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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. [151][152][153] These attitudes are said to legitimize the proselytising of Christians from other denominations. According to Buddhist tradition, he was born in Lumbini in what is now Nepal,[b] to royal parents of the Shakya clan, but renounced his home life to live as a wandering ascetic (Sanskrit: ramaa). [64] The neocortex of many species is home to elongated spindle neurons that, prior to 2007, were known only in hominids. about tips. [367] Because of this, all castes including untouchables were welcome in the Buddhist order and when someone joined, they renounced all caste affiliation. Then he begins to receive predictions by past Buddhas. Likewise, yakkas and nagas have remained important figures in Buddhist religious practices and mythology. [61], The dates of Gautama's birth and death are uncertain. As well as this, the eyes of a dolphin are placed on the sides of its head, so their vision consists of two fields, rather than a binocular view like humans have. [35][37], Dolphins have a two-chambered stomach that is similar in structure to terrestrial carnivores. According to Anlayo, the Chinese parallel to MN 26, M 204, does not contain this story, but this event does appear in other parallel texts, such as in an Ekottarika-gama discourse, in the Catusparisat-stra, and in the Lalitavistara. [246], The Mahaparinibbana sutta depicts the Buddha's last year as a time of war. If an organization or religion does not preserve such fundamental principles or creeds, it can be compared to a lifeless body. [299] According to Richard Gombrich, the twelve-fold list is a combination of two previous lists, the second list beginning with tanha, "thirst," the cause of suffering as described in the second noble truth". He drowned but was transfigured as the marine deity Palaemon, while his mother became Leucothea. [35], No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or from the one or two centuries thereafter. [71] Nradasmti and Parasara-samhita states that a wife can remarry if her husband becomes an apostate. "[353], Other scholars of Buddhist studies have disagreed with the mostly positive view that the early Buddhist texts reflect the teachings of the historical Buddha, arguing that some teachings contained in the early texts are the authentic teachings of the Buddha, but not others. I have found Hindi translation of the Quran in few libraries and read it with such precision. There is evidence from the early texts that the Buddha encountered some of these figures and critiqued their doctrines. The Lord's Supper: 27-15.htm", "Many Adventists Advocate Rich-Grain, No-Meat Diet", "Seventh-Day Adventist Diet: A Complete Guide", "Seventh-day Adventists advocate a vegetarian diet-but it's not because of animal ethics", "Fake meat is baked into Battle Creek's history", "The History of Fake Meat Starts With the Seventh-Day Adventist Church", "Slingshot wins $14m food giant Sanitarium", "A Surprising Secret to a Long Life: Stay in School", "Why Loma Linda residents live longer than the rest of us", "What 'Blue Zone' city Loma Linda, California can teach us about living longer", "What sunny, religious town in California teaches us about living-longer", "Adventist Health Study-2 | Adventist Health Study", "The Adventists And What They Mean To You", "Operation Whitecoat benifits Army research 60 years later", "Adventist helped biological weapons study", "Submission in the New Testament (Ephesians 5)", "Seventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality", "Seventh-day Adventist Response to Same-Sex UnionsA Reaffirmation of Christian Marriage", "Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion",, "Seventh-day Adventist Position on COHABITATION", "A Statement of Consensus on Care for the Dying", "Birth Control: A Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Consensus", "Statement on Ethical Considerations Regarding Human Cloning", "The Wedding Band, Ellen G. White, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church", "Can Seventh Day Adventists Wear Wedding Rings? [375], Other early texts like the Cakkavatti-Shanda Sutta and the Mahsudassana Sutta focus on the figure of the righteous wheel turning leader (Cakkavatti). . [306] Since they are all impermanent, one cannot regard any of the psycho-physical processes as an unchanging self. Samuel asked Saul: Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? [371] The Buddha's teaching then is a single universal moral law, one Dharma valid for everybody, which is opposed to the Brahmanic ethic founded on "one's own duty" (svadharma) which depends on caste. The president of the General Conference, for instance, is elected at the General Conference Session every five years. Wendy Doniger (1988), Textual Sources for the Study of Hinduism, Manchester University Press. neyse But there were generally not many rulers among them, except those specially favored by Allah, who took any initiative to spread the light of Islam among the Hindu masses under them. The texts report that he became so emaciated that his bones became visible through his skin. [141] Veltman examined fifteen, randomly selected chapters of The Desire of Ages for evidence of literary dependence and concluded, "On an average we may say that 31.4 percent of the DA text is dependent to some extent on literary sources. Read, a biologist at the Duke University Marine Laboratory who studies dolphin attacks, points out that dolphins are large and wild predators, so people should be more careful when they interact with them. "Vinaya rules for monks and nuns.". Well-known proponents of the third position are: Exemplary studies are the study on descriptions of "liberating insight" by Lambert Schmithausen, Vetter: "However, if we look at the last, and in my opinion the most important, component of this list [the noble eightfold path], we are still dealing with what according to me is the real content of the middle way, dhyana-meditation, at least the stages two to four, which are said to be free of contemplation and reflection. [419] Art of Mathura. "[231], According to J.S. [216] The health of the ascetics might have been a concern as well. [92], On September 12, 2021, the Mid-America Union Conference was the third to ordain women in the North American Division. A heart that is fully devoted to God? Hinber proposes a composition date of no later than 350320 BCE for this text, which would allow for a "true historical memory" of the events approximately 60 years prior if the Short Chronology for the Buddha's lifetime is accepted (but he also points out that such a text was originally intended more as hagiography than as an exact historical record of events). From 1976 to 1997, 55 whales were taken from the wild in Iceland, 19 from Japan, and three from Argentina. 870. ", "Tail walking in a bottlenose dolphin community: the rise and fall of an arbitrary cultural 'fad', "The incredible tale of Billie the Port River dolphin the world's first wild tailwalker", "The amazing story of Billie, the dolphin who taught her peers how to moonwalk", Photographer Captures Stunning Killer Whale Attack on Dolphin, "Emerging diseases in marine mammals: from dolphins to manatees". In May 2005, a discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teaching their young to use tools. [1][68][c] These alternative chronologies, however, have not been accepted by all historians. [160], Dolphin safe labels attempt to reassure consumers that fish and other marine products have been caught in a dolphin-friendly way. [103], Reports of cooperative human-dolphin fishing date back to the ancient Roman author and natural philosopher Pliny the Elder. [197] Tilikum's behaviour sparked the production of the documentary Blackfish, which focuses on the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity. [382], According to the Buddha of the suttas then, achieving a good rebirth is based on cultivating wholesome or skillful (kusala) karma, which leads to a good result, and avoiding unwholesome (akusala) karma. This ideal leader is one who promotes Dharma through his governance. He is said to have gifted Jeta's grove (Jetavana) to the sangha at great expense (the Theravada Vinaya speaks of thousands of gold coins). [82], On June 29,2000, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists adopted a resolution on gambling. The skin of a dolphin is made up of two parts: the epidermis and the blubber, which consists of two layers including the dermis and subcutis. [196] This event was said to have occurred under a pipal treeknown as "the Bodhi tree"in Bodh Gaya, Bihar. He can feed five thousand people with just a couple of loaves of bread. In the United States, the best known are the SeaWorld marine mammal parks. [151], While the earliest sources merely depict Gotama seeking a higher spiritual goal and becoming an ascetic or ramaa after being disillusioned with lay life, the later legendary biographies tell a more elaborate dramatic story about how he became a mendicant. Solomon said: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. The researchers counter-argue that the behaviors shown are evidence of self-awareness, as they are very different from normal responses to another individual. The record-holder of documented orca fatal attacks is a male named Tilikum,[193][194][195] who lived at SeaWorld from 1992 until his death in 2017. The click rate increases when approaching an object of interest. Because dolphins are generally associated in groups, communication is necessary. These include texts such as the "Discourse on the Noble Quest" (: Ariyapariyesan-sutta) and its parallels in other languages. [117], In these legendary biographies, the bodhisattva goes through many different births (animal and human), is inspired by his meeting of past Buddhas, and then makes a series of resolves or vows (pranidhana) to become a Buddha himself. [32] Another epithet, used at inscriptions throughout South and Southeast Asia, is Maha sramana, "great sramana" (ascetic, renunciate). The Sthavira texts generally focus on "five points" which are seen as excessive ascetic practices, while the Mahsaghika Vinaya speaks of a more comprehensive disagreement, which has Devadatta alter the discourses as well as monastic discipline. Vairocana Buddha of Srivijaya style, Southern Thailand, 9th century. [81] In the short chronology Bimbisara reigned c. 400 BCE,[82][n] while Ajatashatru died between c. 380 BCE and 330 BCE. [414], The earliest artistic depictions of the Buddha found at Bharhut and Sanchi are aniconic and symbolic. Though not quite as flexible as seals, some dolphins can briefly travel at speeds of 29 kilometres (18mi) per hour or leap about 30 feet (9.1m). [40], After a brief break, the community joins together again for a church service that follows a typical evangelical format, with a sermon as a central feature. "[101] Nevertheless, the Buddha was acquainted with Brahmanism, and in the early Buddhist Texts, the Buddha references Brahmanical devices. I can steal. 161 Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version. Legend has it that, on the night Siddhartha was conceived, Queen Maya dreamt that a white elephant with six white tusks entered her right side,[131][132] and ten months later[133] Siddhartha was born. 1999. pp. Some of these requirements include protection, fat storage, heat regulation, and sensory perception. This melon consists of fat, and the skull of any such creature containing a melon will have a large depression. The dolphin's skin is known to have a smooth rubber texture and is without hair and glands, except mammary glands. Make a revision and communicate with your writer exactly what you want adjusted or improved on your paper! [76] The Quran in verse and many Hadiths of Islam discuss blasphemy and its punishment. Do you know there are certain things I can do that God cannot? Republicans attack Matt Walsh for telling the truth about slavery. Anver M. Emon, Religious Pluralism and Islamic Law: Dhimmis and Others in the Empire of Law, Oxford University Press. 162224; A Sharma (September 2005), Journal American Acad Religion, 73(3): 843870. The first of these was H. M. S. Richards' radio show Voice of Prophecy,[114] which was initially broadcast in Los Angeles in 1929. The Adventurer curriculum is for children aged between 4-9 and it is divided into 6 classes which are little lamb, early bird, sunbeam, builder and helping hand. Buddha in the exposed stupa of Borobudur mandala, Central Java, Indonesia, c. 825. Adventists are cautious, however, to ensure that evangelism does not impede or intrude on the basic rights of the individual. The most common dolphin species in captivity is the bottlenose dolphin, while there are around 60 orcas in captivity. [177][178] According to the Ariyapariyesan-sutta (MN 26) and its Chinese parallel at M 204, after having mastered the teaching of ra Klma (Pali: Alara Kalama), who taught a meditation attainment called "the sphere of nothingness", he was asked by ra to become an equal leader of their spiritual community. Possible explanations include misdirected infanticide, misdirected sexual aggression or play behaviour. This also formed as the result of a schism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe during World War I over the position its European church leaders took on having its members join the military or keep the Sabbath. I am now old, worn out I have reached the term of life, I am turning eighty years of age. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Then he asked if anyone had any doubts about the teaching, but nobody did. [216] There are no known cases of mercury poisoning as a result of consuming dolphin meat, though the government continues to monitor people in areas where dolphin meat consumption is high. Male dolphins are called "bulls", females called "cows" and young dolphins are called "calves". [41], Adventist churches usually practice open communion four times a year. [241], All the major early Buddhist Vinaya texts depict Devadatta as a divisive figure who attempted to split the Buddhist community, but they disagree on what issues he disagreed with the Buddha on. [98] The society of the middle Ganges basin lay on "the outer fringe of Aryan cultural influence,"[99] and differed significantly from the Aryan society of the western Ganges basin. [103][104] Arthashastra text of Hinduism dedicates a chapter to dasa where a financially bankrupt individual may and become a servant of another. [24] The adths contain the sunnah, or the reports of Muhammad's life, sayings, actions, and examples he set. [145] Kondaa, the youngest, and later to be the first arhat other than the Buddha, was reputed to be the only one who unequivocally predicted that Siddhartha would become a Buddha. However, the Bible talks about spiritual adultery far more than physical adultery. ), 1167, Wien: sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Apart from this, lies and propaganda by Hindu writers about Islam and Islamic religion are equally responsible for this. [222][223] Meanwhile, the Buddha's father Suddhodana heard his son's teaching, converted to Buddhism and became a stream-enterer. [137] Dolphins also suffer from a wide variety of diseases and parasites. Many stories of these previous lives are depicted in the Jatakas. [50][51] Will Keith Kellogg and John Harvey Kellogg invented corn flakes at Battle Creek Sanitarium, by putting stale wheat berry between rollers and baking it. [129] Both places belonged to the Sakya territory, and are located only 24 kilometres (15mi) apart. Hinduism discourages non-medical circumcision, as according to them, the body is made by the almighty God, and nobody has right to alter it without the concern of the person who is going for it.[92]. Using sponges as mouth protection is a learned behavior. Most species prefer the warm waters of the tropic zones, but some, such as the right whale dolphin, prefer colder climates. These ancient whales are the predecessors of modern whales, stretching back to their first ancestor that spent their lives near (rarely in) the water. [66] Cetacean spindle neurons are found in areas of the brain that are homologous to where they are found in humans, suggesting that they perform a similar function. A number of lay offices exist within the local church, including the ordained positions of elder and deacon. [160] In the Nidanakatha (5th century CE), Gautama is said to have seen an old man. Hinduism is an Indian religion and a way of life[3] of the Hindu people, primarily practiced in the Indian subcontinent and other regions which have experienced Hindu influence since ancient and medieval times. (2007). By the 12th century, al-Shahrastani even compared Buddha to Khidr, described as an ideal human. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an Adventist Protestant Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the seventh day of the week in the Christian and the Hebrew calendar, as the Sabbath, and its emphasis on the imminent Second Coming (advent) of Jesus Christ.The denomination grew out of the Millerite movement in the United States during Job saw God. In the first scenario: If the PVA continued attacking in full and the UN Command was forbidden to blockade and bomb China, and without Taiwanese reinforcements, and without an increase in US forces until April 1951 (four National Guard divisions were due to arrive), then atomic bombs might be used in North Korea. [128] While some reports state that the dolphins are becoming intoxicated on the tetrodotoxin in the fishes' skin,[129] other reports have characterized this behavior as the normal curiosity and exploration of their environment in which dolphins engage. [132] In 2011, up to 12 dolphins were observed tail-walking, but only females appeared to learn the skill. Dolphins are present in the coat of arms of Anguilla and the coat of arms of Romania,[179] and the coat of arms of Barbados has a dolphin supporter. [61], Their largest medical school and hospital in North America is Loma Linda University and Loma Linda University Medical Center. [30], Today, the closest living relatives of cetaceans are the hippopotamuses; these share a semi-aquatic ancestor that branched off from other artiodactyls some 60 million years ago. ), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, N Mohammad sahab (1985), The doctrine of jihad: An introduction, Journal of Law and Religion, 3(2): 381397. [194] In later centuries, Gautama became known as the Buddha or "Awakened One". Blubber is found within the dermis and subcutis layer. Seated Buddha Vairocana flanked by Avalokiteshvara and Vajrapani of Mendut temple, Central Java, Indonesia, early 9th century. Facilities such as SeaWorld and the Georgia Aquarium are accredited by the AZA. These play a role in the church's health message and worldwide missions outreach. "[21][22], The sacred scriptures of Islam are the Qurn and the adths i.e. Buddhist political theory denies that people have a moral duty to engage in politics except to a very minimal degree (pay the taxes, obey the laws, maybe vote in the elections), and it actively portrays engagement in politics and the pursuit of enlightenment as being conflicting paths in life. It was Gods arbitrary decision. [217], Similar concerns exist with the consumption of dolphin meat in the Faroe Islands, where prenatal exposure to methylmercury and PCBs primarily from the consumption of pilot whale meat has resulted in neuropsychological deficits amongst children. In the Questions on Doctrine era, evangelicals expressed concern about Adventism's understanding of the relationship of White's writings to the inspired canon of Scripture. 2022 tpm media llc. Hundreds if not thousands of bottlenose dolphins live in captivity across the world, though exact numbers are hard to determine. [110], The ancient Indians were generally unconcerned with chronologies, being more focused on philosophy. [411] Josaphat was included in earlier editions of the Roman Martyrology (feast-day 27 November)though not in the Roman Missaland in the Eastern Orthodox Church liturgical calendar (26 August). [52][53] Some can also re-route blood from tissue tolerant of water pressure to the heart, brain and other organs. ", The exact location of ancient Kapilavastu is unknown. If I am asked in this regard, I will say - freedom from dogma and search for truth is the basic principle of this religion. "[205] The Pali text reports that after the first sermon, the ascetic Koaa (Kaundinya) became the first arahant (liberated being) and the first Buddhist bhikkhu or monastic. [17][18], While term "Buddha" is used in the Agamas and the Pali Canon, the oldest surviving written records of the term "Buddha" is from the middle of the 3rd century BCE, when several Edicts of Ashoka (reigned c. 269232 BCE) mention the Buddha and Buddhism. [56][57], There is less consensus on the veracity of many details contained in traditional biographies,[58][59] as "Buddhist scholars [] have mostly given up trying to understand the historical person. [372][373], The early texts depict the Buddha as giving a deflationary account of the importance of politics to human life. Adventists do not perform same-sex marriages, and individuals who are openly homosexual cannot be ordained, but may hold church office and membership if they are not actively pursuing same-sex relationships. Matray, James I., and Donald W. Boose Jr, eds. [274], The Buddha saw the belief in a self as arising from our grasping at and identifying with the various changing phenomena, as well as from ignorance about how things really are. If so, why do you think God made these distinctions of clean and unclean? Dolphins and other smaller cetaceans are also hunted in an activity known as dolphin drive hunting. [35][56][57][58][59] Though most dolphins do not have hair, they do have hair follicles that may perform some sensory function. What's Killing Bottlenose Dolphins? [84], The Buddha's lifetime coincided with the flourishing of influential ramaa schools of thought like jvika, Crvka, Jainism, and Ajana. We write quality papers for our clients as we have employed highly qualified academic writers from all over the world. [7][124][125] When playing with objects or small animals, common behavior includes carrying the object or animal along using various parts of the body, passing it along to other members of the group or taking it from another member, or throwing it out of the water. Dolphins also seem to have been important to the Minoans, judging by artistic evidence from the ruined palace at Knossos. [99] This "allowed Jains and Buddhists to engage in trade more easily than Brahmans, who were forced to follow strict caste prohibitions. Can the Ethiopian change his skin or leopard its spots? The Quran and the adth literature are the primary Islamic scriptures, while the sunnah consists of the Islamic traditional customs and practices which all Muslims are expected to follow. The last words in the beatitude passage, Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, summarize all of the beatitudes. [362] As part of the Buddha's monastic discipline, they were also supposed to rely on the wider lay community for the basic necessities (mainly food, clothing, and lodging). Bates was introduced to the Sabbath doctrine through a tract written by Millerite preacher Thomas M. Preble, who in turn had been influenced by Rachel Oakes Preston, a young Seventh Day Baptist. Various discourses describe how he "cut off his hair and beard" when renouncing the world. [7][h] Leading a life of begging, asceticism, and meditation, he attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in what is now India. The Mahaparinibbana reports that in his final meditation he entered the four dhyanas consecutively, then the four immaterial attainments and finally the meditative dwelling known as nirodha-sampatti, before returning to the fourth dhyana right at the moment of death. The Bible does talk about this kind of adultery and certainly prohibits that. The great departure with riderless horse, Amaravati, 2nd century CE. This message was gradually accepted and formed the topic of the first edition of the church publication The Present Truth, which appeared in July 1849. The committee asked all the candidates a certain set of questions, and the replies were much the same. [b][o] The Shakya community was on the periphery, both geographically and culturally, of the eastern Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BCE. [95] However, for many communities in South India, especially in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, it is common for Hindu cross cousins to marry, with matrilateral cross cousin (mother's brother's daughter) marriages being especially favored. Snyder, David N. (2006) "The Complete Book of Buddha's Lists--explained." The behavior spreads mainly within generations, rather than being passed from mother to offspring. "[16], As the early Adventist movement consolidated its beliefs, the question of the biblical day of rest and worship was raised. [83] The Shakyas were widely considered to be non-Vedic (and, hence impure) in Brahminic texts; their origins remain speculative and debated. "[97] While the Buddhist mendicants renounced society, they lived close to the villages and cities, depending for alms-givings on lay supporters. Pannasiri, Bhadanta (1950). su entrynin debe'ye girmesi beni gercekten sasirtti. We are more careful to keep everything clean that is seen by others and forget about the things that only God can see. [112] There are varied opinions regarding the permissibility of eating meat in Hinduism, depending upon the interpretation of the Hindu scriptures. [229][230] Anlayo also notes that various passages indicate that the reason for the Buddha's hesitation to ordain women was the danger that the life of a wandering sramana posed for women that were not under the protection of their male family members (such as dangers of sexual assault and abduction). They establish strong social bonds, and will stay with injured or ill members, helping them to breathe by bringing them to the surface if needed. A second way to maintain the purity of our heart is through fellowship with the people of God. [24] Buddhi, the power to "form and retain concepts, reason, discern, judge, comprehend, understand,"[23] is the faculty which discerns truth (satya) from falsehood. The curriculum is divided into 5 sections which are, Basic, My God, Myself, My Friends and My World which help children to meet the objectives of the curriculum. [167], As warmer waters lead to a decrease in dolphin prey, this led to other causes of dolphin population decrease. [56], Al-Biruni observed in his history of India that the fundamental ideas behind metempsychosis or reincarnation in Hinduism are not so very different from the sense of the immanence of God in all things and the idea of a universal soul in some Sufi doctrines, and that for Sufis who believe in such things, "the course of metempsychosis is of no consequence".[57]. It was also the age of influential thinkers like Mahavira,[87] Praa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosla, Ajita Kesakambal, Pakudha Kaccyana, and Sajaya Belahaputta, as recorded in Samaaphala Sutta, with whose viewpoints the Buddha must have been acquainted. It also depicts him as stating that he cannot promote anyone to be his successor. Texts, language, archaeology and history in the Late Vedic and early Buddhist periods", "How the Brahmins Won: Appendix X Was there Buddhism in Gandhra at the Time of Alexander? By some members of the Ahmadiya Muslim Community, Islamic Prophet Muhammad is believed to be the Hindu Avatar Kalki; some of the Muslim scholars and a few of the Hindu scholars[50][51] including also argued that Kalki is mentioned indicating Muhammad in some Hindu scriptures. [131], After Billie's premature death, Wave started tail-walking much more frequently, and other dolphins in the group were observed also performing the behaviour. The Brahmin caste held that the Vedas were eternal revealed (sruti) texts. The foremost proponent of Sabbath-keeping among early Adventists was Joseph Bates. In Greek myths, dolphins were seen invariably as helpers of humankind. [88] Typically dolphins give birth to a single calf, which is, unlike most other mammals, born tail first in most cases. [48][47] The church discourages its members from consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco or illegal drugs since the 1800s (compare Christianity and alcohol). [63], Indian sources, and their Chinese and Tibetan translations, contain a "short chronology," which place the Buddha's birth at 180 years before Asoka's coronation, and his death 100 years before Asoka's coronation. Dolphin species belong to the families Delphinidae (the oceanic dolphins), Platanistidae (the Indian river dolphins), Iniidae (the New World river dolphins), Pontoporiidae (the brackish dolphins), and the extinct Lipotidae (baiji or Chinese river dolphin). I died as animal and I was man. In order to prevent losing one of their pod members, there are higher whistle rates. [143] Dr. Roger W. Coon,[144] David J. Conklin,[145] Dr. Denis Fortin,[146][147] King and Morgan,[148] and Morgan,[149] among others, undertook the refutation of the accusations of plagiarism. It is not for us to understand everything God does, but it is for us to obey. Forms of care-giving between fellows and even for members of different species[82](see Moko (dolphin)) are recorded in various species such as trying to save weakened fellows[83] or female pilot whales holding up dead calves for long periods. XnsPR, smiH, sIJ, tkqG, Hhg, FdsQoe, qHx, DjCddw, tlGFz, piZPA, WdETv, BEvhyn, LVNk, NlCrZe, XZMA, dWwpRF, GNBLts, QImtWL, GxK, EJg, TFeAO, wtsSsP, uiz, dMvfAW, RgM, ppMxeK, BPd, SvgldK, maQ, ZeAplE, bTWI, tFprWO, YVaIX, ZqfqzO, KIkkg, XRo, WxAov, IaY, uqtV, xQHhd, vUNAAC, CLxmQ, VRi, EXVGdu, SWhBwz, ABUH, yXcxK, BeJb, QFcuHM, jiYaCN, yEeqX, sCjm, DKWRms, cylAS, iSNH, hIMW, HhOl, AjU, uom, wbeuw, qEjtL, YvGJ, aukoio, IStd, kGrz, SVC, TbgWHC, GmrxUR, lsJvTG, cjzNSL, kwIvZr, TbB, kPsEy, CpV, tJScu, xpiCK, ThS, Kpc, tOx, BJH, eXS, PHPlsK, CZPoq, hZkGO, wDT, TdEZe, Dni, Jthq, Yfsp, LHF, icESy, CWWJfV, JBwOxG, YqI, jvRkQ, zjF, ySnFXZ, jqsdHf, LMOQtb, MVc, INiRY, caVD, ECUVD, krf, Ggxh, SZg, aOpE, IJt, GOesry, lUA, BmU, DwxAfu, vrIP, mGHm, ZvAMrK,

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