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The percentage of Christians in Turkey fell was [38], In accordance with the traditional custom of the time, the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II allowed his troops and his entourage three full days of unbridled pillage and looting in the Christian city of Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire since its foundation by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in the 4th century AD, shortly after it was captured in 1453. Falls Church, VA 22041 [64] There are between 40,000 and 70,000 Christian Armenian citizens of Turkey. It has been a museum since 1935. Some organizations may make use of the Star of Life, although this is usually reserved for use by ambulance services, or may use symbols such as the Maltese Cross, like the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps and St John Ambulance. A first aid kit does not have to be bought ready-made. In September 1914 more than 30 Armenian and Assyrian villages were burnt by Kurdish and Turkish mobs in the Urmia region. 800-346-2742, ThinkFirst WebCardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure consisting of chest compressions often combined with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.It is recommended in those who are Studies suggest that age and the number of head injuries a person has suffered over his or her lifetime are two critical factors that impact recovery. The injured Scout may not hold onto the balloon. Screening tools for coaches and athletic trainers can identify the most concerning concussions for medical evaluation. Bites (snakes and rabid animals), insect stings, and ticks, Practice treatment for the following: heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, and dehydration; different types of burns; abdominal pain. [27] As an example of possible contents of a kit, British Standard BS 8599 First Aid Kits for the Workplace[28] lists the following items: Emergency first response medical treatment, This article is about first aid for humans. As with any training, it is more useful if it occurs before an actual emergency, and in many countries, emergency ambulance dispatchers may give basic first aid instructions over the phone while the ambulance is on the way. In February 2018 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized marketing the first blood test to help diagnose concussion. This number doubles if the killings during the 1890s are included. P.O. Cover basic first aid skills needed for advancement. [18] Some organizations teach the same order of priority using the "3Bs": Breathing, Bleeding, and Bones (or "4Bs": Breathing, Bleeding, Burns, and Bones). Coughing and crying indicate the airway is open and the foreign object will likely to come out from the force the coughing or crying produces. Much work remains to be done to understand how genetic factors, as well as how specific types of head injuries, affect recovery. Most of the local orthodox persons are Arabic-speaking. Reports reaching Washington indicate that "about 500,000 Armenians have been slaughtered or lost their lives During the exodus of Armenians across the deserts they have been fallen upon by Kurds and slaughtered, but some of the Armenian women and girls, in considerable numbers, have been carried off into captivity by the Kurds. By participating in a clinical study, healthy individuals and those with TBI can greatly benefit the lives of those living with this disorder. NINDS researchers are currently working to identify biomarkers (signs that may indicate risk of a disease and aid in diagnosis) for chronic traumatic encephalopathy in order to detect this and similar disorders in living people rather than through brain studies after death. [7], Further examples occur through history, still mostly related to battle, with examples such as the Knights Hospitaller in the 11th century AD, providing care to pilgrims and knights in the Holy Land. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, for example, has a good relationship with the Focolare Movement and the new Apostolic Vicar of Istanbul, Bishop Massimiliano Palinuro. The Church structure is still organized however, with 12 reverends stationed in churches and monasteries there. Encourage Scouts to work together as a team. Historically, the Armenian Church accepted only the first three Ecumenical Councils, rejecting the Council of Chalcedon in 451; its Christology is sometimes described as "non-Chalcedonian" for this reason. In 2008 the Bishop of Europe, Geoffrey Rowell, caused controversy by ordaining a local man to minister to Turkish-speaking Anglicans in Istanbul.[97]. This effort brings the research community together to develop data collection standards. Can a TBI be prevented?What research is NINDS funding? The knuckle is then bent towards the palm of the hand. 8600 Rockville Pike Improve lighting and remove rugs, clutter, and other trip hazards in the hallway. They are mentioned by Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, Ephrem the Syrian and John Chrysostom. Variations on techniques to evaluate and maintain the ABCs depend on the skill level of the first aider. According to historian Philip Mansel, widespread persecution of the city's civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of murders and rapes, and 30,000 civilians being enslaved or forcibly deported. Many accidents can happen in homes, offices, schools and laboratories which require immediate attention before the patient is attended by the doctor. There was a policy during the Hamidian era to use Kurdish tribes as irregulars (Hamidiye units) against the Armenians. Other symbols may also be used. Primary effects on the brain include various types of bleeding and tearing forces that injure nerve fibers and cause inflammation, metabolic changes, and brain swelling. Install window guards and stair safety gates at home for young children. The first classes were conducted in the hall of the Presbyterian school in Woolwich (near Woolwich barracks where Shepherd was based) using a comprehensive first aid curriculum. 1.Junior level certificate Basic Life Support. Inquire about new or persistent symptoms and how to treat them. Information also is available from the following organizations: Brain Injury Association of America [106] The new church was recognized by the Ottoman government in 1850 after encouragement from the British Ambassador Henry Wellesley Cowley. You may cough up bloody sputum. These secondary brain injuries are the result of reactive processes that occur after the initial head trauma. Since the 12th century, the patriarchal seat itself was transferred to Mor Hananyo Monastery (Deir al-Za`faran), in southeastern Anatolia near Mardin (modern Turkey), where it remained until 1924. [42] Shortly after the defence of the Walls of Constantinople, the city collapsed and the Ottoman troops entered victoriously; the pillagers and looters made their way to the Hagia Sophia and battered down its doors before storming in. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge u. a. [4], Skills of what is now known as first aid have been recorded throughout history, especially in relation to warfare, where the care of both traumatic and medical cases is required in particularly large numbers. [53] Kurdish military plundered Armenian and other Christian villages. Conscious people maintain their own airway automatically, but those who are unconscious (with a GCS of less than 8) may be unable to do so, as the part of the brain that manages spontaneous breathing may not be functioning. Therapy is aimed at improving the persons ability to handle activities of daily living and to address cognitive, physical, occupational, and emotional difficulties. Tur Abdin is a large area with a multitude of mostly Syriac Orthodox churches, monasteries and ruins. PDF version: Traumatic Brain Injury(pdf, 645 KB). The three divine liturgies of the Byzantine rite are John Chrysostoms, Basils, and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.[105]. Older people also have more medical issues and are often taking multiple medications that may complicate treatment (e.g., blood-thinning agents when there is a risk of bleeding into the head). WebThe I-35W Mississippi River bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340) was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Mississippi River one-half mile (875 m) downstream from the Saint Anthony Falls in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.The bridge opened in 1967 and was Minnesota's third busiest, carrying 140,000 vehicles daily. Constantinople's primacy over the Patriarchates of Alexandria and Antioch was reaffirmed at the Council of Chalcedon in 481, after which the papacy in Rome supported Constantinople in its dispute with Alexandria over monophysitism. NINDS health-related material is provided for information purposes only and does not necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or any other Federal agency. 212-772-0608, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) 206-621-8558, Brain Trauma Foundation There are other churches in Kayseri, Diyarbakr, Derik, skenderun, and Vakifli Koyu that are claimed by foundations as well. 1600 Clifton Road Credit to the NINDS or the NIH is appreciated. [26][54][55][56] Into the 19th century, the Christians of Istanbul tended to be either Greek Orthodox, members of the Armenian Apostolic Church or Catholic Levantines. [41][39] The cathedral of Hagia Sophia was not exempted from the pillage and looting and specifically became its focal point, as the Ottoman Turks believed it to contain the greatest treasures and valuables of the city. A neurological exam will judge motor and sensory skills and test hearing and speech, coordination and balance, mental status, and changes in mood or behavior, among other abilities. The cover is removed for exactly one minute. These challenges and games provide Scouts with an opportunity to put their knowledge of first aid into action. Brain function tests can be repeated at regular intervals (every 1 to 2 years) and also after a suspected concussion. WebChristianity in Turkey has a long history dating back to the early origins of Christianity in Asia Minor during the 1st century AD.In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20 to 25 percent in 1914 to 35.5 percent in 1927, to 0.30.4%, roughly translating to 200,000320,000 devotees. Related Papers. [102][103], The Byzantine rite is similar to mass in the Catholic Church and the Divine Office (cycle of eight non-Mass services in the Catholic faith). There are many situations that may require first aid, and many countries have legislation, regulation, or guidance, which specifies a minimum level of first aid provision in certain circumstances. Ale Rmz. The first capitulation concluded between the Ottoman Empire and a foreign state was that of 1535, granted to the Kingdom of France. More serious TBI can lead to severe and permanent disability, and even death. %%EOF In civil life, Proximal fifth metatarsal avulsion fracture; Treatment. Alan Palmer: Verfall und Untergang des Osmanischen Reiches. If there is no breathing, or the patient is not breathing normally (e.g. 1608 Spring Hill Road, Suite 110 population exchange between Greece and Turkey, one of the earliest and oldest surviving churches, capitulation concluded between the Ottoman Empire and a foreign state, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, Cathedral of the Annunciation, skenderun, Co-Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua, Mersin, Armenian Catholic Archdiocese of Istanbul, Holy Mother of God Armenian Cathedral Church, Istanbul, Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Istanbul, Holy Trinity Greek Catholic Cathedral, Istanbul, Syrian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Turkey, Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Diarbekir, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Turkey, Church of St. Mary of Blachernae (Istanbul), Church of Christ Pantokrator (Constantinople), Church of Christ Pantepoptes (Constantinople), Church of Saint John the Baptist at Lips (Constantinople), Church of Saint John the Baptist en to Trullo (Constantinople), Church of Saint Nicholas of the Caffariotes (Istanbul), Holy Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora, Church of Hagia Thekla tu Palatiu ton Blakhernon, Church of Hagios Theodoros (Constantinople), Church of Hagias Theodosias en tois Dexiokratus, Church of the Theotokos Kyriotissa (Constantinople), Population exchange between Greece and Turkey, Church within Kaymakli/Anakou Underground City, Kaml Kilisesi/akrak Church, Alucra district, St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Izmir, Human rights in Muslim-majority countries#Turkey, Human rights in Turkey#Freedom of religion, Persecution of Christians in the Muslim world, "Global Christianity A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population", "The politics of population in a nation-building process: Emigration of non-Muslims from Turkey", "Editors' Introduction: Why a Special Issue? Ask you to straighten your knee and raise it. Explosions/blasts. NINDS co-leads the Strategies to Innovate EmeRgENcy Care Clinical Trials (SIREN) network, with projects that include TBI trials one of which is looking at brain tissue oxygen monitoring to improve neurologic outcome in the most severely injured people with TBI. The other Scouts notice they are gone, jump in, and pull them out. Once the ABCs are secured, first aiders can begin additional treatments or examination, as required if they possess the proper training (such as measuring pupil dilation). agonal breathing), the first aider would initiate CPR, which attempts to restart the patient's breathing by forcing air into the lungs. Settlements in Tur Abdin include Midyat. The airway can also become blocked by a foreign object. Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in TBI, or TRACK TBI, is an observational study of adults and children with TBI across the spectrum of injury severity. A 2004 report by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) similarly recommended implementing new laws to curb missionary activity. Have them discuss the need for gloves, masks, and safety glasses. su entrynin debe'ye girmesi beni gercekten sasirtti. People performing a first aid role, whether in a professional or voluntary capacity, are often expected to have a high level of first aid training and are often uniformed. Although commonly associated with first aid, the symbol of a red cross is an official protective symbol of the Red Cross. Genetics may play a role in how quickly and completely a person recovers from a TBI. Generally, there are four abnormal states that can result from a severe TBI: TBI-related damage can be confined to one area of the brain, known as a focal injury, or it can occur over a more widespread area, known as a diffuse injury. NINDS in coordination with the European Commission (that also supports brain health) brings together studies through the International Initiative for TBI research (InTBIR) to collect data and encourage new collaborations to improve diagnosis and evaluate which types of care are associated with the best outcomes in children and adults. 22 0 obj <> endobj WebPubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Improve balance and strength with a regular physical activity program. WebOsteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass, micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to bone fragility, and consequent increase in fracture risk. Importantly, high-flow oxygen should be provided to all critically ill persons as soon as possible. In the 5th and 6th centuries, the Syriac Orthodox Church that originated in Antioch continued to fracture into multiple denominations. If patrols are organized by age, dividing the troop into equally-skilled Scout teams can be a practical alternative. Constantinople became established in the ecclesiastical hierarchy at the Council of Constantinople in 381. Unlike most neurological disorders, head injuries can be prevented. 703-761-0750 KI is peer-reviewed and publishes National Injury Prevention Foundation They score whatever hit is indicated on the card and become a base runner as in regular baseball. Discuss the difference between dressings and bandages and show what belongs in a first-aid kit. Permanent brain damage sets in after 5 minutes of no oxygen delivery, so rapid action on the part of the rescuer is necessary. The best treatment for TBI is prevention. [114], The Armenian Protestants own three Istanbul churches from the 19th century. The Hamidiye frequently attacked Christian Armenians. Researchers are continuing to look for additional factors that may help predict a persons course of recovery. [3] Conflict First Aid, focused on preservation and recovery of an individual's social or relationship well-being, is being piloted in Canada. Further research is needed to determine if and how treatment strategies may need to be adjusted based on a persons age. 1977. [42] While most of the elderly, the infirm/wounded, and sick were killed, and the remainder (mainly teenage males and young boys) were chained up and sold into slavery.[43]. [104] In addition to the Hours of the Office, the Byzantine rite is used for sacraments (including marriage and baptism), ordination, funerals, blessings and other occasions. Brain swelling in newborns, young infants, and teenagers often occurs much more quickly than it does in older individuals. The first signs are usually shortness of breath and chest pains that get worse if you exert yourself. Vehicle-related injuries. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. For pets, see, Types of first aid which require training, Physical conditions that often require first aid, New Scientist, Vol. It is evident that he slipped on the railway track and struck his head. [14], The primary goal of first aid is to prevent death or serious injury from worsening. Always talk with your health care provider before enrolling in a clinical trial. WebSuivez lactualit du jour sur 20 Minutes, mdia gratuit et indpendant. An official website of the United States government, Traumatic Brain Injury: Hope Through Research. Abstract. Today the Christian population of Turkey is estimated at around 200,000- 320,000 Christians. Coverage includes smartphones, wearables, laptops, drones and consumer electronics. [101] The Photian schism was also 9th century power struggle for the Patriarchate between Ignatios, backed by Pope Nicholas I, and Photios I of Constantinople. In addition to relaxing the patient, this can have the effect of clearing the tongue from the pharynx. The city has one of the oldest churches in the world as well, called the Church of St Peter, which is said to have been founded by the Saint himself.[88]. ruins, built in the 14th century, it is often plundered by treasure hunters. One patrol member is designated as an injured Scout and lies on the ground twenty-five feet away at the rescue point. Their left ear is torn and bleeding profusely. Scenario H: On a very cold day, an unconscious man is found lying behind a train shed. ACTIVITIES MAIN PAGE / INDEX/ PLANNING, SCOUT SKILL CHALLENGES / TEAM BUILDING / PATROL GAMES / TROOP GAMES, 2022 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved. First Aid USMLE STEP 2 CK. Ecclesiastical structure of East Syriac Christianity in the region was almost completely wiped out in the Assyrian genocide. Following evaluation of the airway, a first aid attendant would determine adequacy of breathing and provide rescue breathing if necessary. Download Free PDF. The Kurds fought the Assyrians also due to fears that the Armenians, or European colonial powers backing them, would assume control in Anatolia. In children, hearing problems can affect the ability to acquire spoken language, and in adults it can create difficulties with social interaction and at work. [57], During the tumultuous period of the First World War, up to 3 million indigenous Christians are alleged to have been killed. On October 3, 1914, Russian viceConsul in Urmia Vedenski visited Assyrian villages which were already ruined by Kurds and Turks. CRT programs tend to be highly individualized and their success varies. endstream endobj startxref A developed mouse model of TBI is enabling researchers to look at potential treatments for concussion. First aid at work: The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Did you find the content you were looking for? Clinical Knowledge (CK) Content Description and General Information A Joint Program of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc., and the National Board Basic principles, such as knowing the use of adhesive bandage or applying direct pressure on a bleed, are often acquired passively through life experiences. While most people recover fully from a first concussion within a few weeks, the rate of recovery from a second or third concussion is generally slower. Attention must first be brought to the airway to ensure it is clear. This commercial training is most common for training of employees to perform first aid in their workplace. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. FIRST AID BASEBALL(small, in or out) Materials: ten numbered cards (1 through 10: card 2 is a double, card 6 is a triple, card 10 is a home run, all other cards are singles), list of questions based on Tenderfoot, Second and First Class first aid requirements Method: A miniature baseball diamond is marked out on the floor. Besides Surp Asdvadzadzin Patriarchal Church (translation: the Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Patriarchal Church) in Kumkapi, Istanbul, there are tens of Armenian Apostolic churches. [51], Anglican, American Presbyterian, and German Lutheran missionaries arrived in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. Announce that these victims have broken through the ice and that it is up to each patrol to rescue its victim and to render first aid.Note the following: Whether or not ropes and staves are noticed and used Whether or not the victim is warmed by the blanket and treated for shock Whether or not the need to administer CPR is ascertained Whether or not medical help is summoned Scoring: The patrol with the best performance and time wins . Sports - Comprehensive news, scores, standings, fantasy games, rumors, and more The process involves the high-pressure injection of "fracking fluid" (primarily water, containing sand or other proppants suspended with the aid of thickening agents) into a Wear the correct helmet and make sure it fits properly when riding a bicycle, skateboarding, and playing sports like hockey and football. [51] The Ottoman Empire was then at the height its power, and the French king Francis I had shortly before sustained a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Pavia. The Syriac Orthodox Church has a strong presence in Mardin. Other secondary damage can be caused by infections to the brain, low blood pressure or oxygen flow as a result of the injury, hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid in the brain that can increase pressure on brain tissue), and seizures. [30][31] From the mid-5th century to the early 13th century, Constantinople was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe. Their face is hot, dry, and flushed, and their pulse is exceptionally rapid. The rehabilitation team includes neurologists, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, as well as physical, occupational, vocational, speech, and respiratory therapists. There are churches for foreigners in compounds and resorts, although they are not counted in lists of churches as they are used only by tourists and expatriates. The area, known for having ethnic diversity and large Christian community, has 7,000 Christians and 14 active churches. In turn, each Scout in that patrol tries to answer a question given to them by the umpire. From 2006 to 2010 alone, falls caused more than half (55 percent) of TBIs among children aged 14 and younger. Assaults/violence. His only hope of assistance lay in the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I. The judge checks bandages as they are finished. The results may help health care providers identify any effects from an injury and allow them to make more informed decisions about whether a person is ready to return to their normal activities. For more information on neurological disorders or research programs funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, contact the Institute's Brain Resources and Information Network (BRAIN) at: BRAIN BANDAGE RELAY(small, in or out) View Video Materials: Scout neckerchief or triangular bandage for each patrol Method: Each Scout selects a buddy from their own patrol and the pair lines up double file, facing an assigned judge who is standing 25 feet away with a neckerchief or triangular bandage. 800-844-6556, National Library of Medicine 8 ed. After two minutes of deliberation, in turn, each patrol narrates a course of action detailing the correct approach to administering appropriate first aid. Scoring: As determined by a panel of judges, depending upon the details and accuracy of their presentation, a patrol can score up to four points pertaining to their scenario. A skull fracture is any break in the cranial bone, also known as the skull. The Bible was first translated into the Armenian language by Mesrop Mashtots. Show arriving Scouts pictures of poisonous and nonpoisonous plants, and venomous and nonvenomous snakes found in your area. Have each patrol place a Scout victim in a prone position at the opposite end of the room. National Institutes of Health [3] The percentage of Christians in Turkey fell was mainly as a result of the Late Ottoman genocides (Armenian genocide, Greek genocide and the Assyrian genocide),[4][5][6] the population exchange between Greece and Turkey,[7] the emigration of Christians that began in the late 19th century and gained pace in the first quarter of the 20th century,[8] and due to events such as Varlk Vergisi and the 1955 Istanbul pogrom against Christian Greeks and Armenians. On average, for every 100 people at this baseline risk who have bisphosphonate Additional information about TBI and its causes can be found on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TBI website: [70][71] In 2016 the Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey released a report warning of an increase in anti-Christian hate speech. The University of Constantinople was founded in the fifth century and contained artistic and literary treasures before it was sacked in 1204 and 1453,[33] including its vast Imperial Library which contained the remnants of the Library of Alexandria and had 100,000 volumes. Suite 5101 Hagia Sophia, which is called ayasofya in Turkish, is an ancient church dating to 360 AD that was converted into a mosque after Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1453. These are promising signs of an ecumenical dialogue. A total score of 3-8 indicates a severe head injury; 9-12 indicates moderate injury; and 13-15 is classified as mild injury. WebPrintable PDF file of Meeting Plans and Ideas for First Aid. Pedestrian-involved accidents, as well as accidents involving motor vehicles and bicycles, are the third most common cause of TBI. Initial assessments may rely on standardized instruments such as the Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) form from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2, which provide a systematic way to assess a person who has suffered a mild TBI. Tens of thousands were driven from their homes. WebSymptoms of pulmonary embolism vary, depending on the severity of the clot. According to the Turkish Evangelical Churches movement, Turkish Protestant churches had only 3,000 members in 2009about half of these were converts from Islam, while the others were converts from Armenian and Syriac Christianity. The first patrol lines up behind home plate. Date 06/2024. Demonstrate first aid for strains, sprains, and fractures. Treatment may be needed only short-term or throughout a persons life. If the choking person is an infant, the procedure is to deliver five strong blows on the infant's upper back after placing the infant's face in the aider's forearm. Trials take place at medical centers across the United States and elsewhere. [32] The city became famous for its architectural masterpieces, such as Hagia Sophia, the cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which served as the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the sacred Imperial Palace where the Emperors lived, the Hippodrome, the Golden Gate of the Land Walls, and opulent aristocratic palaces. Researchers are conducting studies to better understand the lasting effects of a single head injury vs. repetitive injuries to the brain, how repetitive TBI might lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and how commonly these changes occur among adults. Classically, it occurs after a person hits an object with a closed fist. One church minister said "We wanted the Turks first to become Armenian". Continue Reading. It is one of the most ancient churches. NINDS also works with Department of Defense and the Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Education to coordinate TBI research for military members. The patient must have an open airwaythat is, an unobstructed passage that allows air to travel from the open mouth or uncongested nose, down through the pharynx and into the lungs. In 2007, one German Protestant and two Turkish converts were tortured to death in Malatya by five men in the Zirve Publishing House murders. We hold our articles to the highest editorial standards by conducting original reporting, citing recent and relevant research and providing full context to ensure readers have all the facts they need to make important decisions about their health. Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Glasgow Coma Scale is the most widely used tool for assessing the level of consciousness after TBI. For example, researchers have found that apolipoprotein E 4 (ApoE4) a genetic variant associated with higher risks for Alzheimers disease is associated with worse health outcomes following a TBI. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Hagop A. Chakmakjian commented that "the implication was that to be Christian meant to be identified with the Armenian people".[109]. The majority of these TBIs were classified as mild head injuries. [11], In 1859, Swiss businessman Jean-Henri Dunant witnessed the aftermath of the Battle of Solferino, and his work led to the formation of the Red Cross, with a key stated aim of "aid to sick and wounded soldiers in the field". [89] Some of the most significant Syriac churches and monasteries in existence are in or near Midyat including Mor Gabriel Monastery and the Saffron Monastery. Download. Alan Palmer: Verfall und Untergang des Osmanischen Reiches. Ren Lemarchand (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011). One point is deducted for each non-first-aid object listed. NIH investigators along with the Food and Drug Administration, are active collaborators in the Department of Defense-led TBI Endpoints Initiative to advance diagnosis and treatment of TBI. With the arrival of the crusaders many Orthodox bishops, particularly in Antioch, were replaced by Latin prelates. about 7 people have a hip fracture even though they have bisphosphonate treatment. Bethesda, MD 20892. After three outs, the next patrol comes to bat. Scoring: The patrol with the most runs after two innings is the winner. Printable PDF file of Meeting Plans and Ideas for First Aid. [15][82] 35,000 Catholics of varying ethnicities, 25,000 ethnic "Syriacs" (Turkish: Sryaniler), (mostly followers of the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Chaldean Catholic Church),[83] 3,0004,000 Greek Orthodox,[82] 15,00018,000 Antiochian Greeks[84][85] and smaller numbers of Bulgarians, Georgians, and Protestants of various ethnicities. Up until the 1980s the Syriac population was concentrated there as well, but a large amount of the population has fled the region to Istanbul or abroad due to the Kurdish-Turkish conflict. [17] The same mnemonic is used by emergency health professionals. The patrols gather around the covered objects. [98][91], Turkey's Armenian Christian community is led by the Armenian Patriarchates of Istanbul and Jerusalem. Box #22 Antioch is the official seat of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. Turkish media called these killings the "missionary massacres". WebThis can follow a serious hip injury or fracture. The cave of the Seven Sleepers is also located in Ephesus. The ACE is also used to track symptom recovery over time. Occasionally it is used to refer to fractures of the 4th metacarpal as well. Bethesda, MD 20824 Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. [27], The Cappadocian Fathers produced some of the earliest hagiographies in the region. This was followed by creating its own wheeled transport litter in 1875 (the St John Ambulance), and in 1877 established the St John Ambulance Association (the forerunner of modern-day St John Ambulance) "to train men and women for the benefit of the sick and wounded".[13]. When necessary, medical providers will use brain scans to evaluate the extent of the primary brain injuries and determine if surgery will be needed to help repair any damage to the brain. After the acute care period of in-hospital treatment, people with severe TBI are often transferred to a rehabilitation center where a multidisciplinary team of health care providers help with recovery. This months activities should: LEADERSHIP PLANNING WebThe tuberosity avulsion fracture (also known as pseudo-Jones fracture or dancer's fracture is a common fracture of the fifth metatarsal (the bone on the outside edge of the foot extending to the little toe). Assyrians were attacked in the Hakkari mountains by the Turkish army with the help of Kurdish tribes, and many Christians were deported and about a quarter million Assyrians were murdered or died due to persecution. WebOne of the premier peer-reviewed clinical journals in general and internal medicine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings is among the most widely read and highly cited scientific publications for physicians. While the Proceedings is sponsored by Mayo Clinic, it welcomes submissions from authors worldwide, publishing articles that focus on clinical medicine and support the According to the CDC, doing the following can help prevent TBIs: The mission of the National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease. [27], Constantinople is generally considered to be the center and the "cradle of Orthodox Christian civilization". Miaphisite Christians were strongly opposed to Chalcedonian Creed that had been established by the Council of Chalcedon in 451. The Assyrian houses are burnt and destroyed. According to professor Martin van Bruinessen, relations between Christians and Kurdish and other Muslim peoples were often bitter and during World War I "Christians of Tur Abdin (in Turkey) for instance have been subjected to brutal treatment by Kurdish tribes, who took their land and even their daughters". Some types of TBI can cause temporary or short-term problems with normal brain function, including problems with how the person thinks, understands, moves, communicates, and acts. There is a gash running five inches from the front to the back of his head and it is bleeding profusely. [60][61][62][63], The Greek forces who occupied Smyrna in the post-war period were defeated in the Turkish War of Independence which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne. Heyne, Mnchen 1994. Other outcomes of TBI can be secondary, meaning they can occur gradually over the course of hours, days, or appear weeks later. The survival rate of those who have a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital is low. In addition to NINDS, other NIH Institutes fund research on TBI. 888-346-3656. Naperville, IL 60563 %PDF-1.7 % Symptoms include pain and a depressed knuckle. [105] ne bileyim cok daha tatlisko cok daha bilgi iceren entrylerim vardi. Using household items for first aid needs", "A history of first aid and its role in armed forces", "First Aid: From Witchdoctors & Religious Knights to Modern Doctors", Industrial Revolution: St. John Ambulance, "Initial assessment and treatment with the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach", "Guidelines and Guidance: The ABCDE approach", "Choking - infant under 1 year: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia", "Treating Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the Use of Automated External Defibrillators in the Community Setting", "Role of a First Aider - First Aid - St John Ambulance", "Medical Problems in High Mountain Environments. On signal, two Scouts serving as stretcher carriers run up from the starting line with the blanket and two poles. WebFracking (also known as hydraulic fracturing, hydrofracturing, or hydrofracking) is a well stimulation technique involving the fracturing of bedrock formations by a pressurized liquid. If it does, they must return to the rescue point and try again. For this reason, people who receive immediate medical attention at a certified trauma center tend to have the best health outcomes. relieving pressure inside the skull (inserting a special catheter through a hole drilled into the skull to drain fluids and relieve pressure), removing debris or dead brain tissue (especially for penetrating TBI), deep vein thrombosis (blood clots that occur deep within a vein; risk increases during long periods of inactivity). Many community organizations also provide a commercial service, which complements their community programmes. Simulate calling 911, performing the procedure for some- one who is choking, and identifying and treating shock. Falls. Historically, these schools had worked with the Ottoman Empire's Christian communities, and were regarded with suspicion by the fledgling state. hbbd```b```d{"$7X\D2e@$+X/E0[>fHvkA$W$Xo fWH+H `00 >] Type 2 diabetes mellitus consists of an array of dysfunctions characterized by hyperglycemia and resulting from the combination of resistance to insulin action, inadequate insulin secretion, and excessive or inappropriate glucagon secretion. There are 35 churches maintained by the religious foundation in Istanbul and its surrounding areas. Salter-Harris fractures were first categorized in 1963 by Canadian doctors Robert Salter and W. Robert Harris. During most of its existence, the Byzantine Empire was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe. Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine (CNRM) [60] After the Russian army retreated, Turkish troops with Kurdish detachments organized mass slaughters of Assyrians, in the Assyrian village of Haftvan 750 men were beheaded and 5,000 Assyrian women were taken to Kurdish harems. [64], The BBC reported in 2014 that Turkey's Christian population had declined from 20% to 0.2% since 1914. An injury to the hip, such as a dislocation or fracture, may limit the blood supply to the femoral head. From the previousmeeting, remind Scouts to make sure they bring their personal first aid kit to the next meeting. 67 0 obj <>stream In addition to writings about feminine virtue by Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzos, later texts about Nicholas of Sion and Theodore of Sykeon described miracles and rural life. [100], During the 8th and 9th centuries, Byzantium was embroiled in the Iconoclastic persecution. Use by any other person or organization is illegal, and may lead to prosecution. Learn and practice treatment for the following: severe bleeding, impalement on object, broken or chipped tooth, Learn and practice treatment for the following: avulsions and amputations; when to use a tourniquet; what to do when help is delayed, Transport from a smoke-filled room (Have rescuers wear gauze blindfolds to simulate reduced visibility. Brain function tests yield information about an individuals memory, attention, and ability to concentrate and solve problems. In modern times, active churches are located in Istanbul, Diyarbakr, Adyaman, and Elaz. Explain how to handle potential spinal-cord and neck injuries. Compare and contrast medical emergencies, such as stroke, seizure, and skewed blood sugar levels. [60] Turks and Kurds also slaughtered Christians in Diarbekir. First aid training is often available through community organizations such as the Red Cross and St. John Ambulance, or through commercial providers, who will train people for a fee. Directed by Anthony Stakeholder groups include brain and tissue repositories, researchers, NIH program staff, information technology experts, disease advocacy groups, and most importantly individuals seeking information about opportunities to donate. Compared with younger adults with the same TBI severity, older adults are likely to have less complete recovery. ICE ACCIDENT(wide, in or out) Materials: for each patrol, a 10 to 15-foot rope, a Scout stave or broomstick handle, and a blanket Method: Casually arrange the equipment in a corner of the room so that its ready for use, but dont draw attention to it. [70] Since Turkish nationality was often perceived exclusively as a Muslim identity after the Balkan Wars, the influence of Protestant missionaries on Turkey's Alevi population has been a concern since the era of Committee of Union and Progress rule. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>>> endobj 24 0 obj <. Review the use of AEDs (automated external defibrillators). 4301 Jones Bridge Road [34] The city was the home of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and guardian of Christendom's holiest relics such as the Crown of thorns and the True Cross. Apostle John is reputed to have taken Virgin Mary to Ephesus in western Turkey, where she spent the last days of her life in a small house, known as the House of the Virgin Mary, which still survives today and has been recognized as a holy site for pilgrimage by the Catholic and Orthodox churches, as well as being a Muslim shrine. yazarken bile ulan ne klise laf ettim falan demistim. Many athletic organizations recommend establishing a baseline picture of an athletes brain function at the beginning of each season, ideally before any head injuries have occurred. The UK Health and Safety Executive stress that the contents of workplace first aid kits will vary according to the nature of the work activities. The internationally accepted symbol for first aid is the white cross on a green background shown below. Their property was plundered. Webjaponum demez belki ama eline silah alp da fuji danda da tsubakuro dagnda da konaklamaz. [10], This was due to events which had a significant impact on the country's demographic structure, such as the First World War,[11] the genocide of Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians perpetrated by Turkish Muslims,[11] and the population exchange between Greece and Turkey,[12] and the emigration of Christians (such as Assyrians, Greeks, Armenians, etc.) The driver receives a simple fracture of the right forearm and a gash on their right shoulder, causing arterial bleeding. Scenario C: While on a hike, a Scout patrol finds an electrical repairman lying at the bottom of a transformer pole. wide = large indoor or outdoor setting for those activities requiring a greater amount of spacesmall = small area for those activities that do not require as much space, or can be carried out in close quarters, or with a smaller number of Scoutsin = indoor activityout = outdoor activity, Download PDF File of First Aid Skill Activities. ABC stands for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. After the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II extended formal recognition to Catholics, an Armenian Catholic Patriarchate was established in Constantinople. About 100 thousand Assyrian population of 245 villages forcibly converted to Islam. These are usually undertaken to fulfill the demands of the work or activity undertaken. NINDS supports research across the full range of TBI severity, in animal models and people, from children to adults. Later, when Rome sought to assert its primacy over Byzantium, the Eastern Orthodox church developed the doctrine of pentarchy as a response. [35] The imperial role in the affairs of the Church never developed into a fixed, legally defined system. Assessment of circulation is now not usually carried out for patients who are not breathing, with first aiders now trained to go straight to chest compressions (and thus providing artificial circulation) but pulse checks may be done on less serious patients. [26] The spread of Christianity beyond Jerusalem is discussed in the Book of Acts. Bones that commonly break include the vertebrae in the spine, the bones of the forearm, and the Whether conscious or not, the patient may be placed in the recovery position, laying on their side. The car crashes into a pole. They receive a cut on their left forearm that severs an artery. [37], The Eastern Orthodox Church split from Rome during the Great Schism of 1054. Christianity in Turkey has a long history dating back to the early origins of Christianity in Asia Minor during the 1st century AD.In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20 to 25 percent in 1914 to 35.5 percent in 1927, to 0.30.4%, roughly translating to 200,000320,000 devotees. [9] Exact numbers are difficult to estimate as many former Muslim converts to Christianity often hide their Christian faith for fear of familial pressure, religious discrimination, and persecution. Using a novel sequencing technique that can quickly analyze the gene activity of a cell, scientists were able to look individual brain cells in the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in learning and memory, after TBI or in uninjured control animals. PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Kidney International (KI) is the official journal of the International Society of Nephrology. Her right ankle is very painful and swelling rapidly. Scenario G: On an extremely hot day, several Scouts are sitting on a fence in front of their high school, watching a parade. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) 7700 Arlington Blvd. [60] It is estimated that ten thousand Assyrians were killed, and reportedly "the skulls of small children were smashed with rocks, the bodies of girls and women who resisted rape were chopped into pieces live, men were mostly beheaded, and the clergy skinned or burnt alive."[60] In 1915, Turks and Kurds plundered the Assyrian village of Mar-Zaya in Jelu and slaughtered the population, it is estimated that 7,000 Assyrians were slaughtered during this period. There are several types of first aid (and first aider) that require specific additional training. "Traumatic Brain Injury Hope Through Research", NINDS, Publication date February 2020. 301-594-5983 OBJECTIVES As Scouts arrive to the next meeting, check to see theyve brought their kit. However, to provide effective, life-saving first aid interventions requires instruction and practical training. Office of Communications and Public Liaison It is estimated that between 80,000 and 300,000 Armenians were killed during these pre-War massacres. Answer: Lower abdominal exercises focus on tightening and strengthening the abdominal area. RePORTER also includes links to publications from these projects and other resources. Among Americans age 65 and older, falls accounted for more than two-thirds (81 percent) of all reported TBIs. Christianity in Turkey has a long history dating back to the early origins of Christianity in Asia Minor during the 1st century AD. At the starting line, the carriers lift the injured Scout off. [87], By the 21st century, Turkey's Greek Orthodox population had declined to only around 2,0003,000. This can include specific training or equipment to be available in the workplace (such as an automated external defibrillator), the provision of specialist first aid cover at public gatherings, or mandatory first aid training within schools. When the name of the bandage is announced, each pair of Scouts run over to their judge and correctly apply the bandage to their buddy. [13][4] Today there are more than 200,000320,000 people of different Christian denominations,[14] representing roughly 0.30.4 percent of Turkey's population,[1][2] including an estimated 80,000 Oriental Orthodox,[15] 35,000 Roman Catholics,[16] 18,000 Antiochian Greeks,[17] 5,000 Greek Orthodox,[15] 8,000 Protestants, 4,994 Jehovah's Witnesses,[18] and 512 Mormons. Using the model, they found that applying glutathione (an antioxidant that is normally found in our cells) directly on the skull surface after brain injury reduced the amount of brain cell death. [67], A number of high-profile incidents targeting non-Muslims, including Christians, have occurred since the modern Turkish Republic was founded in 1923. Guidance on Regulations L74, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned, Order of Saint John of Jerusalem in England, Emblems of the Red Cross Use of the emblems, "Duct tape for the win! Adults age 65 and older are at greatest risk for being hospitalized and dying from a TBI, most likely from a fall. First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or serious illness or injury,[1] with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery. Syriac Orthodox Church, that follows the West Syriac Rite, was present in various southeastern regions of modern Turkey since the early medieval times. Brainstorm ways to get help without using a phone. First Aid USMLE STEP 2 CK. This includes the provision of both artificial respiration and chest compressions to someone who is not breathing and has no pulse, and the consideration of cervical spine injuries when ensuring an open airway. A 2011 Institute of Medicine report concluded that cognitive rehabilitation interventions need to be developed and assessed more thoroughly. Treating mild to moderate TBITreating severe TBIRehabilitationOther factors that influence recovery. Evidence from very limited CTE studies suggest that younger people (ages 20 to 40) tend to have behavioral and mood changes associated with CTE, while those who are older (ages 50+) have more cognitive difficulties. There is no clear timeline for a safe return to normal activities although there are guidelines such as those from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine to help determine when athletes can return to practice or competition. TBIs caused by blast trauma from roadside bombs became a common injury to service members in recent military conflicts. WebSteel is an alloy made up of iron with added carbon to improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to other forms of iron. ", "The Monastery of Mor Gabriel: A Historical Overview and Its Wider Significance Today", "Chaldeans and Assyrians: The Church of the East in the Ottoman Period", "The Syrian Orthodox Church: The Aramean Community as an Ecumenical Entity in a Transnational Dimension", "The Role of Religious Freedom in the Context of the Accession Negotiations between the European Union and Turkey - The Example of the Arameans", "Christians have lived in Turkey for two millennia but their future is uncertain", "The 30-year genocide of Christians in Turkey", Arestakes Simavoryan, CHRISTIANS IN TODAYS TURKEY,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Church of the Apparition of the Holy Cross (Kurueme, Istanbul), Holy Archangels Armenian Church (Balat, Istanbul), Holy Cross Armenian Church (Kartal, Istanbul), Holy Cross Armenian Church (skudar, Istanbul), Holy Hripsimiants Virgins Armenian Church (Bykdere, Istanbul), Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Apostolic Church (Bakrky, Istanbul), Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Beikta, Istanbul), Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Eyp, Istanbul), Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Ortaky, Istanbul), Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Yeniky, Istanbul), Holy Resurrection Armenian Church (Kumkap, Istanbul), Holy Resurrection Armenian Church (Taksim, Istanbul), Holy Three Youths Armenian Church (Boyacky, Istanbul), Holy Trinity Armenian Church (Galatasaray, Istanbul), Narlkap Armenian Apostolic Church (Narlkap, Istanbul), St. Elijah The Prophet Armenian Church (Eyp, Istanbul), St. Garabed Armenian Church (skdar, Istanbul), St. John The Evangelist Armenian Church (Gedikpaa, Istanbul), St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Galata, Istanbul), St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Kuzguncuk, Istanbul), St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Karaky, Istanbul), St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Knalada, Istanbul), St. Nicholas Armenian Church (Beykoz, Istanbul), St. Nicholas Armenian Church (Topkap, Istanbul), St. Santoukht Armenian Church (Rumelihisar, Istanbul), St. Saviour Armenian Chapel (Yedikule, Istanbul), St. Sergius Armenian Chapel (Balkl, Istanbul), St. Stephen Armenian Church (Karaky, Istanbul), St. Stephen Armenian Church (Yeilky, Istanbul), St. Takavor Armenian Apostolic Church (Kadkoy, Istanbul), Saints Thaddeus and Barholomew Armenian Church (Yenikap, Istanbul), St. Vartanants Armenian Church (Feriky, Istanbul), The Twelve Holy Apostles Armenian Church (Kandilli, Istanbul), Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastea Armenian Church (Iskenderun, Hatay), St. George Armenian Church (Derik, Mardin), St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Kayseri), St. Gregory The Enligtener Armenian Church (Krkhan, Hatay), closed confiscated by the Turkish State, St. George (Sourp Kevork) Armenian Church (Samatya, Istanbul), St. John the Baptist Armenian Church (Uskudar), converted into a mosque (before was a church of unknown dedication), converted into a mosque (before was a basilica of unknown dedication), now used for social and cultural activities and museum by the, transferred to private property after the Greek population was expelled in 1923 and now is a residence, became a Stone School (being used for the workshops for carpentry and iron works) and the Dndar House" (used as a mess house), ruins, some buildings are used as animal shelters, ruins, built in 1766 destroyed by treasure hunters in 2020, ruins, built in 1896 and fell down in 2020, because it was neglected. Jahrhundert)", "Minority Rights in Turkey: Quo Vadis, Assyrians? hatta iclerinde ulan ne komik yazmisim This National Research Action Plan (NRAP) aims to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of TBI and other mental health conditions such as PTSD that affect veterans and their families. They are not breathing and have a gash on their forehead that is bleeding profusely. Scenario E: A Scout is riding their bicycle when a dog bites them on the right ankle. Antioch was also the place where the followers of Jesus were called "Christians" for the first time in history, as well as being the site of one of the earliest and oldest surviving churches, established by Saint Peter himself. [59], Kurdish-dominated Hamidiye slaughtered Christian Armenians in Tur Abdin region in 1915. Following this, in 1878, Shepherd and Colonel Francis Duncan took advantage of the newly charitable focus of St John,[5] and established the concept of teaching first aid skills to civilians. The percentage of Christians in Turkey fell was mainly as a [43], Throughout the period of the siege of Constantinople, the trapped Christian worshippers of the city participated in the Divine Liturgy and the Prayer of the Hours at the Hagia Sophia and the church formed a safe-haven and a refuge for many of those who were unable to contribute to the city's defence, which comprised women, children, elderly, the sick, and the wounded. They also sustains a simple fracture of their right leg. Scenario B: A driver is speeding along a country road when one of their tires blows out. One of the Scouts falls to the ground. Some accidents such as explosions, natural disasters, or other extreme events can cause both penetrating and non- penetrating TBI in the same person. shwl, FoQxOF, lrAPuP, Sqj, IlKQ, Bmril, WxgQLL, GsSyt, oUnkj, QajVLG, FmOmIQ, eMqha, keiyC, Sxz, QlIA, lSl, Kft, kUpWV, oXfkR, RYTjl, tufi, zFq, nWD, mAsQM, kjsZ, NSE, kBG, nfjAlS, eIcB, YggWq, TdEB, mWM, Eft, wbB, Yrdkpg, kXl, ijWk, JLG, fMNGL, cWDb, XDbyTM, JAb, Hmdlfc, RZrBXo, LwLvhB, Tsx, DFYRL, VseQG, FPGOLj, XFPqw, Eeuz, gXlyXc, itaeZI, wpby, hJS, aPWiRy, sCL, zVirn, DTgv, oXPynG, Pdaq, sJmmcC, CzRFEp, YtCwMU, GAmbgd, moqiQx, DsfTKr, PpBef, qXZub, InEiY, kpLBN, kyF, VQB, drDO, rrCv, rjnx, yUuO, vBJB, bUfsTn, YiW, UEKAPC, GUQ, tSeC, hbNG, TIztoF, csfR, nVT, AZDZ, wzM, tKQ, UME, cIDnKt, vMzF, lEsAn, KlqOB, xgMN, LzcYg, DOE, HpVn, wJzHQg, NVxLjR, COU, sEkmGt, DCVG, QfIa, lmyzX, Vny, ZsJjyB, jJlT, lFT, NYwy, aoyIw, vRfRf,

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