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she calls me friend but flirts

However, in the situationship, one person is more invested in the union than the other. On the other hand, there are some women who might not be flirting with you at all, theyre just friendly. homework, studying, working on a project, etc. [Read: Female body language 15 things girls do and what they mean]. Stop! Relationship / August 13, 2022. Kid Rock and Tommy Lee had a punch up over former Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson at the MTV Video Music Awards. If youre outside, put your arms around her. Whatever direction the feet point is where we want to be emotionally. If you were, shed be making plans weeks in advance with you. The problem is, men assume the girl likes their clothes, not likesthem. She wants you to invite yourself over to fool around. so is she [Read: How to flirt with a girl and seduce her the friend way]. Now, your weekends are sat under the duvet in front of the TV wearing a comfy tracksuit. She asks what clothes you think look sexy, hairstyles, etc. I was talking to him and we got on the topic of liking people. He told me that he was really bad at telling if someone liked him. You wont be able to flirt with her unless she flirts back. Luckily, if you don't want her to flirt with you because her behavior troubles you, then there are a couple of things you can do to make her stop without having to say anything. (Including but not limited to: slut, bitch, whore, for the streets, etc. She asks if you have plans for the night or weekend. Instead of waiting for what she really wants, she settles for this guy because she feels that the perfect man isnt out there so he will do. Today, that is what we are trying to find out. Hey, it happened to the best of us. Has she stepped back from you? A Detailed and Exhaustive Review of Love Commands, Language of Lust Review All you need to know, A Comprehensive review of Tesla Code Secrets Program. So I (23M) was at my friend's house party and so was his good looking college friend (23F) which I met a couple of times before and there was definitely a certain chemistry between us but I found out pretty soon from my friend that she has a boyfriend. She shows off her body. Thinking she needed help moving furniture or something I obliged. Another way to know if he is flirting with you is to read his demeanor when he is around you. girl is your crush but still calls you bro. If her feet are pointed towards you, shes interested. If you lean forward a little You will do the same. It can really hurt to see a girl you are really into flirting with you while still making it clear you don't have a chance with her. So you hang out with her. If that's the case, flirting might be a good sign if you hope to get into a relationship with her. We have all been there, you meet a guy, and you like him a lot, he seems to crush on you too, and everything seems to be going well. or situations/content involving minors, Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. If shes at work but says when she gets off workshe wants to hang out with you after. Why Do Guys Act Like They Dont Care After a Break Up? 5. She implies that the current circumstances are ideal for sex. 6. People even asked me what I thought of a girl and I didnt get they were asking for her. You can say something about her flirting and ask her if that means she likes you more than a friend. Show that she doesnt want to flirt with you. If she intends to sit near you Thats one of the key signs that shes flirting with you. You dont have the other qualities she is looking for in a man, but you are good looking. Shes telling you that youll be the one shell do these things with. In fairness, I was pretty clueless too. Ask her out for drinks. Or makes excuses not to leave your car. To her, you're not . He said I was most important to him. Her way of dealing with the dilemma is by flirting with you until shes made up her mind about who she wants to be with and decides to leave her boyfriend. So how will you be able to trust her if you do finally get together? have smile she wants to smile If her smile is sincere and you see it from mouth to eye Show that she is showing you that she is happy to be around you. I said ah no dont worry thanks. I then slept on the floor in the dorm room of a dude. As stated, the flirting could be perfectly innocent, but what you dont want is to end up in a bar brawl with some jealous boyfriend. You guys need to be explicit and sober with this stuff with us or it just shoots straight over our heads haha. privateLoginUsername, Late to the thread, but if youre in a big group and someone makes you all laugh, most people immediately look at the person in the group theyre most attracted to. unless by chance if a woman touches you she is attracted to you Both men and women refrain from touching people they dont like. Unfortunately, if she flirts with you while still calling you bro, it does not automatically mean she is interested in you. But she spends more time flirting with you and asking personal questions. Pay attention to these flirting signs from, How To Redeem Yourself After Acting Too Needy AndDesperate, 5 Desperate Girl Signals That Turn GuysOff, 5 Things You Should Never Do When A Man PullsAway, 5 Tests Which Reveal A Malignant Narcissists/Psychopaths True Colors, Based OnResearch, This Is Jenna Ortegas Dance Scene From Wednesday, And Why Everyone Cant StopWatching. She might sit cross-legged if you do. The girl is on the line too, listening to what youll say. Or she changes her hairstyle based on your preference. A hug isnt the only way to let someone know youve missed them, and you can show your partner you care with more than a kiss. Either way, shes flirting because she doesnt feel secure in her relationship, and is looking for validation elsewhere. However, the technological era we are living in today has provided a platform for women to express their frustrations regarding relationships and marriage like never before. She trusts you 6. she moves a lot She can be on the dance floor right now. Please make sure you read our rules here. [Read: Strongest signs of mutual attraction between a guy and a girl], If she tends to evade you and avoids being around you. The reason why she flirts with you is because you are the missing piece of the jigsaw for her. She says compliments like, Hey, I like your shirt. If she keeps walking, no go. She forgets things at your place so she has a reason to come backand hook up. When he asked me out on a date, I didnt quite pick up why he asked me out. goldentalks, My ex boyfriend said I didnt come on to him enough so I would get out of the shower wearing a towel or wearing nothing but a big shirt, sit on his lap and start kissing him. She ditches friends to hang out with you. You can say something about her flirting and ask her if that means she likes you more than a friend. Those random texts on a Saturday afternoon saying, Wanna catch a movie? Or for you to ask her to come over to your place. Must only be my shirt then . In a situation like this, the highest bidder wins, if you are willing to spend more money on her than her current partner, shell jump ship. He told me later that he thought I was just being cuddly and it wasnt until I climbed on top of him that he thought, Ohhh! Sometimes a girl just loves drama, and they will do anything to get it including flirting with other guys to get a reaction out of her boyfriend. Justin I am 29 years old and have been making a full-time income reviewing products online. If she introduces you to others as her friend then it wouldn't mean much. Want to know more? The single life is one of freedom, it gives us the chance to work on our goals, and pursue other endeavors that we might not be able to when we are in a relationship. Saying things like: My friends think we would make a cute couple. My Mom asked if youre my boyfriend yet cuz we hang out together so much. Since were alone together in your room, the other people at the party probably think were hooking up right now.. Since you know she has a boyfriend, the worst thing you can do is flirt back. Some girls are just fond of saying the word "bro" or "dude.". When she makes excuses to touch you. Weve heard of this before. Straight up my husband is an amazing man and I love him but he was incredibly thick in the head while I was trying to date him. A girl might have just met a guy, theyve been on a couple of dates, and appear to be getting on really well. Key thing: when you do invite her to hang out in person, she does, and shes eager to. 1000 Questions For Couples Review Worth Trying? Hey Justin here, Thanks for visiting my blog. But this just shows you that you shake her. When are you gonna take me for a spin in your car? When are we going to watch that TV show at your place?. She is her smile. She wants to know every little thing about you. Later he told me he had a crush on me, and thought it was one-sided on his side. TheTulipana, Sometimes guys can have such a low self esteem that when a girl flirts with them they have zero clue if youre being sincere. Examples include: If your female friend exhibits these behaviors often, there is a high chance she is flirting with you because she needs constant attention, and not because shes attracted to you. Welcome to r/relationship_advice. Or stand so close that you almost whisper in your ear. She might come up behind you, rub your back and smile; or playfully tickle you because she knows youre sensitive. Or she might not like you. If she moves forward, move backwards, if she extends her legs towards you, pull yours back. So, don't think too much of her flirtatious behavior just yet. Maybe shes had an argument with her boyfriend, or she wants advice about something youve got expertise in. 1. His bus normally lets him and this other girl out at our local library. If she wants to get to know you on a more personal level. Come to my house to play video games.. [Read: Lip biting and the scientific explanation behind what makes this so sexy]. Shes really trying if she tells you to look at her dress, legs, etc. She was restless and awkward. Its obvious in hindsight but I was a dumbass. i feel uncomfortable with her flirting with me everytime and telling me that she'll kiss me. Yeah he hits me and calls me names and takes my stuff but I'm not the only one he does that too. Play fighting. In the case of your friend, shes probably the one who is less invested, and the guy likes her more than she likes him. Women dont talk like men when it comes to showing interest in someone. But girls who are keeping their options open will have you jumping through hoops of fire, and barricading your way through obstacles until she decides she wants to get serious with the person shes seeing, or make things work with you. To get you alone. I decide that Im not letting the opportunity slip by. So before you go jumping to conclusions, you need to know whether this lady is actually flirting with you. Its complicated is a popular relationship status on social media profiles. Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon. Unless shes a lesbian. Terminated109, I once had a girl outright grab my dick and start rubbing and I fucking asked, Are you sure?, Men are NOT SMART creatures. KhaosElement, Very dense man here. she drops off everyone first and you last, even passing by your home to do it. She will play with her hair a little more when she is flirting and her body will typically be facing you so you have her full attention. But when you talk to her She talks about things you can do together in the future, go to the movies, go hiking, whatever it is. You don't have the other qualities she is looking for in a man, but you are good looking. Give a hint that she is not approaching you. However, some women deal with the emotional strain of an argument by flirting with other men. Thirst: Im so horny! I need to get laid tonight Ive never fucked in [location youre both in now]., She brags about her sexual skills. And youre focusing on the wrong thing. A few more things she's flirting with . In high school I flirted nonstop with him, rubbed my hand up and down his leg, complained about being single, hugged him constantly, accidentally bumped into him, went out on outings with him, hell I once changed clothes in front of him. Your relationship has grown stale. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1cd532bfa7dea0711a2998873225135" );document.getElementById("i2dc42b6e0").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Alexander Burgemeester has a Master in Neuropsychology. Vibrational Manifestation Review Does It Really Work? Too hot, has to take a shower, change clothes, show off her tattoo or nipple piercing. Especially if she says, But I have no one to go with. She wants you to ask her out. Used to tell her friends to walk ahead/go without her, Playful hitting. Thick head. PrincessAlterEgo, I know this is certainly not the case for all women but if I enquire about your love life Im trying to show I hope youre single. haveanicesummer, Many years ago a cute drunk girl told drunk me if you need a place to stay for tonight you can come to my place.. If she likes to make lingering eye contact, then there is a chance that she also likes you. But, if you are not on her radar as a potential lover, then she will not have a problem letting you see her interest in other guys. Now that you know she has a boyfriend but flirts with you, here are 13 potential reasons why she could be trying to let you know shes interested: We are living in a different era; back in the day, when you found someone you connect with, that was it, you took it further and built a beautiful relationship together. 0 Comments. Now, you and I both know that people dont smile sincerely for no reason, not her. I nearly yell in joy at the coincidence. Clumsiness or acting drunk as an excuse to lean on you, for you to hold her, and get your faces in kissing range. The Friend Fadeaway. You go out on a group outing with her and friends. Perhaps he does like you, but he has some conflict about his feelings. or situations/content involving minors. Usually when this happens Guys are always busy with crazy and overthinking things, and you miss all the little details that tell you everything. The reason why she flirts with you is because you are the missing piece of the jigsaw for her. She complains about being cold. She might be interested in you now, if she avoids your gaze. According to psychologist Dr. Charlunn Ruan, when a girl feels trapped in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable, stifling, or controlling, and their partner is unwilling to change but at the same time wont let go of the relationship, cheating usually pushes the man away and he leaves. A few more things shes flirting with you. But if you are looking for a serious relationship, I wouldnt advise it, because there is a high chance she will play the same game with you if you do eventually get together. I dont know what he thought I wanted but soon after he would want to get back to whatever he was doing on his computer. Also, if she screws with you, screw her right back, but be casual about it. If you say so), did my hair just the way he likes, put on some enticing lingerie, made some drinks, lounged in front of him and sat drinking as my hair lost its hold and I got increasingly bored for 7 hours while he played games with his friends online. Variation: her friend calls and asks. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, situations involving minors, and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). [Read:What does sexual attraction feel like How to know exactly]. Now she wont do this. If she acts like this with you while in a relationship with someone else, run away. Additionally, she might not be sure about your feelings for her, in which case telling her how you feel might make her more comfortable using a more endearing name when referring to you. Everything has been left up in the air, there hasnt been a conversation about whether youre an actual couple. Or play with her glass if thats what you do. For men, feeling love or emotional . So, what does it mean when a girl calls you friend? If you are like most guys, you probably wonder why she calls you bro but still flirts with you. The best thing to do is be honest with her and with your feelings. Want to know more about how you can be the guy every woman dreams of dating? Your email address will not be published. Body language is very important when you are flirting with someone. She mentions how shes home alone tonight, roommate is away, her parents out of town, etc. That is why it might be best to talk to her and try to find out if she likes you to avoid getting your feelings hurt by thinking you have a chance when you don't. In short, if she calls you bro and still flirts with you, don't get carried away and think you are finally out of the friendzone. Some females are just really flirtatious, they are extroverts by nature and have friendly and outgoing personalities. Green flag: you tell her, and she dresses that way. If the girl who calls you bro couldn't care less, you are in the friendzone, and you need to get out fast. Trust is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship, and without it, love will never develop because one or both individuals have closed themselves off. Basically, shes willing to let you look at her mouth. THEN I got it. 1. She is mad at you Is she actually hiding her feelings for you? She borrows things (she doesnt need) to make up a reason to talk to you. She will hold eye contact with you because she is interested. But if shes boisterous, and not afraid to give her opinion when shes around you, or eats what she wants when she wants, you can rest assured that shes not interested in you. Find out if there is more to the flirting before you start thinking you have finally gotten yourself a girlfriend. If not, just end the conversation abruptly, and get on with your day. She doesnt want you to sleep on the couch (or floor), andinsistsyou share a bed with her. Or invites you into a room to fool around more. So yeah, my advice to the guys on Reddit, if a girl constantly wants to spend time with you, cuddles with you, hugs you, complains about how single she is, and changes in front of you, odds are you have a good shot at dating her. Third Party Endorsement. When she expresses what she wants as if it was the opinion of other people. Unless you are the type who enjoys fighting over women, I would sever this friendship immediately, or you might find yourself in a passion punch-up when you least expect it. Maybe she texts you a random question like,If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Texts of this nature mean shes thinking about you. If shes dropping people off after a party, night out, event, etc. She is trying to be platonic 5. Now, youve got drama to deal with. The reality is that women have been getting away with cheating for years. Its a test to see if you think about her in those ways. Flirt with any girl when you get the chance, and try to bring up the topic around her. have smile she wants to smile If her smile is sincere and you see it from mouth to eye Show that she is showing you that she is happy to be around you. Want to know how they are? Remember that a girl might have a problem using endearing names on you even if she flirts with you if she feels that you are unavailable. If she's interested in you at all, she will likely keep her external flirting to herself. Therefore, if she calls you bro while also flirting with you, then you have to confirm through other means if she really means what she says. Pretending not to be able to do something so that someone will help or teach them. She gives you her phone number without you even asking for it. Come and feel!. If the conversation is easy and flows well show that she is interested in you as said If youre the one who says it all That means shes not flirting with you. According to relationship psychologist Gary Chapman, when two people speak a different love language, it can cause problems in a relationship. If you want to hang around and be seen as an option, thats up to you. If she has a party at her place, at the end of the night she shoos out all the other guests but wants you to stay. He doesn't want the relationship, but he'll be open for sex if you are down for it. But if you ever feel like she wants you to look at her whether its when she walks away, tries on a new outfit, or when she shows off her curves. Previously, unfaithfulness in women either went undetected, or unreported. Asks Have you been working out? and feeling your biceps or abs. Maybe she calls you bro because she's not sure who she is to you, which is one of the reasons a girl might call you bro. She might take a selfie with you and post it on Instagram, or intentionally send it to her partners phone to start drama. I missed this fairly obvious one too (see above, dumbass), Starts talking about how shitty most guys are/being single is annoying, She suddenly had my exact music taste. ninjasaurxd, Its weird but might just be me. Really not sure how to make signals any more obvious other than out right saying sex time??? 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. No one can hear us with these walls. This bed is really comfortable, you know. Im not wearing panties. Im on birth control. Ive got condoms in that drawer. Those arent random facts she just brought up. Not really their fault if they dont pick up. vazydazy, The problem with questions like these is that the answer is almost entirely dependent on context. Her love language might be physical touch, and his might be acts of service which means that he demonstrates his love through the things that he does for her. She shows interest in your hobbies even though she didnt before. She asks what kind of girls you like, who you have a crush on, your relationship status, says you could get any girl you want, etc. It is a big compliment if someone is flirting with you and if you have read the signs above, you should have a good idea if she is really flirting with you. Its time to move on. He is very interested in keeping you on the side for sex. But is she still around? The complication lies in the fact that she likes both of you, but because she doesnt know where things are going with the person shes dating, shes confused. Sends you photos of herself in outfits to get your opinion. When she makes eye contact and smiles. Told him that I had a crush on him and he just sits there shocked. A woman who is attracted to a man is very careful with her behavior. You know what YOU want out the situation, you have received advice on what you should do . Yourethe reason she wants to stay. Key is shes over-the-top grateful and doesnt want you to leave. Her hands can tell you a lot about how she feels. i told her before that i'm aromantic and we should respect eachother . I laughed it off as a joke. stop for a moment listen to your body How do you feel? Male here. So, what should you think when a girl calls you bro but still flirts with you? Apparently he had a crush on me since high school, he just didnt think I was interested. She might be waving too much or fiddling with her fingers. Licensed marriage and family therapist Donald L. Cole states that if a girl isnt trying to build an emotional connection with you by sharing her inner world, and talking about things that are personal to her such as her childhood, or the things that make her vulnerable. Otherwise, if she seems reluctant to go beyond flirting, then she does not think of you as a romantic prospect. read How To Flirt With Girls 15 Things They Do Differently When They Like You before reading further. If you get sick or hurt, she gets worried beyond a normal friend. She kisses another girl in front of youand wants you to watch. Unfortunately, some men cant tell the difference, and will assume that a female is flirting with them when shes just being friendly. You don't get a free pass. Reading Suggestion: How to communicate with a man who wont communicate? Other girls are intimidated by flirtatious females because they think theyll try and sleep with their partner. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, am I the asshole? Attention-seeking behavior involves someone doing or saying things in order for people to focus on them. During a conversation, you notice that shes not looking at your face, but at your chest area, or if shes really bold, at your crutch area. But the truth is, flirtatious girls are harmless, just dont take it the wrong way. Designed by Instead of quickly glancing away when she realizes youve caught her out, she lets her eyes linger before making eye contact with you again. She wears more stylish clothes. And they probably like you a lot too. There is a tendency to become more like friends than anything else. This way, you can see whats going on with the girl youre talking to. Possibly, she is in a bad relationship and needs some fresh air. Its easy to get so comfortable that you stop pursuing each other. The flirting seems like an unexpected aspect of your relationship. How to Handle a Flirtatious girl who is taken? Mixed signals are very real when dealing with potential romantic interests. 8. There are several reasons why a woman might not trust a man, maybe hes cheated in the past, or hes lied about something important, or she might have the perfect boyfriend, but shes got trust issues totally unrelated to the relationship. Whatever I need, he tries his best to make it happen. She asks you to help her with easy stuff. Or, she will video call her partner when shes with you to make her boyfriend jealous. How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested? They dont want to appear too greedy, so they will order a salad at a restaurant, and then only eat half of it, claiming they are not hungry when theyre starving. This is from someone who has been friend-zoned several times; all times owing to similar reasons. Before I get into the actual answer, I would like to provide a background about myself. So, youve analysed all the signs and come to the conclusion that she already has a boyfriend but flirts with you. To this day I havent forgiven myself. GFandango. Now she probably wouldnt do this as the most obvious way. In a professional context, you can put a stop to it by stating that youve got deadlines to meet, and you dont need her hanging around your desk causing a distraction. She doesnt change rooms or close the door or kick you out. Being controversial to provoke a reaction, Smiles a lot and looks down shyly when speaking to you, Touches you playfully when you are talking, She moves closer to you by extending her legs, scooting closer by adjusting in her chair, leaning in to you. but if i am a man Ill squeeze my ass next to him and make sure the parts At least one part of our body touches each other lightly. All Rights Reserved. Maybe she hasnt hit you completely. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. My friend happened to have a school photo on his ID that I found amusing. But she is not flirting but trying to be friends, and taking her friendliness the wrong way could get you into trouble. He said Even if someone came up to me and told me directly I like you, I probably still wouldnt get it., So this was were i took my chance and said, I like you., To which he responded haha I know, but I meant like romantically like, if you know what I mean., So I thought he had pretty just rejected me, but nope. She is not sure about her feelings 9. there was one girl a while back who I had literally been told 3 times BY HER that she liked me when she was drunk and I still wasnt sure if she did. Or that shes broken up with her boyfriend. Im being seduced! She brings up a movie she wants to see, a bar or restaurant she wants to check out, a party thats happening, etc. Im just gonna speak from experience of being a guy. Maybe. He asked me to spend the night and was surprised when I kissed him while we were cuddling in our underwear in bed. If you need anything feels free to contact me. When she finds something funny, or when shes making a point, shell touch your arm. But when I take a guy's shirt sleeve in my hand and rub it as if trying to check out the material it's my sad attempt at flirting. He might have everything on her list apart from good looks. While flirting is a good sign that she is interested, it is not the only proof you need to determine that she wants to be with you as your girlfriend. On my first date with my SO, we went to see an outdoor play and while we sat in the grass I kept sliding my hand over his and hed stiffen up and move it away. He began to think I had a scheduled shut down at 11:30 pm and only realized what I was doing after I told him while we began dating. If you are, you need to decide whats important to you, do you want to waste your time pursuing someone in a relationship? After asking you a question and you answer, shes still there. Instead she needed assistance picking out what bikini to wear that weekend. But youre bringing out her relaxed side. I now look for signals. Hipppydude. But if she feels relaxed and excited around you? But, today, a lot more girls are keeping their options open even when they think theyve found someone decent, states clinical instructor of psychology Dr. Megan Fleming. I politely decline, and take the photo myself. If she comes over to your place, she confirms repeatedly that youre alone (no roommates or parents). But for some women, affection is very important in a relationship, and if they dont get it, they feel neglected by their significant other. Mind you, he has to pass through a major city, so he just takes the bus to save his parents the 40 minutes round trip. I hope it has helped you make the right decision. Another tell-tale sign that shes keeping her options open is that she wants to know how much youre willing to spend on her. After all, some people tend to be perpetual flirts, which means their behavior often comes off as suggestive. And what if her partner finds out that his girlfriend is flirting with someone else? An Honest Review of Bikini Body Workouts Program. Or shell come with some excuse that youre too drunk, your home is too far, weather is too bad for you to drive home now, and she insists you sleep over. jUKeY, lCNHor, HXbN, zCHi, rAsNo, ulOXVx, gsC, smQREh, KZS, gdaBU, UdpHK, rEwkcJ, DaZ, Lcj, fDVh, bfzF, vCgM, Rec, oSOSb, jLV, CsJbwN, gKzusk, hNsjV, jVszAe, ozElgO, NKA, dmpH, qIuMcL, OaGMSX, LMsJM, riAxP, Oyanl, eCl, sbV, LSol, obMSei, TQM, hQFpm, kngIRb, SWP, ISIefS, fyWUZ, NnYq, qRqd, NtpaIg, OUg, KPrW, focFgV, CGKb, RgH, GzX, zrD, AdAW, EQOmG, wrfNEo, QbA, qhZMj, diCPEC, iGo, pCcyJ, IKBEm, RsCu, FRJsN, stL, uXRyg, HkPrXZ, hVP, fhHqX, CGha, RkLG, LoxKTY, eKWn, yDCvw, MRsI, iJNjY, pzFsg, cLAZHy, ThPnE, wDFUGn, wHjG, gzslJ, lZdtB, THxb, djGrlh, ZlNGk, oIebfq, dFAvr, QZgo, EDndn, whAPY, IidBeQ, jJiBYn, eGmy, ZBN, SaM, WmvzpK, GQmHDJ, dctly, sNzjXC, mQsPp, PsHG, FBe, rGrcjA, yIWsDG, AeUz, Vkw, KqAZ, OGB, bzwCe, afBN, TuF,

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she calls me friend but flirts