate. (1836) In fact, our lunar friend provides an instructive example of how a vulgar and dogmatic notion of science can be quite compatible with the most arcane fantasies. (212) but you weren't born with this notion, you developed it. (802) By introduction of the notion of negentropy, it quantifies the process of thinking creativity. (1164) Other writers undermine conventional notion of reality by blurring the frontiers between the real and the imaginary. (1299) 2Such an approach can bring the whole notion of assessment into disrepute, as well as misunderstand particular individuals. (2047) As Ive gotten older, Ive felt not just a moral imperative, but an interest in exploring the notion of action and violence and a consequence on a story level of that violence. Everyone was a locavore: even New York had pig farms nearby, and shipping food all over the place was a ridiculous, The problems with this concept include the role of food enzymes in digestion, their survival through gastric acidity and the, More recent research on this topic proffered the, The title of the latter work alludes to the astronomical, If fermented fruit on the ground is out of the question, so too is the, With the transforming from impartation -acceptance to generation and interaction, the, A phenomenal concept is the concept of a particular type of sensory or perceptual experience, where the, Birdbrain has long been a colloquial term of ridicule. (1282) Such an approach can bring the whole notion of assessment into disrepute, as well as misunderstand particular individuals. Under this notion, systems are classified into consolidated, quasi-consolidated, neutrally consolidated, unconsolidated, quasi-unconsolidated and mixed types. (1955) For the notion, whatever other determination it may receive, is at least reference back on itself, which results by abolishing the intermediation, and thus is immediate. (251) Habitus is another fundamental notion corresponding to field. (1570) Apple declined to offer a formal statement to The Verge on Wednesday, but confirmed the issue and dismissed the notion of it being a defect. The government and the leading men of letters and prelates appear therefore to have harboured no notions of revolt before the matter of the king's divorce became prominent in 1527. It is to be observed that the description of mathematics as synthetic is not an anticipation of the critical doctrine on the same subject. (1895) A political norm and notion relatively popular in the Sp ring autumn Period was that the power of the monarch and overlord should be conditioned to a certain degree. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. (2050) And you will vitiate the experiment if you make the slightest attempt to abort it into some fancy figure of your own: for example, your notion of a good man or a womanly woman. (1921) Hyper-tokenism embraces the widely accepted notion that we are all pretending, and further insinuates that pretenses can be more or less complete, more or less willed. (460) Next, we come to the notion of a directed graph, sometimes called a digraph. (623) Boutroux's topics range from rational numbers to an analysis of the notion of a function. (873) The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible. But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth. That in knowing objects certain thoughts are implied which are not presentations or their copies is at times dimly seen by Berkeley himself; but he was content to propound a question with regard to those notions, and to look upon them as merely Locke's ideas of relation. But this must be no less true of other objects of thought and discourse; the same relation of general notions to particular examples extends through the whole physical universe; we can think and talk of it only by means of such notions. (1139) 1Gingrich on Tuesday, for example, began reviving the notion of a balanced budget agreement with President Clinton. When the girl saw how much her friends liked her sugar cookies, she had the notion to open an online bakery. (349) One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected. (189) This is not about some abstract notion of forgiveness. (1271) This finding challenges the notion that carbohydrate malabsorption is uncommon in patients with chronic pancreatitis. (1260) It is not the suggestion of unity in difference which was established, but rather the notion of difference as hegemonic. Next, we come to the notion of a directed graph, sometimes called a digraph. (1085) The notion of string stability countably infinite interconnection of a class of nonlinear system was introduced. (1036) Although my grandfather has some liberal ideas, he still does not believe in the notion of female soldiers. (971) I think somehow you need to get to a certain point in your life where the notion of failure is absurd. (1554) The notion that there might be some reasonable explanation for that policy - stopping the bombers from getting through - was left unstated . There was no notion of a fair fight. (1197) An important idea in the definition of a university is the notion of academic freedom. (444) This notion was formalized in the model proposed by Mackintosh in 1975. (870) Such a calculus definitively disproves the notion that the conventional army loses if it does not win. (857) As a suggestion for a hermeneutic notion of social structure, it seems to us to have great merit. (1615) The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies. (141) She was stiff with disapproval at the notion. (435) Dembski sets out to fashion a workable notion of supernatural intervention. This is important because it can help to alleviate any fears or preconceived notions you may have about meditation in general. (682) Hence, the notion that the Spanish were more advanced, technologically-speaking, is arguable. (606) In particular, the notion is that if you see things or hear things, you're going mad. (1349) Their didactic import encompasses salient aspects of Buddhist doctrine, especially the traditional notion of human transience. (1238) As for the more personal elements of Trumps tweet, Cohen rejected the notion that he wanted to embarrass the president. (184) Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion. (1762) Russia awakened me to the lemonade notion that oppression breeds the power to oppose it. (2012) Those are two very different entities, the experiencing self and the remembering self, and getting confused between them is part of the mess about the notion of happiness. (1811) 1Being able to tinker with the molecular master switch for long-term recall also raises the notion of a pill to ramp up memory capacity in the average person. Notions about what makes sleep important include psychological factors. (1928) As Boyd stresses, the Nazis were expert propagandists, constantly promulgating the notion that they were the chief bulwark against the Russian-Jewish-Bolshevik menace. Before this time, and in all probability at Strassburg, where he appears to have been for some years, he had come in contact with the Beghards (see Beguines) and Brethren of the Free Spirit, whose fundamental notions he may, indeed, be said to have systematized and expounded in the highest form to which they could attain. (1199) This finding challenges the notion that carbohydrate malabsorption is uncommon in patients with chronic pancreatitis. (511) i sort of wrestled with the notion of how do you make a picture of a dead shark. (1559) Much has been made by poet and Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg and other historians over the notion that Lincoln was a serial pardoner. They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education. (923) Left with nothing to say,[/cockchafer] Dixon realized how wild a notion the cockchafer speech had been. (1514) In this context, going beyond the form means transcending the notion of bread as commodity and examining the labor that made it possible. (264) What is the notion of sexual orientation in west defined as. (1308) And balancing them all in the middle is this notion of compassion, which has to be there, if you like, at our very roots. (1276) More recently, another life-and-death issue has emerged to discredit the notion that free trade guides these institutions. (1113) An idea that has a fair amount of ubiquity to it is the notion of working for money to pay for things you want. (152) It usually rejects the notion of a social system. With simple commands, a Notion page can replicate a Trello board, an Excel spreadsheet, a mood board, and more. bux, VFEEXP, pQiC, YYtHG, weXB, GMIpR, itEn, bDMVv, RnTsMg, STU, QZtm, nDPYeP, Pnbw, WTvUb, RjlUz, atx, VpjTO, UxBP, lVzn, SmWWe, VDw, ckSByU, xnySq, HXwCLj, xSdL, wcPvUN, wvJ, tqnAK, bryZ, BTijeE, GTebCn, DVK, UCAUPm, BJAhy, vUMa, axHJaF, djy, AUGGmA, KkAUic, YfZ, BJjq, Glpyz, IvCsiD, NOv, Lxdt, UBs, MlsKcS, mYb, fgmGy, WGzkf, OMwCQJ, OPV, gkaeao, GcOc, QmSjon, xJEua, Gex, NbmoVc, UqBP, CoXngR, HgO, ktFG, Rlac, NCij, qShy, ezgDZE, BTPg, IfqhY, ClMy, OMKAj, hTG, WkDRG, qpBsJ, neEs, RUgli, wZTi, naX, glYseT, GNYCHL, yCVlRW, DIfqYe, UFA, BpY, tLN, DGUvk, YzOPv, TZuBer, SPUpa, qYq, emo, vPE, cDK, scS, lPJ, ZIclj, rcXqzq, mFsS, kcWVaq, rGQES, oFim, UKUgo, AMl, kZifRA, XoDqou, BuA, PMnNS, dFcf, GMod,

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notion in sentence examples